MRI Results In. Questions.


May 30, 2015
Hey - Here's the backstory for anyone that's interested:

Anyway. My MRI results are in. I haven't been able to speak to my doctor yet (nice, right?)

Here's the results for the MR IAC WO W CONTRAST:

FINDINGS: The internal auditory canals are symmetric in size. The nerve roots are normal in appearance. There is a very prominent jugular bulb on the right that extends just inferior to the internal auditory canal. There are no abnormal enhancing masses within the internal auditory canals themselves.

1. Normal appearance to the internal auditory canals themselves.
2. There is prominent jugular bulb on the right that is just inferior to the right internal auditory canal.

Here are the results for the MR BRAIN W/WO:

FINDINGS: Within the left frontal lobe, there is a 5 mm punctate high-signal abnormality on FLAIR. The remainder of the gray-white matter junction is normal. There is no acute hemorrhage, midline shift, mass effect or extra-axial fluid collection. There is no acute restricted diffusion. Corpus callosum and craniocervical junction are intact. Optic chiasm and infundibulum are unremarkable. The jugular bulb on the right is prominent and extends just superior to the internal auditory canal. This is asymmetric to the contralateral side. There is no abnormal enhancement.

1. There is a punctate area of FLAIR-weighted abnormality involving the left parietal lobe. This is nonspecific and can be seen as an incidental finding related to headaches, demyelinating process or certain vasculitides.
2. There is a prominent jugular bulb on the right that extends just inferior to the right internal auditory canal.

Any thoughts?

I'm concerned about the 5 mm abnormality. While I'm a bit relieved that it can be seen as an "incidental finding" my paranoia and health anxiety is afraid it's not.

Could something like that be the cause of right-sided hearing loss/issues?

I'm assuming the large jugular bulb contributes to my PT.
I've spoken to my sister-in-law who's an RN and she thinks it sounds like i have Meniere's.

I'm still waiting to hear from my doctor.

I really like my ENT but I've gotta say I find it very unprofessional and even a bit unethical that I had access to my results before they could be explained to me by a professional.
i (finally) spoke with my doctor. he doesn't think this is meniere's. he thinks the jugular bulb is causing the PT.

as for the 5 mm abnormality, he thinks it's most likely an incidental finding but stated that he thinks a referral to neuro just to confirm is the right thing to do for peace of mind.

he's also ordering a CT to get a better look at things because, as he put it, "MRIs are great for finding things like tumors but CTs are much better at visualizing the small bones of the ear." he said this might help determine what is causing the autophony.

he mentioned SCD but after a little reading, it just doesn't seem to fit. i don't have any vestibular symptoms aside from very infrequent and brief dizziness, which I'm told is completely normal. of the auditory symptoms, i have several of them (PT, autophony, fullness) but all of those symptoms come and go. for example, my PT, which only happened in certain positions anyway, is almost non-existent now. the autophony and fullness seem to be tied together to some degree. i do have high-frequency hearing loss but SSCD appears to be associated with low-frequency loss.

this is all very frustrating and pretty scary. the fullness and autophony are easily the most concerning to me. if it matters, i feel like there's a pretty good correlation between the autophony and same-side congestion. i also, as crazy as this sounds, only tend to notice it while sitting. any insight would be appreciated.
Did you had a concussion or whiplash prior to your tinnitus? The 5mm abnormality might be from a concussion. I had whiplash in April and a concussion in May but didn't do an MRI for those. About the autophony and the same side congestion you are right. I'm more annoyed by sounds in the ear that it's nostril is most congested.
Did you had a concussion or whiplash prior to your tinnitus? The 5mm abnormality might be from a concussion. I had whiplash in April and a concussion in May but didn't do an MRI for those. About the autophony and the same side congestion you are right. I'm more annoyed by sounds in the ear that it's nostril is most congested.

no concussion or whiplash. i gave up aspartame and caffeine and most of my symptoms have subsided... for now at least..

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