Thank you
@fishbone . I'd hate to once again listen to the medical professionals who don't have to deal with my issues tell me "it's safe" and I end up with debilitating arthritis and can't work anymore.
I was going to create a thread on the idea/flashback you just gave me...But i'll just post it here.
I was talking to a friend of mine last night and he kept on raising his voice during the conversation. I told him that my ears ring and his loud voice is irritating my ears and I almost was going to walk away and dump the friendship. Then I tell him again, please don't scream and talk to me in such a loud voice. I told him that my ears ring VERY loud and his loud voice is like a sharp dagger being stuck in my ears.
He then starts laughing. He's like cmon man, are you serious. I said YES, this is no joke. People with mild tinnitus are in hell right now, I have INTRUSIVE pure hell/demon level stuff.
I told him I have been like this for a LONG TIME. Then he's like why have you been so lazy and not cured yourself. I explained to him that there is no cure. He's like cmon man, everything has a cure, you are just being lazy. The anger that was building up inside was very scary.
So basically he was telling me that I never tried to cure and was just living with this demon. I told him that my hearing is damaged. He's like DUDE "it's all in your mind", you can get rid of the ringing/hearing damage by being positive.
I use to have some respect for him, but after last night's conversation, I figured that he's not someone that I want to deal with again. He insults the very fabric, that has brought ME/US so so much pain.
Ignorance in this world is amazing folks. remain strong and DO NOT listen to idiots when they talk.
I had to stop our conversation and walk away, it was hitting me in the raw nerves. Others would have lost it and did something, I just ignored his ignorance and this conversation made me LOSE all respect for him as well....
Do not let others dictate your life for you. Always stand up for yourself. Other's do not walk in your shoes, they do not shed the same tears you/we do. Always be a voice and an advocate for yourself and those that suffer!