As a long time sufferer of Middle Ear Myoclonus/Tensor Tympani syndrome, I think I may have found results for clearing it and making it go away!
I went to a neurotologist and he may of found results.
First things first...Do you have seasonal/bad allergies? Do you always seem to have pressure/stuffy nose that never seems to go away? Have you taken a bad hit to the head/neck?
If you answered yes, then there are 2 possible cures for these spams.
1) You have Eustachian Tube dysfunction. Your eustachian tube opens and closes to keep your ear/outside pressure the same. This disorder makes it so your tube doesn't fully open up so the pressure isn't equal. This spasm happens because your inner ear has a tiny bit of "negative pressure" (think of a very light vacuum cleaner) and when the pressure isn't the same and the tube malfucntions, the pressure pushes the eardrum a bit, which causes a "spasm".
2) You're adenoids are enlarged/irritated.
My ENT says to take Flonase (a nasal steroid that is safe to take all year long) to try and clear up my allergies, mucus, a flem to open up my Eustachian tubes more so they can properly do their job.
If that doesn't work in a month, he said I might need to remove my adenoids (simple surgery with no real risks)
I'm posting this find because this disorder is so ANNOYING and there aren't many real cures or treatments out there for people. If you have any questions please post them here. Thanks
I went to a neurotologist and he may of found results.
First things first...Do you have seasonal/bad allergies? Do you always seem to have pressure/stuffy nose that never seems to go away? Have you taken a bad hit to the head/neck?
If you answered yes, then there are 2 possible cures for these spams.
1) You have Eustachian Tube dysfunction. Your eustachian tube opens and closes to keep your ear/outside pressure the same. This disorder makes it so your tube doesn't fully open up so the pressure isn't equal. This spasm happens because your inner ear has a tiny bit of "negative pressure" (think of a very light vacuum cleaner) and when the pressure isn't the same and the tube malfucntions, the pressure pushes the eardrum a bit, which causes a "spasm".
2) You're adenoids are enlarged/irritated.
My ENT says to take Flonase (a nasal steroid that is safe to take all year long) to try and clear up my allergies, mucus, a flem to open up my Eustachian tubes more so they can properly do their job.
If that doesn't work in a month, he said I might need to remove my adenoids (simple surgery with no real risks)
I'm posting this find because this disorder is so ANNOYING and there aren't many real cures or treatments out there for people. If you have any questions please post them here. Thanks