I can assure you 10% won't be actively buying it whether that be based on price or anything else. Some people I know don't give a shit about it and won't be paying through the nose to be hooked up to a machine an hour a day. They have simply learnt to live with it happily. Yes - those people exist.
Well, I like to think differently. If they can get a good advertising campaign going even people without tinnitus will buy it! Ha! Do you know what people do for beauty alone??? People pay thousands of dollars for cosmetic surgery and nothing is hurting them physically. That's just because that's what people do when persuaded that they need something. Advertising at its best.
People go under the knife, women go to the hair salon every week, have their nails done, tanning rooms, gym, etc. I don't think being "hooked" to a machine for an hour is going to kill sales (that's how long a woman spends at a hair salon or a man at the gym.) Plus, you wont be "hooked" to a machine. I believe you will still be able to move around and go about doing other things while you have your treatment. It becomes part of your daily routine to improve your quality of life. It really comes down to a good advertising campaign.
I also think that there are more people with tinnitus than reported. Once you get these commercials in the air... people will notice their tinnitus! And BAM!
You have a buyer. Even those people who "learned to live with it" will run to buy them!
Targeting audiologists, ENT's, doctors will also be great. Imagine: You go to your doctor because you have this awful ringing in your ears, you are so desperate and the doctor examines you and says: "Ok you have tinnitus and here's your prescription for a MuteButton, take it for 3 months one hour a day and tinnitus will be gone." If it is that bad and severe you will find a way to pay for it. Unless insurance covers it of course.
They need super GREAT Advertising/Public Relations and they will make it. If it really works.