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My Multiple Tinnitus Sounds Make Me Scared: What If They Keep Getting Worse?


Dec 11, 2020
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Hello everyone,

I am new here, and I am thankful there is Tinnitus Talk with such nice people. It makes me feel not so alone already.

It has been two months since I got tinnitus in my left ear. There were two different sounds. My right ear started with a beep type of sound soon after that, but only for a few hours maybe once a week.
Then, I started hearing something like a squeak over certain sounds (hair dryer, microwave, shower...) and when I walk around. This one is more in my head, like over me.
Three weeks after my left ear started, the right one joined in. It also plays two sounds, but not at the same time. Sometimes it is more like a buzz, sometimes more like a high pitched beep.

Now the sounds are changing all the time. Sometimes my left ear prevails, sometimes my right ear. This bothers me especially at night, it feels like they are taking turns asking for attention.
I cannot mask them so far, since I get a squeak over the masking sound.
Usually, in the morning, I wake up and I am pretty much in silence. My tinnitus sounds wake up a few minutes later, very quiet. And then they slowly go up. I quit caffeine just in case but I do not see a difference.

Now I am scared. I fear that new sounds continue to appear, that the one I only hear when I am moving around stays for good, I fear that this "something" going wrong is a process and I do not know when or whether it is going to stop.

So a big part of my anxiety is because I want to do everything I can in this early stages to stop it from getting worse. I am trying to read everything I can and deciding what to take. As you know, there is a lot of information to read, things that work for some people but not for others... I am overwhelmed.

So far, I have been taking:
- Ginkgo biloba, which I quit
- Magnesium citrate
- Multivitamin
- Tila, passiflora and melatonin for sleep​

Now I am going to add:
- L-theanine​

I do not know why I got tinnitus. I went to my family doctor and to the ENT, my hearing is perfect and so is everything else they looked at. I had a blood analysis done and everything was just fine. I live a healthy lifestyle, I do not listen to loud music, I did not take any pills, I did not have anxiety...

I wanted to share my story to see if there is someone here that can relate or give me their opinion.

What would you try to do if you were me?

I hope you can forgive me for my English, it has been a long time since I last used it...
Hi @Amaranta.

Welcome to the forum. Tinnitus can appear for no specific reason but usually something causes it. It is good that you have had some tests at ENT and probably rules out any underlying medical problem within your auditory system that is causing tinnitus. The next thing to consider is whether the tinnitus is noise induced. I know you said you that you don't listen to loud music. However, do you listen to music through headphones or earbuds? Do you use a Headset? These pieces of equipment are often responsible for the onset of tinnitus.

If you are a regular user of headphones, earbuds or headset even at low volumes, then it's likely one or more of these devices are the cause of the tinnitus. My advice is to stop using them.

Please click on my Avatar and then click on "Started Threads" In the list read my posts titled: New to tinnitus what to do. Tinnitus, A Personal View. Hyperacusis, As I see it. There are other articles that you may find of interest: The habituation process and Acquiring a positive mindset.

Stress and anxiety often accompanies tinnitus in the early stages. Talk to your family doctor who may prescribe something to help with this. More is explained in my posts. Try to avoid quiet rooms and surroundings especially at night, by using sound enrichment. You will find more information on sound enrichment, how to use it and the way it helps in my posts.

Take care and hope you start to feel better soon.

Unless you are getting new acoustic traumas, or continue taking ototoxic medication, your tinnitus ought to slowly get better.

It is a good sign that it isn't relentlessly at the same level.

Have you noticed any fading (i.e., more days when it is quieter, it starting to get louder at a later time in the day, etc.), compared to how it was a month ago?

You will want to make sure that you don't hurt your ears during this period of vulnerability as your body is healing. You will want to avoid taking ototoxic drugs, avoid microsuction or syringing (performed when you need to clean wax out of your ears; a manual tool should be used), and not let your dental hygienist use an ultrasonic scaling tool on you (a manual tool should be used). For more details, see

Hi @Michael Leigh

Thank you for responding!

I was not a regular user, but this summer I started listening to music or meditations through headphones... Maybe one or two hours per day. Do you think this might be the cause?

I have not used them since the onset in my left ear, and still three weeks after that, my right ear started ringing and buzzing as well.
Last Sunday I was on the phone through earbuds for about an hour, and I felt the tinnitus was louder after that...

I will try to find sounds that don't make mine louder, maybe that will help with the sleeping part.

I just found the posts you mention, I could not find the "started threads" on your avatar... but I got them now so I am going to read them now.

Thank you for all the information and good thoughts. I had a bad day... I am feeling a bit better now.
Hope you have a nice day today!
Hi @Bill Bauer.

Thank you for your positive input!

Trying to think positive, it is possible that I have days when it is pretty low intensity. It is difficult to compare with the first weeks, I felt everything was so intrusive...
The downside is that I still get new sounds, which I do not think it is good news. Last night I had a new whistle in my right ear... luckily it is not there at the moment.

Thank your for the link you sent me. There is lots of useful information.
I do have a full ear sensation in my right ear that comes and goes, along with a bit of pain. So maybe I did something it did not like. I have always been very sensitive to sound.

Hope you have a nice day!
I was not a regular user, but this summer I started listening to music or meditations through headphones... Maybe one or two hours per day. Do you think this might be the cause?
HI @Amaranta.

Headphones, earbuds and headsets are often the cause of tinnitus. My advice is not to use them even at low volumes. You have noticed your tinnitus has become louder using earbuds when on the phone. I strongly advise you to stop using them. Please go to my "Started threads" and read the articles I have mentioned, they are specifically written for people that have noise induced tinnitus.

Noise induced tinnitus usually improves with time providing you don't use headphones or subject your hearing to overly loud sounds. Please do not get into the practice of overusing hearing protection, this often causes more harm than good. More information about this is in my articles.

Take care and if you need any more advice please ask.
I hope you can forgive me for my English, it has been a long time since I last used it...
I found both your posts interesting to read. Please don't stop writing English, as it would be a shame to lose such a good writing style.
it is possible that I have days when it is pretty low intensity
This proves that your body is Capable of low intensity - a good sign.
I still get new sounds
Are these temporary spikes, or do the sounds stay?
Last night I had a new whistle in my right ear... luckily it is not there at the moment.
If this is the case for all of those new sounds you speak of, then I think what is happening is that your tinnitus is still very unstable and new. As time goes on stuff like that ought to stop happening.
So maybe I did something it did not like.
Try to figure out what might be setting it off, and then avoid it for 1-2 years.
HI @Amaranta.

Headphones, earbuds and headsets are often the cause of tinnitus. My advice is not to use them even at low volumes. You have noticed your tinnitus has become louder using earbuds when on the phone. I strongly advise you to stop using them. Please go to my "Started threads" and read the articles I have mentioned, they are specifically written for people that have noise induced tinnitus.

Noise induced tinnitus usually improves with time providing you don't use headphones or subject your hearing to overly loud sounds. Please do not get into the practice of overusing hearing protection, this often causes more harm than good. More information about this is in my articles.
Hi Michael,

I put away my headphones and earbuds, thinking that they might be the reason why I got tinnitus... They are lucky I didn't throw them in the garbage.

If I understood your thread on the topic, reactive tinnitus is a form of hyperacusis and should be treated accordingly. For example just now, it was raining outside, and this made me hear all sorts of sounds in my ears. I guess some of them were my "regular" tinnitus and some of them were different and temporary. This is tinnitus+hyperacusis... is that correct?
I found both your posts interesting to read. Please don't stop writing English, as it would be a shame to lose such a good writing style.
Haha, I think for now I will continue to entertain you with my writing style.

Thanks again for your feedback!
This proves that your body is Capable of low intensity - a good sign.

Are these temporary spikes, or do the sounds stay?

If this is the case for all of those new sounds you speak of, then I think what is happening is that your tinnitus is still very unstable and new. As time goes on stuff like that ought to stop happening.

Try to figure out what might be setting it off, and then avoid it for 1-2 years.
I would say that some of the sounds stay, some go away and some I don't know. The whistle in my right ear is back, so we will see what it decides on doing.

I find it very confusing, because lately my life is extremely quiet, my ears almost only listen to classical music (speakers) or they are outdoors (mostly in nature)... and still I get new sounds. This new one seems impossible to think that is noise induced.
I hope this gets stable (and quiet) soon.

Thank you for your advice!
Hi Michael,

I put away my headphones and earbuds, thinking that they might be the reason why I got tinnitus... They are lucky I didn't throw them in the garbage.

If I understood your thread on the topic, reactive tinnitus is a form of hyperacusis and should be treated accordingly. For example just now, it was raining outside, and this made me hear all sorts of sounds in my ears. I guess some of them were my "regular" tinnitus and some of them were different and temporary. This is tinnitus+hyperacusis... is that correct?
HI @Amaranta

Yes, you are correct. With time your tinnitus improve and depends how severe it is?
If it's not too bad and you can go about your daily life without difficulty, your progress should improve steadily. I don't want to give an exact time frame on this but anywhere from onset to 18 months. Providing you follow my suggestions. That means not to use headphones, earbuds, headset ever again. I know this sounds extreme. If you want get to better and I'm sure you will, then I advise never using these devices again.

I have corresponded with many people that have noise induced tinnitus caused by headphones/earbuds. When their tinnitus improved they returned to using them the tinnitus got worse. One person in this forum didn't use her headphones for 6 years. She began using them at low volume thinking this was safe. Within one week her tinnitus increased. When I last spoke with her she was unable to return to work because the tinnitus is too severe.

Regarding your hyperacusis. This affects people differently, some have it severe others have it moderate or mild. Follow my suggestions in my post: Hyperacusis, As I see it. This can take quite a while to improve so be patient.
Haha, I think for now I will continue to entertain you with my writing style.
Thanks again for your feedback!
Yes, I like to see good writing style and you certainly got it so don't lose it. If you don't mind me saying so: Read books written in English and this will improve your writing more. I wish I could speak and write in another language like you. Unfortunately that ship has sailed... lol

Bye for now and best of luck.
HI @Amaranta

Yes, you are correct. With time your tinnitus improve and depends how severe it is?
If it's not too bad and you can go about your daily life without difficulty, your progress should improve steadily. I don't want to give an exact time frame on this but anywhere from onset to 18 months. Providing you follow my suggestions. That means not to use headphones, earbuds, headset ever again. I know this sounds extreme. If you want get to better and I'm sure you will, then I advise never using these devices again.
Hi Michael,

I need to bother you one more time... Last Sunday night another whistle sound appeared in my right ear while sleeping, it was gone in the morning and then it came back in the afternoon. It has not left since then and it is way louder than the other ones I have (they are all still there). I hear it over almost anything.

I have not been exposed to loud noises or used headphones or earbuds... Do you still think the chances are that my tinnitus is noise induced?
Is it "normal" that this happens two months after the onset?

Last night I took Hydroxyzine for the anxiety and it put me to sleep. It also turned down all the noises I have.
Yes, I like to see good writing style and you certainly got it so don't lose it. If you don't mind me saying so: Read books written in English and this will improve your writing more. I wish I could speak and write in another language like you. Unfortunately that ship has sailed... lol
That is good advice, I know I should do it. At least I am reading this forum in English...

That is better than nothing!

Have a nice day!
I need to bother you one more time
You are not bothering me so feel free to ask questions and if I can help I'll try.
Last Sunday night another whistle sound appeared in my right ear while sleeping, it was gone in the morning and then it came back in the afternoon. It has not left since then and it is way louder than the other ones I have (they are all still there). I hear it over almost anything.
Tinnitus behaves this way especially in the early weeks and months. You have had tinnitus a short while and it will fluctuate and change a lot but will settle down in time. Use sound enrichment at night as mentioned in my post: New to tinnitus what to do. It is on my started threads.
I have not been exposed to loud noises or used headphones or earbuds... Do you still think the chances are that my tinnitus is noise induced?
Is it "normal" that this happens two months after the onset?
From what you have described in your previous posts, I feel confident to say your tinnitus is "Noise induced" and probably a result of using earbuds. This is the way it behaves. The tinnitus will settle down in time but I strongly advise you never to use headphones or earbuds again even at low volume. It is your choice whether to follow my advice. I have many years personal experience of noise induced tinnitus and corresponding with people with it. Headphones and earbuds are often the cause. Unfortunately, when some people habituate they return to using these devices thinking they are safe. Sadly some people experience an increase in the tinnitus using them.

You are not bothering me so feel free to ask questions and if I can help I'll try.

Thank you Michael, you are so kind!!

Tinnitus behaves this way especially in the early weeks and months. You have had tinnitus a short while and it will fluctuate and change a lot but will settle down in time. Use sound enrichment at night as mentioned in my post: New to tinnitus what to do. It is on my started threads.

This helps me cope with the situation. I get specially anxious when I think that this is only going downhill and there is nothing I can do to stop it. I almost only listen to classical music now, through speakers and low volume. I will remind myself that this is normal and it will settle down in time.

I really appreciate your help, thank you!
Have a nice day!!
There's endless worsening for some, without additional trauma or noise or further ototoxic meds.

My tinnitus and hearing loss wasn't noise induced at all.
Hi Guenguer,

How are you doing?

I read a couple of posts you wrote elsewhere about the sounds you hear, they made me sad. For you but also for me. I relate to the tinnitus part, even though mine is "only" 8 months old.

Unfortunately, things did keep getting worse and I have no clue why. I got a new sound every month, more or less. In my left ear sometimes I am no longer able to distinguish how many I have. I only notice when one of the most annoying ones is louder than the others. I am at a point where, when they show up as a constant tone and buzz (this has happened in my right ear) I feel happy and pray they stay like that. In fact at this point I no longer pray for this to go away, I do not think it is realistic, I just want it to stop getting worse.

I manage to function and I do it well for now. I took a very important test at work in March and somehow I got a very good grade, I have the second part in two weeks and I am being able to study. I think my family does not remember my problem or think that I am doing better. I do not talk about it any more. I am back to crying alone and letting the despair in only when I am home (so, alone).

I am now sure that this is not noise induced, and it is not somatic either. I do not think it is drug induced either. I never took any pills. Now I take hydroxyzine for sleep, a very low dose because I find the sedating effect very powerful (I am a small person). I take it once every two, three or four days. In between I take Valerian root and passion flower, it usually works fine, but I tend to wake up too early and that makes the day a bit more difficult.

Anyway, this is my update. Thanks to anyone reading it, I felt the need to vent.
Hope you have a good day :)
Hi Guenguer,

How are you doing?

I read a couple of posts you wrote elsewhere about the sounds you hear, they made me sad. For you but also for me. I relate to the tinnitus part, even though mine is "only" 8 months old.

Unfortunately, things did keep getting worse and I have no clue why. I got a new sound every month, more or less. In my left ear sometimes I am no longer able to distinguish how many I have. I only notice when one of the most annoying ones is louder than the others. I am at a point where, when they show up as a constant tone and buzz (this has happened in my right ear) I feel happy and pray they stay like that. In fact at this point I no longer pray for this to go away, I do not think it is realistic, I just want it to stop getting worse.

I manage to function and I do it well for now. I took a very important test at work in March and somehow I got a very good grade, I have the second part in two weeks and I am being able to study. I think my family does not remember my problem or think that I am doing better. I do not talk about it any more. I am back to crying alone and letting the despair in only when I am home (so, alone).

I am now sure that this is not noise induced, and it is not somatic either. I do not think it is drug induced either. I never took any pills. Now I take hydroxyzine for sleep, a very low dose because I find the sedating effect very powerful (I am a small person). I take it once every two, three or four days. In between I take Valerian root and passion flower, it usually works fine, but I tend to wake up too early and that makes the day a bit more difficult.

Anyway, this is my update. Thanks to anyone reading it, I felt the need to vent.
Hope you have a good day :)
Is Hydroxyzine ototoxic?
Is Hydroxyzine ototoxic?
I have experience with Hydroxyzine.

Hydroxyzine is not ototoxic, i.e. it doesn't cause damage to the inner ear. It is an antihistamine with anticholinergic effects, this means that it affects the nervous system, hence causing sedation. I'm by no means knowledgeable in the field of medicine, but because the drug acts on the nervous system, it can definitely interact with tinnitus.

I started taking Hydroxyzine when I got tinnitus in order to calm down and get to sleep, and it worked really well. I only took it one or two nights every now and then, and I saw no ill effects from that. In February, because of anxiety, I took it for more consecutive days than before, 7 days, and I believe I developed increased volume, new tones, and worse hyperacusis because of that, but I'm not entirely certain.

I'd say that it's rather safe to take for a night or two every once in a while, but I'd be very cautious to use it for more consecutive days. Otherwise, it's a great drug, non-addictive and for me, rather effective.

Just my 2 cents.
I have experience with Hydroxyzine.

Hydroxyzine is not ototoxic, i.e. it doesn't cause damage to the inner ear. It is an antihistamine with anticholinergic effects, this means that it affects the nervous system, hence causing sedation. I'm by no means knowledgeable in the field of medicine, but because the drug acts on the nervous system, it can definitely interact with tinnitus.

I started taking Hydroxyzine when I got tinnitus in order to calm down and get to sleep, and it worked really well. I only took it one or two nights every now and then, and I saw no ill effects from that. In February, because of anxiety, I took it for more consecutive days than before, 7 days, and I believe I developed increased volume, new tones, and worse hyperacusis because of that, but I'm not entirely certain.

I'd say that it's rather safe to take for a night or two every once in a while, but I'd be very cautious to use it for more consecutive days. Otherwise, it's a great drug, non-addictive and for me, rather effective.

Just my 2 cents.
How is your tones now and hyperacusis?
How is your tones now and hyperacusis?
Regarding hyperacusis; no improvements for 3 months. At one point, after a 2 hour coffee with 2 other guests, I was set back to a really bad place and I haven't recovered yet to the previous tolerances. I'm just now maybe seeing small improvements, and that is due to me slowly and gradually introducing sound again. Hyperacusis is tricky; it doesn't take much to set you back, and the road back can be excruciatingly long.

As for the tones, I believe most of the tones I gained in February has subsided, or at least merged together. Now I have 3-4 tones instead of 7-8. My volume has increased though to a level that seems to correlate with the hearing loss in respective ears.
Regarding hyperacusis; no improvements for 3 months. At one point, after a 2 hour coffee with 2 other guests, I was set back to a really bad place and I haven't recovered yet to the previous tolerances. I'm just now maybe seeing small improvements, and that is due to me slowly and gradually introducing sound again. Hyperacusis is tricky; it doesn't take much to set you back, and the road back can be excruciatingly long.

As for the tones, I believe most of the tones I gained in February has subsided, or at least merged together. Now I have 3-4 tones instead of 7-8. My volume has increased though to a level that seems to correlate with the hearing loss in respective ears.
Damn that sounds terrible. It looks though that you may make progress over time given no more setbacks. I'm not sure if I have hyperacusis or not. I don't feel pain but I sometimes wince at sounds, other times I'm ok. The ringing now gets higher with noise. I'm not sure what to do or who to believe since everyone hates Michael here lol and based on multi tone reactive people it seems my life is over.
Damn that sounds terrible. It looks though that you may make progress over time given no more setbacks.
I believe and hope I will recover to a manageable level, at some point, but it seems to take loads of time.
I'm not sure if I have hyperacusis or not. I don't feel pain but I sometimes wince at sounds, other times I'm ok.
There are different forms of hyperacusis, as described on the forum, often times referred to as pain or loudness hyperacusis. If you feel that some previously "harmless" sounds makes you feel "this is too loud", then you may have some mild loudness hyperacusis. I have a pretty bad case of loudness hyperacusis, but there are those that have it a lot worse than me with even lower tolerances.
I'm not sure what to do or who to believe since everyone hates Michael here lol and based on multi tone reactive people it seems my life is over.
I believe Michael has some really good and spot on advice, as a lot of it seems true in my own experience, it's just that what works for some may not work for others, and I think a lot of hostility stems from that.

I think it's too early to say that one's life is over. As I've written to you, I believe that you can recover to a manageable level given that we avoid big setbacks yet still expose ourselves to mild sound. I think we may regain our tolerances by doing so, and in time, loads of time, we may see improvement. There's a lot of testimonies of people with reactive or spiking tinnitus which improve, so I'd try to sit calmly in the boat and ride this crap out.

All the best man,
I believe and hope I will recover to a manageable level, at some point, but it seems to take loads of time.

There are different forms of hyperacusis, as described on the forum, often times referred to as pain or loudness hyperacusis. If you feel that some previously "harmless" sounds makes you feel "this is too loud", then you may have some mild loudness hyperacusis. I have a pretty bad case of loudness hyperacusis, but there are those that have it a lot worse than me with even lower tolerances.

I believe Michael has some really good and spot on advice, as a lot of it seems true in my own experience, it's just that what works for some may not work for others, and I think a lot of hostility stems from that.

I think it's too early to say that one's life is over. As I've written to you, I believe that you can recover to a manageable level given that we avoid big setbacks yet still expose ourselves to mild sound. I think we may regain our tolerances by doing so, and in time, loads of time, we may see improvement. There's a lot of testimonies of people with reactive or spiking tinnitus which improve, so I'd try to sit calmly in the boat and ride this crap out.

All the best man,
Thanks man. I appreciate the honesty and reasoning. I guess going to the movies while on Prednisone was stupid lol.
How the hell can this shit keep getting worse. There's no sense to it and we are already warned that something is wrong with us so no need for more shit.

Soon we won't hear the dinosaur trying to get us because of all this internal noise.

Good night...
How the hell can this shit keep getting worse. There's no sense to it and we are already warned that something is wrong with us so no need for more shit.

Soon we won't hear the dinosaur trying to get us because of all this internal noise.

Good night...
Why is it getting worse for you? Doctors can't see anything medically wrong?

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