what if silence is when neurotransmitters are flowing and and sounds are actually the interruption of those? like an inverse?
nerve on = silence
nerve off = sound
that sure as hell would perfectly explain tinnitus.
think about a binary wave. we want to think of the 1 as the signal but sometimes it is actually the 0.
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what if the silent state is the 1 and the 0 is what is carrying the sound information, the lack of signal rather. this would explain why tinnitus can start immediately, it's not depriving the brain of sound, it's depriving it of an active state which is itself silence. what if the little hair cells vibrating don't trigger the nerve impulse, but actually stop it and that's what sound perception is? Like your brain is always ringing (whoops there I go flip flopping again) and silence and sound are your nerves stopping it.
does that make sense to anyone else?