My Posting Place

You got the wars mixed up. I'm way older than Saddam's war.
Eisenhower thought hard about Nam.
The French thought they could succeed only to find out they had no clue to jungle warfare. So the American government said we can win. Not, 50,000 men killed during a "police action"

Sorry Mr. Adam's a lot of boys killed for what purpose?

I will not get into any argument over a situation as that was.

Go dissect a worm.
Don't even get me started about the Civil War - and I come from Yankee stock!
Enough today-ringing for today already thank you
take good hard look at this nonsense
View attachment 34186


Don't be so negative, just recover guys! A first good step is exposure to normal activities like using headphones and going to bars

"catastrophic misinpretation of the sound". Thanks, I already hate myself for letting T affect my life negatively, but that's some next level strong language there bud
I think you are wrong. That war was to stop north Vietnam from communism in south Vietnam and nobody wins at war.
Yeah man. Obviously being an idiot.

I know all about the Vietnam war. Gulf of Tonkin false flag. Ho Chi Min Trail. Mole rats. Dumb ass hippies calling soldiers "baby-killers" whether or not they even were. Crazy shit. What blows my mind the most is that there isn't even really an anti-war movement in America right now. Most people with a functioning brain know that 9/11 was also a false flag yet the war in Afghanistan continues on without any real opposition.
Yeah man. Obviously being an idiot.

I know all about the Vietnam war. Gulf of Tonkin false flag. Ho Chi Min Trail. Mole rats. Dumb ass hippies calling soldiers "baby-killers" whether or not they even were. Crazy shit. What blows my mind the most is that there isn't even really an anti-war movement in America right now. Most people with a functioning brain know that 9/11 was also a false flag yet the war in Afghanistan continues on without any real opposition.
And the three most dangerous men at the helm of world destruction.
I did lots of homework whether an afterlife exists or not.

I can't outrule it. But I am doubtful.

Hi I'm sorry for the late response as I replied to this but it didn't go through properly.

Thats a lot more a a reasonable position.
Thank you for being intellectually honest.
explain to me why you think there is anything after this?
I haven't made any claims here or stated what I believe. I was just stating that science is limited in this area and that's no insult to to science. I enjoy science philosophy and studies of religion.

It seems consciousnesses can be pin pointed to a wrapping of giant neuronal connections around the brain.

Also anesthetics remove counciousness and they don't bring us to an afterlife.

Also if there is an afterlife why not just try to find out. lmao
Thanks for the article and I took a look at it twice. It hasn't really proven anything in an absolute sense or beyond a reasonable doubt either. But it is interesting and I can appreciate your student mentality, it is something many can learn from.

I have to kindly disagree with you though in this matter.
View attachment 34195.
"Catastrophic misinterpretation of the sound"? Written by someone who clearly has never had tinnitus in their life. Makes me rage.
We have people with respected jobs in academia, giving opinions about people's horrible suffering, that are blaming the suffering on the patients.

The patient community has done something wrong.
I don't see what the big deal is. They just made a few mistakes. Maybe an intern put the chart together... :dunno:
I shuffled a few things around it makes a bit more sense. Please give me research funds. Thx.


If I don't do this then I'm practicing irrational avoidance behavior.


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