I wish I could say well but I'm really not. Seems I traded my mild hyperacusis for something far worse.
My whole experience the last two months has made pinning down causes very difficult. My ear syringing pretty much definitely caused my initial noise-related hearing loss, but my valsalva the day after that may have not been as innocuous as I'd hoped.
It started a few weeks ago where suddenly I woke up to the room spinning for about 2 seconds, followed by random bursts of vestibular failure symptoms (vertigo, feeling like I was falling while I was sitting still, also visible nystagmus) and this scared the hell out of me. I have a good doctor right now trying to definitively pin down what's going on (possible fistulae) but I feel like I'm fading away; I'm losing my mind... Also now instead of direct pain, loud sounds make me feel sick.
Guys you might have a shitty ring in your ears but at least you can stand up without feeling like you're on a boat and walk straight; count your blessings even though it's still real rough. I still even have tinnitus and it's haunting and traumatic but I'd take it any day of the week over this balance crap.
Be nice to people and don't blow your noses too hard, kids. Oh my fuck I hate how fragile ears are.