Panpsychism is what happens when a materialist thinks deeply about phenomena in the brain that physics students over looked. 20th century scientist were NOTORIOUS for assuming consciousness and life were mere pathethic accidents of physics. If you read academic literature from the 20th century those BLEEPers insisted the Universe was a random accident of physics with nothing but particles in a void. Aron Ra and Richard Dawkins give a very good example of that school of thought today.
If you reductionize biology you get chemistry, durr... no controversy there, but an animals brain has mental states that are suppodely emmerging from non mental states. Reductionizing mental states is what leads to panpsychism. If you attempt to apply a reductionist scientific mindset towards mental states you realize they must be fundamental in some way. The 20th century mechanistic materialism fails to explain it.
Internal felt states and senses like Smell, Taste, Hearing, seeing color, Hot and Cold and all emotions we experience are assumed to not exist in the external world and are 100% dependent on our brains interpreting information.
How did these things emerge from unconscious matter? That is what David Chalmers calls the hard problem of consciousness. The problem is solved by allowing every particle in the Universe has 000000000.1% awareness and the ability to self assemble under the right conditions. That crazy idea can explain consciousness, evolution and abiogenesis better then materialism. Panpsychism and Idealism makes it easier to be an atheist.
Mechanistic atheism vs Idealistic Atheism is a serious debate. Non of these ideas require God did it ™.
The question is now, if consciousness is fundamental what the BLEEP does that mean? Or the question can remain contrast is a delusional shithead pondering on the nature of reality that will never be known. I still like the arguments the panpsychist are making. Scientist of the 20th century really did make lots of assumptions I never realized. They wanted a machine universe and it doesn't seem to be working that way.