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They really see tinnitus as only temporarily debilitating, people new to tinnitus and long-term sufferers debilitated by it just haven't found the right white noise or therapist yet.

Another issue that is not representing severe tinnitus sufferers. Even the story about a suicidal patient ends on a good note and how things get better.

New issue Spring 2020
  • "Things can and do get better with help!"
  • "In recent years, the tinnitus research community has shifted its attention to examining the effect of tinnitus on quality of life as opposed to such things as tinnitus pitch and loudness. That shift is significant because the perception of tinnitus - even when it's loud - may or may not bother someone; hence, the impact on quality of life is the central issue."
  • "We know how hard it is to find substantive help for tinnitus, so the ATA wants to ensure that anyone burdened by tinnitus knows that there are many options for managing it and finding relief", Jill Meltzer, AuD and chair of the ATA's board of directors shared.
  • "The theory is that if you can remove the fear and anxiety brought on by tinnitus and can relax about it, your brain will eventually realize that it is not a "real" danger and eventually tune it out as an unimportant and interesting noise, like a fan or refrigerator running in the background."
  • "Today's tinnitus treatments can help reduce awareness of it and the level of emotional disruption it can cause through sound therapy, counselling and education."
They really see tinnitus as only temporarily debilitating, people new to tinnitus and long-term sufferers debilitated by it just haven't found the right white noise or therapist yet.
If I didn't have first-hand experience with severe tinnitus, these messages would make me think tinnitus is not a big deal at all and that there are very viable treatments for relief already in existence.

I still have the CD, but my notebook can't read CD's and I'm to lazy to go down to bestbuy and buy a USB to CD reader. I can just download a virtual iso from


I remember playing this game when I was 5-7 years old.


Some homeopaths use panpsychism as an explanation on how water can maintain memories.

Further more how does water remembering a substance equal like cures like, when there is a ton of counter evidence stacked against homeopathy.
I am wondering if the reason people here consider why people consider idealistic/panpsychistic explanations for consciousness woo, is because people here are suffering and don't understand the argument I am making. I never made an argument for God, cures or miracles.

I don't know what it implies if consciousness is fundamental, but if serious neuroscientist and physicist suspect consciousness is part of the equation why are they not taken more seriously? A plant is probably more conscious then a super computer and it has no nerve cells.


Consciousness is the most mysterious thing in the Universe, it was ignored for several centuries and now science is forced to change it's model to make it fit. The current model isn't working, anesthetics work on animals and plants but don't work on computers.
Are mechanistic materialist giving themselves the illusion of being right by debating idiots? How does disproving all the worlds religious beliefs, automatically prove mechanistic materialism? It doesn't. Debunking religious fairytales doesn't prove your dogma right in the process.

Science on consciousness is relatively new and it's literally the only field where neo-panpsychism is being taken seriously by neuroscientist and physicist.

Science on consciousness is the only field where materialism is being criticized at the highest levels of academia. That's what makes things so freakin weird. Even 10 years ago this wasn't the case. The fact that panpychism shows up as an alternative to both God and materialism means it cannot be considered pseudoscience as it has explanatory power.
I'm surprised these "debunking/skeptic channels" don't target panpsychist/idealist ideas enough. These "new age crackpots" that talk about galaxies being conscious and psi phenomena in the animal kingdom and free will disproving materialism are not being criticized like religions.

I try to follow the meta of the debates, but the only problem is there are NOT enough debates.

ib4 they are too stupid to waste time debating. Yet they'll debate young earth creationist and flat earthers just for entertainment. They are far more focused on entertainment because they know anyone can win those debates and it's fun to expose stupid people.
I'm going to make a controversial prediction that may even happen in a few years or so.

If Tinnitus Hub as a whole ever does become "the dominating tinnitus organization" and more relevant than the ATA and BTA, it is going to attract backlash from the medical community. They may run into scenarios where the big name psychologists might end up directly addressing us as a group of zealots. I predict they will complain that lay people without any medical knowledge have basically formed their own forum for their own agency that goes against the standard practice and slows down the habituation process and promotes negative thinking etc...

The more I think about it, the more I realize this is inevitable if you guys want to make progress. This is literally part of a process that can be won. We are already on their radar, they just don't view us as a threat.

As Joyce put it "The Internet gives the suffering a voice like never before"

However I predict the psychologists will play catch up and encourage censorship. The meta is evolving.
Most people do not know alternative models of the Universe, they only think of terms of the big three monotheisms vs mechanistic materialism. They don't realize their are "alternative" options.

Mechanistic Materialist : Grant me the miracle of eternal mathematical laws, matter and energy and I'll explain everything

Idealist & panpsychist : Grant me the miracle of a primordial consciousness and I'll explain everything

Deist & Pantheist: Grant me a miracle of a creator deity that does not interfere with us, God may also be the Universe and I'll explain everything.

Theologian (Religious Deity): Grant me the miracle of a creator deity and I can explain everything but I also need a bunch of epic tales of super humans doing kick ass things and ultimate prophecy unfolding as well as potential homophobia and beating women.


Daily reminder that retard new age crack pots use this research to justify the delusion that the entire Universe is saturated with proto-consciousness and reality is created by imagination. They are arguing that basically consciousness is a sort of "dumb God" (for lack of a better word) that created the Universe through mental processes.

It is pseudoscience to take legit research on quantum mechanics that are WAY ABOVE THEIR HEADS and use it to justify magical thinking about consciousness.
If Rupert Sheldrake's definition on panpsychism is true then tornado's, hurricanes and storms could have proto consciousness.

Tornado's are self assembling phenomena, which would be an example of what they mean by proto consciousness assembling and interacting. The materialist would respond "Isn't it pathetic how panpsychist are trying to bring a pre-sciencey animistic explanation for natural phenomena?" The panpsychist responds by saying "What is the nature of reality"? Forcing the materalist to to question what matter and energy are subjectively. The materialist will respond by calling the panpsychist a nutjob for asking if matter has mental states. The conversation gets no where because the materialist shuts down the panpsychist with insults.
If you look at it from a technical point of view on what science so far tells us about the Universe, free will is basically just like magic. Quantum mechanics is the only thing in the Universe that might have something to do with it, but mainstream science is hostile to that idea.

People can choose to ignore the limited studies on trying to link consciousness to quantum phenomena, but is that honest science to ignore two mysterious that appear to be connected? Are they ignoring it because mechanistic materalism may be wrong and idealism is just how the universe works?

How is idealism (consciousness came first) pseudoscience?
Panpsychism is what happens when a materialist thinks deeply about phenomena in the brain that physics students over looked. 20th century scientist were NOTORIOUS for assuming consciousness and life were mere pathethic accidents of physics. If you read academic literature from the 20th century those BLEEPers insisted the Universe was a random accident of physics with nothing but particles in a void. Aron Ra and Richard Dawkins give a very good example of that school of thought today.

If you reductionize biology you get chemistry, durr... no controversy there, but an animals brain has mental states that are suppodely emmerging from non mental states. Reductionizing mental states is what leads to panpsychism. If you attempt to apply a reductionist scientific mindset towards mental states you realize they must be fundamental in some way. The 20th century mechanistic materialism fails to explain it.

Internal felt states and senses like Smell, Taste, Hearing, seeing color, Hot and Cold and all emotions we experience are assumed to not exist in the external world and are 100% dependent on our brains interpreting information.

How did these things emerge from unconscious matter? That is what David Chalmers calls the hard problem of consciousness. The problem is solved by allowing every particle in the Universe has 000000000.1% awareness and the ability to self assemble under the right conditions. That crazy idea can explain consciousness, evolution and abiogenesis better then materialism. Panpsychism and Idealism makes it easier to be an atheist.

Mechanistic atheism vs Idealistic Atheism is a serious debate. Non of these ideas require God did it ™.

The question is now, if consciousness is fundamental what the BLEEP does that mean? Or the question can remain contrast is a delusional shithead pondering on the nature of reality that will never be known. I still like the arguments the panpsychist are making. Scientist of the 20th century really did make lots of assumptions I never realized. They wanted a machine universe and it doesn't seem to be working that way.
Is mechanistic materialism popular because it's opponents are basically a laughing stock?

I wonder what would happen if Youtube was filled with tons of debate channels of panpsychist and idealist debunking religious myths, and nonsensical creationist views and supporting the theory of evolution and natural sciences? But instead of saying the Universe is a machine-like thing that randomly exist in a void, what if they said galaxies were conscious and part of an organsmic process. Instead of believing in dark matter, or wondering how abiogensis happened against virtually impossible odds. If the Universe is an organism it better explains how biological life formed in the first place.

Panspychsim fills in the gap that materialism can't. They can call you a new age nutjob, but they are the ones calling consciousness (everything we know exist) an illusion. They had since the 1920's to deal with the quantum measurement problem and they only came up with infinite universes to explain it away.
If you believe free will exist you basically have to believe that consciousness is manipulating the fabric of space-time and telekinesis over a biochemical puppet, as well as things we don't understand like quantum super position that represents all possibilities an organism can make. Basically magic.

If you don't believe in free will, you just accept you are a bag of chemicals obeying newtons laws. You make fewer assumptions and you dont have to have a complex panpsychist/idealist model of how consciousness is rendering or manipulating space-time. You just follow the data from the neuroscientist.

People who try to make scientific hypothesis about how free will works basically have to deny the existence of a universe outside of consciousness or say that quantum protoconscious fields are everywhere. They are the delusional ones who cannot accept their intuition is a lie.

We can't raise awareness for tinnitus, we are just particles smashing into each other, we have to hope the particles are already fixated for our success.

just kidding, physicist have yet to explain how vibrations of matter are consciously experienced as sound, or how shades of light are consciously experienced as color, or how chemicals are interpreted as smell and taste. They usually bullshit their way out of the problem by saying "it's a high level emergement phenomena of biochemical computation" but no one knows how subjectivity works, this is the hard problem of consciousness.

And denying your intuition and entire existence as an illusion is retarded.

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