My Precious Sylvia Has Passed Away

Dear Dave,

These are grave news and you have my condolence. We don't know each other well, but you can always write me if you want to.

So sorry for your loss of the love of your life, your dear wife. My deep condolences to you and your family.

I know how deep grief can hurt in loving a loved one, as I have lost my 5 years old son in a freak accident. It will take time to accept the stark reality of losing someone so dear in our life. As time moves on, we will gradually learn to accept and move on, and to remember all the good times together.

Through the experience of utmost sadness of losing my son, I have come to encounter many who had 'died' and come back and they all affirm the reality of the life after to me. This is not the end, if only the end of her earthly journey. Some day, as engraved on the tomb stone of my son, "We will meet again" and I testify to you the reality of that, we will meet again with our loved ones in a glorious realm we mortals simply fail to comprehend. My prayer is with you at this most difficult time.

This is devastating news. My heart aches for you, Dave. Your posts about Sylvia reflected your deep love for her and made me smile. I am so sorry that you're going through this. Know that you have the love and support from your community here on Tinnitus Talk.
Dear everybody - this is a very self-indulgent essay on Sylvie, my wife.
My precious Sylvia has been gone for less than 24 hours, but I have been grieving for months, knowing how ill she was, how sad she was to be losing her life, and how sad she was to be leaving us all so prematurely and unfairly, when she had so much more love to give - and particularly - so many more life-lessons to teach me.

I have been dreading this loss.
She was such a precious person.
In normal circumstances it would seem ridiculous to speak of any human being as being perfect - perfection being unattainable of course.
But I believe I observed her achieving perfection every day of her life.
She dispensed love with her beautifully benign smile and wonderfully warm attitude to everybody that she came into contact with.
You simply could not miss it.
Just look at all of these amazing tributes.
Everybody could see it in her.

She would never 'judge.'
She couldn't do it.
Even under my tutelage!
If I said "look at what so-and-so has done now?!" she would not join me in my melee.
She would say "just let it go Dave - they may be having a hard day - and in any case - it really doesn't matter."
If I was being judgmental I did not have her support.
I am mystified.
Wherever does such wisdom, such calm, such selflessness come from?
Unlike me, I never saw her read or study philosophy or psychology.
She didn't need to.
She had it already - in buckets.
She was a natural.
I simply do nor get it ??

Yes - I am in awe of her legacy.
Please forgive me for indulging my thoughts, my memories of her.
It is obviously a part of my grieving process.
I can't help it.
I know I have said that Sylvie was totally
non-judgemental, but in my case she sometimes made an exception.
If she reads all of this 'Stuff' she will give me 'Heck,'
- I promise you!

As she always spoke of herself,
"I am just ordinary."
@Markku and I were utterly shocked to read this, Dave!

You have always spoken of your wife with such love and admiration, I can only imagine the depth of your feelings for her, and the depth of loss you must be feeling now. It's heart breaking :cry:

I wish there was more we could do for you. Please know that our thoughts are with you, and feel free to reach out any time you need a kind word.

Big hug from the Tinnitus Talk team :huganimation:
Oh Hazel, Markku, thank you.

Thank you
Dave xx
Sylvie's announcement last week to her friends on Facebook:

"My Precious Lord and Saviour has decided my days on this earth are numbered and I am ready to go home.

I have had a life surrounded by love and laughter. Together as a family we have been through thick and thin but we are bonded with a special love which is undestroyable.

To all you people out there - I'd like to think that I was allowed to be a part of you and I hope that I in some way have touched you.
Look after each other and and spread the love ❤️❤️❤️

I don't know what to say, Dave. I'm stunned and extremely saddened by your loss as I know how profoundly you loved her. It brought tears to my eyes seeing this.

I think it goes without saying that you have the love and support of everyone here, so don't hesitate to reach out.

Big love to you and your family.
I'm so sorry Jazzer/Dave. My condolences. I feel like staying silent for respect, as I know you do not believe in God, but from Sylvia's post above I noticed she was a Christian. I will say a prayer for both of you and go back to a respectful silence for her beautiful life that has ended and for your grief. Stay strong my friend.
Dear Dave,

I was messaged by a member to tell me the devastating news of Sylvia's passing.

You are such a lovely person Dave and I am sending you all my love and wish my arms could be around you again like when we met.

My thoughts are with you and your family and know you are loved by so many members here and we all send our love.

Love Glynis xxxxxxxxxxxxx ♡
@Jazzer ahhh my brother I am shocked but my heart is with you. I just brought my wife home yesterday from open heart surgery.

Your wife was your rock, stay strong and know this whole society of tinnitus folks are family and we support you.

Peace my friend.

Love you,

Elmer and Marion
So sad to hear this news Dave. The love you had went beyond all reasoning and understanding. I hope you know how much you are loved by all of us here today.
Oh Dave, I am so sorry. No words can begin to speak to the depth of your loss. We all know how precious Sylvie was and how much you love her. My deepest condolences.
Very sorry for your loss, Dave. Sincere condolences to you and your family.
Wishing you the best during these tough times.

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