Hello everybody! I hope you'll read this, maybe give me some advice, and hopefully share your own stories.I don't think this will be a big wall of text, but just in case, I apologize in advance.
My name is Martin and I'm 18 years old. My tinnitus started around the 13th of February 2012(yes, I remember the exact date!). As many others I used to listen to music via headphones at WAY to loud volume. I then started hearing this high pitched sound. In the beginning I only heard it when I was wearing the headphones without any music playing in them. At first I simply thought it was something wrong with the headphones, but then I heard the sound at one time without wearing the headphones. I then asked some friends to put on the headphones and asked if they could hear anything: Obviously they couldn't.
Now; an old music teacher I had when I was in like the first grade had tinnitus, and he educated and warned all kids about this, so I already knew about the condition, and I realized I had it.
Well after a lot of looking around on the internet, and worrying, and thinking, and talking, and crying I started to calm down about this - a bit. I went to scan my brain(don't know the word for this in English - is it MRI?) and I wore my earplugs very often.
But the scan was okay, nothing wrong there. And I then used the earplugs less and less often, and now I don't think I wear them more then necessary, even though I'm still a bit paranoid about loud sounds/high volumes(plus, I've got a sound level meter which I sometimes use to know if the sound is too loud, and if I need earplugs).
So I'm doing quite OK when it comes to coping with the sound, and I think my overall life quality is good.
That's basically my tinnitus story so far. Please do reply and introduce yourself, I'd love to make some new friends here. I have some questions(and maybe I can help you with some of your questions!), but I'll take that in another thread. Thank you for reading and hope to see you on the forum in the future!
My name is Martin and I'm 18 years old. My tinnitus started around the 13th of February 2012(yes, I remember the exact date!). As many others I used to listen to music via headphones at WAY to loud volume. I then started hearing this high pitched sound. In the beginning I only heard it when I was wearing the headphones without any music playing in them. At first I simply thought it was something wrong with the headphones, but then I heard the sound at one time without wearing the headphones. I then asked some friends to put on the headphones and asked if they could hear anything: Obviously they couldn't.
Now; an old music teacher I had when I was in like the first grade had tinnitus, and he educated and warned all kids about this, so I already knew about the condition, and I realized I had it.
Well after a lot of looking around on the internet, and worrying, and thinking, and talking, and crying I started to calm down about this - a bit. I went to scan my brain(don't know the word for this in English - is it MRI?) and I wore my earplugs very often.
But the scan was okay, nothing wrong there. And I then used the earplugs less and less often, and now I don't think I wear them more then necessary, even though I'm still a bit paranoid about loud sounds/high volumes(plus, I've got a sound level meter which I sometimes use to know if the sound is too loud, and if I need earplugs).
So I'm doing quite OK when it comes to coping with the sound, and I think my overall life quality is good.
That's basically my tinnitus story so far. Please do reply and introduce yourself, I'd love to make some new friends here. I have some questions(and maybe I can help you with some of your questions!), but I'll take that in another thread. Thank you for reading and hope to see you on the forum in the future!