My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

Again sorry if I made it sound like I'm flying off tomorrow,I'm just anxious to get going and I'm getting ahead of myself just a little but this is happening with absolute certainty.

ATEOS has already given me some very helpful info a few months back but I would like his opinion on where I should have it done,I think his was done in Stemcells 21 if my memory serves me correctly?

Are you going to have IV or in to the ear ? I don`t know how efficient is having Stem Cell through IV for hearing loss (Tinnitus) but if you are lucky enough it might work.

Based on what i have seen is that IV delivered Stem Cell treatment will benefit you greatly for most part (if you had other misalignment like MS, Diabetes, etc) but not so sure for like arthritic/spinal disks or joints issues along side with ears.

Trick with MS for instance is that blood gets pumped in to head and some of these stem cells will end up where needed and do repair/regeneration, but in a bit more "closed" parts like eyes, cochlea, jont`s (blood supply is not direct and minerals/etc get there by different means) efficiency of IV delivered cells is very questionable.

If your issue is straight with cochlea, do you want to try something like that they do at South Korea ?

I mean if you lets say go to StemCells21 and get IV StemCells, could they also do same type of injection on to ears to like a "bundle" treatment ? This way you kinda getting "best of both worlds" per say.
Are you going to have IV or in to the ear ? I don`t know how efficient is having Stem Cell through IV for hearing loss (Tinnitus) but if you are lucky enough it might work.

Based on what i have seen is that IV delivered Stem Cell treatment will benefit you greatly for most part (if you had other misalignment like MS, Diabetes, etc) but not so sure for like arthritic/spinal disks or joints issues along side with ears.

Trick with MS for instance is that blood gets pumped in to head and some of these stem cells will end up where needed and do repair/regeneration, but in a bit more "closed" parts like eyes, cochlea, jont`s (blood supply is not direct and minerals/etc get there by different means) efficiency of IV delivered cells is very questionable.

If your issue is straight with cochlea, do you want to try something like that they do at South Korea ?

I mean if you lets say go to StemCells21 and get IV StemCells, could they also do same type of injection on to ears to like a "bundle" treatment ? This way you kinda getting "best of both worlds" per say.
My issue is in the cochlea and what I'm looking for is a treatment that has the best possible outcome.

I'm far from an expert on this sort of thing so I'm looking for anyone's advice and opinions on what would be the best route to go for treatment,whether that be intratympanic injections,IV injections or a combination of those two things.What is the treatment in Korea?I'm not fully aware of it apart from some discussion of a Dr.Shim in another thread.
On the website of stem cell 21 they say that it the hearing loss or condition is really bad they can do intrathympanic injection of stem cells
My issue is in the cochlea and what I'm looking for is a treatment that has the best possible outcome.

I'm far from an expert on this sort of thing so I'm looking for anyone's advice and opinions on what would be the best route to go for treatment,whether that be intratympanic injections,IV injections or a combination of those two things.What is the treatment in Korea?I'm not fully aware of it apart from some discussion of a Dr.Shim in another thread.

well Dr. Minbo Shim claimed results are best so far, but results are very per individual (well same goes for stemcell treatments). email him and ask. personally think its better to have directed injection for this type of repair. i think you will benefit from IV stemcells in general, but i would try ear injection first or both at the same time (if possible).
well Dr. Minbo Shim claimed results are best so far, but results are very per individual (well same goes for stemcell treatments). email him and ask. personally think its better to have directed injection for this type of repair. i think you will benefit from IV stemcells in general, but i would try ear injection first or both at the same time (if possible).
Is there anyway I can contact him?Does anyone have an email address that I could contact him on?
If you go to hearing/haircell regeneration topic, you will find it on last 10 pages for sure, or i can PM if you have troubles.
Best of luck with your Stem cell treatment. Despite a few not so supportive posts in this thread I know that all of us are going to be wishing you well. When you get the treatment though, please keep posting. A couple of others who got stem cell treatment stopped posting afterwards so we never really knew if it worked for them.
Best of luck with your Stem cell treatment. Despite a few not so supportive posts in this thread I know that all of us are going to be wishing you well. When you get the treatment though, please keep posting. A couple of others who got stem cell treatment stopped posting afterwards so we never really knew if it worked for them.
Thanks for your message I really appreciate it,of course I will make regular updates here for those that are interested in this,let's just hope I see results,I'm in a very bad way here.
@bill 112

Didn't you write that can hear fine up to 16khz ? I mean how bad can your cochlea be ..?

The high frequency cells are the first to go if you have acoustic way you can hear that much with hearing damage that needs to be fixed

Its like saying I have a very bad leg but I can outrun most people in a sprint...I need stem cells !

Save your money and buy a better car
I'm looking for suggestions to the best legit clinic with the best treatment.

@bill 112

There is a very nice post written by @whiskeykonteq listing the options he considered for stem cell clinics, it is quoted below. That post might help you rule out some clinics and highlight other clinics for serious consideration.

Best of luck!

I was researching together with one member of this forum that approached me and asked to double efforts in search for stem cell clinic. So here is (more or less common) list:

- (lack of communication)
- stemcells21 (read above posts :)
- (Panama - they are really good - owner is Neil Riordan - but they did not accepted me)
- (accepted but I dropped them due to lack of communication from their side)
- (accepted but I dropped them due to lack of communication from their side)
- (no answer)
- (only autologous)
- (no answer)
- (I was rejected)
- (no answer / lack of communication)
- (they said that hey don't have experience with hearing loss)
- (accepted but I dropped them due to lack of communication from their side)
- (found somewhere on hearing loss forum that some of their patients got hepatitis C)
@bill 112

Didn't you write that can hear fine up to 16khz ? I mean how bad can your cochlea be ..?

The high frequency cells are the first to go if you have acoustic way you can hear that much with hearing damage that needs to be fixed

Its like saying I have a very bad leg but I can outrun most people in a sprint...I need stem cells !

Save your money and buy a better car
All due respect Bobby you have no idea what I'm going through right this minute,super super severe H that's worsening by the day,T that's changing and worsening by the day and distortion.I may be able to hear upto 16,000hz but trust me my cochlea is not in good shape at all.
@bill 112

There is a very nice post written by @whiskeykonteq listing the options he considered for stem cell clinics, it is quoted below. That post might help you rule out some clinics and highlight other clinics for serious consideration.

Best of luck!
Thanks Dave,hope all is well with you at the moment.I seem to be just getting worse and worse and it's probably my fault at that.Trying to function to some degree and only getting ripped apart because of it even with Peltors on.
It seems only one clinic on that list is worth investigating so I'll do some research on them now and see what I find.
Cheers David.
Hi @attheedgeofscience
I am new here. I am from Bangkok, Thailand. My 9 yrs old son just had a sudden hearing loss on his left ear a week ago and the doctor gave him high dose of steroid. After 4 days treatment, his left ear got improvement but after fully one week, his hearing is still at the same level (still severe abnormal on high pitch sound). The doc said most likely he will not have anymore improvement. I insist to get one more week of oral steroid. We are now on the second week of steroid. The doctor said the maximum she can give steroid to my son is 2 weeks.
I read your story. I am wondering if you can recommend the best place (your opinion) for stem cell treatment? I can travel anywhere if I have to. Do u think Bangkok is still a good place? Where in Bangkok did you have your first stem cell ??? I am very interested and really looking forward to hearing from you soon. I don't want to leave it for so long. I hope to get his hearing back. According the doctor, the golden time to get the hearing back is within 2 weeks. Any other suggestions, recommendation would be so appreciative. Sorry for my poor English. Pls kindly inbox me and I like to give u my email but I don't know if they allow to post. This is my first time ever to write on forum. Thank u in advance.
@bill 112 if you have the money just go to both places in Bangkok and Korea. Korea is 6000 e compared to stem cell 21 which is 30k I think.
But we have 0 patient testamony for Korea

By the way did you try like chiropractor or TMJ specialist ? Maybe try them before going idk
@bill 112 if you have the money just go to both places in Bangkok and Korea. Korea is 6000 e compared to stem cell 21 which is 30k I think.
But we have 0 patient testamony for Korea

By the way did you try like chiropractor or TMJ specialist ? Maybe try them before going idk
Where does Stemcell 21 get $30,000 from?I just can't see how that adds up at all,it's stupidly expensive in my opinion but of course if it worked id be saying the total opposite of that.

What clinic are you talking of in Korea?
Thats the big question, does it work for noise induced T? It worked for T caused by head injury.

NIT looks to be the hardest to need carefully look into this before you make the call!
Wasn't ATEOS's T noise induced,or was his onset random?I remember him talking about waking up with a fullness in his ears and then T and that's exactly how mine started only to be worsened by noise.
Researches already know NIT is hard to fix .... but dont know why ... T is occurs due to syapses loss.....but NIT also seem to cause some kind of damage to it even when it still working so that lost connections to synapses cannot be re-establisted.
Researches already know NIT is hard to fix .... but dont know why ... T is occurs due to syapses loss.....but NIT also seem to cause some kind of damage to it even when it still working so that lost connections to synapses cannot be re-establisted.
I'm aware of the synapse loss theory of T and that's exactly what I think is wrong with me.I can hear up to 16,000hz but my god is every little sound painful and T inducing.
I pictured that these connections may be still intact but just damaged and that maybe Stemcells could help repair that damage?I can honestly hear my inner ear nerves vizzling and zinging as if there's a broken wire in there,it's like an electrical feeling I can feel in the back of my head when sound enters my ears my T goes up and I can feel that sizzle surging with it along with pain and pressure.Its nearly impossible to describe.

So basically this is just a waste of time is what your thinking?I fear you may be right.
Where does Stemcell 21 get $30,000 from?I just can't see how that adds up at all,it's stupidly expensive in my opinion but of course if it worked id be saying the total opposite of that.

What clinic are you talking of in Korea?

In Korea it's cmclinics it has been discussed in the last pages of the regeneration thread in research news.

Also before doing this you should maybe get a doctor to open your ears to check if there isn't a problem with your muddle ears

In Korea it's cmclinics it has been discussed in the last pages of the regeneration thread in research news.

Also before doing this you should maybe get a doctor to open your ears to check if there isn't a problem with your muddle ears
Thanks for the info,I've had every type of ear examination you can think of by now and they all reckon it's inner ear based.My middle ear is working perfect according to them.
Thanks for the info,I've had every type of ear examination you can think of by now and they all reckon it's inner ear based.My middle ear is working perfect according to them.

Well then I'd say go for it... Maybe you could try going to Zazzio before its only 2000 but you'd have to wait until September.

SC21 treats hearing loss so this should work for noise induced T. And if the damage are in the inner ear I'd say it doesn't really matter if the damage have been made by sound or infection or antibiotics what's broken are the hair cell or the synapses or the nerve itself. I've no evidence so it's just my opinion :)
Well then I'd say go for it... Maybe you could try going to Zazzio before its only 2000 but you'd have to wait until September.

SC21 treats hearing loss so this should work for noise induced T. And if the damage are in the inner ear I'd say it doesn't really matter if the damage have been made by sound or infection or antibiotics what's broken are the hair cell or the synapses or the nerve itself. I've no evidence so it's just my opinion :)
It's hard to know for certain what the outcome would be if anything at all.

The problem is this,my H is so severe I'm not even certain if the flight etc is worth it for something may or may not work,for me that's a big risk right now.
The other problem is what about complications I.E tumors or it completely screwing me up and making my T and H worse.I've heard a lot about their safety and I'm sure ATEOS will help me on that but I've also heard the horror stories which are frightening to say the least.
Is it perhaps an idea to see if the different clinics are more inclined to give you additional information when you tell them you are also looking at the competing clinics? Perhaps they will try to convince you why their treatment is the better one with arguments?
Perhaps than they will be touting for business.
Is it perhaps an idea to see if the different clinics are more inclined to give you additional information when you tell them you are also looking at the competing clinics? Perhaps they will try to convince you why their treatment is the better one with arguments?
Perhaps than they will be touting for business.
It's a good idea Reiner but I know it's just going to be a sales pitch by most of them,how much sincerity is behind their claims is another matter altogether,all they want is my money and I'm sure they'll try and spin me to get it.
It's hard to know for certain what the outcome would be if anything at all.

The problem is this,my H is so severe I'm not even certain if the flight etc is worth it for something may or may not work,for me that's a big risk right now.
The other problem is what about complications I.E tumors or it completely screwing me up and making my T and H worse.I've heard a lot about their safety and I'm sure ATEOS will help me on that but I've also heard the horror stories which are frightening to say the least.

Can't you use noise cancelling headphones for the flight ?

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