Hi Bill,
The way you describe your T. and H. is exactly how I would describe mine. Electrical T with vibrating or machinegun like pattern to it. Vizling and zinging,
indeed. The reactiveness of it also is spot on. Someone opening a bag of chips(even if its 20 feet away) will hurt like a motherfucker. That sizzling sound is brutal.
But you are definetly worse off than me, as I have no problems with people whisling or even talk to me within normal pitch and volume.
Ok, so what is puzzeling to me is that your hearing in the higher pitch is "normal", or so you have been told.
I mean, have you got an audiogram to show for this?
For arguments say I´ll post my audiogram from 8-20 kHz here:
red curve=right ear
blue curve=left ear
View attachment 11720
As you can see, I have quite severe hearingloss in both ears, but I only percieve T and H in my right ear.
And if you look at the chart it it certainly can be explained by the dramatic drop or "dip" as they call it in my right ear. Since there is no dramatic "dips" in my left ear, even though the hearing loss is actually slightly more severe in that ear.
I know about the whole "hidden hearingloss" thing and synaptic ribbon loss that wont show in these audiograms and there is also the question of inner cell damage and outer cell damage and so on.
But since atleast our perception and symptoms are so similar it would be at most interest to me and maybe others here to have a look at your audiogram in the upper pitch area.
I mean, are you to say you have a straight curve between 0-10 db in both ears?
And still your H. is more severe? And overall we have excactly the same symptoms!
I´m just dying to see your audigram as I think it will tell us if not the whole story, it will give us something.
Hope you find this interesting too
When it comes to stemcell/neurotrophic grow factor - treatment I´m with you all the way.
Its been two years for me being in hell with constant suecidal thoughts. Its got to end some how.
If we only could be certain what treatment would work for us....