My Trip to Bangkok: Stem Cell Treatment [Comments]

@whiskeykonteq We haven't heard from you in awhile, how are you feeling? I hope you are doing well. Prayers for improvement and speedy recovery.
So, today is my last day of therapy (last intramuscular injection). Last few days were really bad, and yesterday was probably worst day in months. I'm not sure what to make out of it :( Today, I'm leaving for sea side. I will try to get off TT there for couple of weeks.
So, today is my last day of therapy (last intramuscular injection). Last few days were really bad, and yesterday was probably worst day in months. I'm not sure what to make out of it :( Today, I'm leaving for sea side. I will try to get off TT there for couple of weeks.
Maybe that's not a bad sign. A lot of people that notice improvement from other (experimental) tinnitus therapies like AM101, LLLT, etc. seem to get worse for a period before seeing improvement.
So, today is my last day of therapy (last intramuscular injection). Last few days were really bad, and yesterday was probably worst day in months. I'm not sure what to make out of it :( Today, I'm leaving for sea side. I will try to get off TT there for couple of weeks.
I think you should stay on TT. You don't want to habituate by leaving, you want to see if you are cured. I'm agreed with the other posters that this has to be a slow process. When I think of a cut healing, it doesnt happen in a day, but it takes weeks. I see this as the same thing, but it could take longer as these stem cells have to reach the ears/brain. You might have gotton the spike because you are actively thinking about this and it brings it to the front of the brain. You are looking for the T and you find it. That in itself makes it louder. Leaving TT will probably make it softer if you are not thinking about this 24/7, but I think this is going to be on your mind for a while because of all of the procedures that you did that are still fresh in your mind. I don't think leaving TT will help right now. What would be cool is if you are looking for the T and one day you don't find it. Thats when you know that you are cured.
So, today is my last day of therapy (last intramuscular injection). Last few days were really bad, and yesterday was probably worst day in months. I'm not sure what to make out of it :( Today, I'm leaving for sea side. I will try to get off TT there for couple of weeks.

Regardless of how your T acts during the nearest time, we won't know anything for sure until a few months. I don't think taking a break from TT sound like a bad idea.

Life is about having a go at it. That's what you're doing. Now lets wait and see how it ends up.
I am also keeping stem cell treatment as plan b if plan a (getting better within one year by lllt, vits, habituation..) doesn't work out.

Money is only a minor issue but I am scared about the risk of getting cancer.

How do you guys, who are actually doing it assessing the risk?
Money is only a minor issue but I am scared about the risk of getting cancer.
Stem cell therapy has an excellent track record (both in terms of safety and future treatment opportunities). Just this year, we have seen prestigious doctors and institutions lend their name to serious academic efforts in relation to stem cell advancement (in human clinical trials). Examples:
Recently there was publication of an article featuring "stem cell tourism" and how one person (a patient) ended up developing a tumorous growth (neoplasm) along his spinal cord. The patient was treated with embryonic stem cells (and also fetal stem cells). Why a clinic would do that - ie. use embryonic stem cells - I do not know. The use of Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) taken from umbilical cord tissue (or from adipose) is a perfectly valid approach to therapy. There is not particular reason why anyone should develop cancer from such interventions. The opposite is probably true in fact: post stem cell treatments, a person will have a superior functioning immune system - and - in basic terms, a non-weakened immune system is your first line of defence against cancer (i.e. every human develops cancer many times a day, every day, but it is our immune systems that seek out those cells which begin to proliferate out of control).

Attached is the one-man case study that a group of doctors warned about. Again, the attentive reader will note the use of fetal and embryonic stem cells (the latter probably being the contributor to the patient's predicament).

Now on a final note: a bit of perspective on conventional medicine vs. experimental medicine (e.g. stem cells). The doctors you often visit in private or public healthcare environments, are there any of these that talked to you about their own track record? Probably not. But have a look at this report (covering the US):

According to an estimate in the above article, death due to medical error is the third leading cause of death. So put another way: unless you have cancer or heart disease, you might actually be better off by staying at home as opposed to going to the hospital (as you basically increase your chance of death by seeing your doctor - loosely speaking). Now try and google "statistics: side-effects from medicine" and "statistics: death during surgery".

But I guess your doctor "forgot" to tell you about that...


  • Death By Medicine.pdf
    429.3 KB · Views: 35
  • Glioproliferative Lesion Of The Spinal Cord As A Complication Of ″Stem Cell Tourism″ (2016).pdf
    714.5 KB · Views: 32
According to an estimate in the above article, death due to medical error is the third leading cause of death. So put another way: unless you have cancer or heart disease, you might actually be better off by staying at home as opposed to going to the hospital (as you basically increase your chance of death by seeing your doctor - loosely speaking).

I was following and agreeing to your point until you stated this. Even if there is some probability that going to the doctor is going to make you worse (and possibly much much worse, i.e. dead), you have to balance that against the probability that you would get worse if you didn't go see the doctor. You are not increasing your chance of death by seeing a doctor, because you don't know what chance of death you have without seeing him.

There are many more conditions, other than cancer or heart disease, that can get much much worse if you don't go see a doctor. Pretty much any bacterial infection requiring antibiotics for example. There are many.

Your point made enough sense without the need to overdo it with an exaggerated statement.

My approach to what I call "the doctor's dilemma" is to go see a doctor, but use him/her as just one tool in your toolbox. Use the internet as another tool, because it's very powerful. Research, question what your doctor says. Ask another doctor. At the end of the day, you be in charge of your health: nobody has as strong an incentive to be diligent but you.
@attheedgeofscience thanks for your profound reply. I understand @GregCA s objections but also see ateos point.

I for myself do not talk to doctors about my T anymore! My experience was that they tend to put you into the psychosomatic corner.
First it was very compelling since this gives you (false) treatment options. But now after reaching the point of knowing more than most M.D.s about T, I see how mistreated I was. E.g. not getting steroids.

Anyway I know that everybody with intelligence and having done stem cell therapy himself (both true for ateos) has done a lot of research about possible cancer risks. Your reply helps me very much as a starting point for my own research.

Thanks again!
So, today is my last day of therapy (last intramuscular injection). Last few days were really bad, and yesterday was probably worst day in months. I'm not sure what to make out of it :( Today, I'm leaving for sea side. I will try to get off TT there for couple of weeks.
I am very certain attheedge said in one of his posts that it is expected for your T to actually spike during treatment, and that his doctor during the treatment said it was a sign it was working. Idk why that is, but one of his posts said that.
Hi everyone , been a while since I logged in ! Missed tinnitus talk and all friends and foe here :)
Missed my angels Karen and Markuu , and the guy who's Id was 'justonemorething'.
Hope you all are doing fine xx
Just wanted to share some information for those who cannot afford the stem cell therapy. You can get
Stem cells for free everyday from your own body through UT ( urine therapy ) before you laugh , judge , dismiss
The info , and say ' yuck' ! Please read and research. Read Martha Christy's, J.W. Armstrong, Gisella Schreiber's books. Also read up on Distilled water and fasting by Andrew Norton Webber, and no distilled water is not harmful and won't kill you. I have been on this therapy and my t is v v low, I believe had I been not careless and reckless as soon as t started getting low, I might have been cured by now. I was desperate so I tried UT, fasting, and drinking lots of distilled water.
I know I'll get a lot of backlash for this post, so I'm not going to respond nor read the posts. Do your own research
And make your own decisions. Negative comments will affect my healing process, so byeee for now xx
Hi everyone , been a while since I logged in ! Missed tinnitus talk and all friends and foe here :)
Missed my angels Karen and Markuu , and the guy who's Id was 'justonemorething'.
Hope you all are doing fine xx
Just wanted to share some information for those who cannot afford the stem cell therapy. You can get
Stem cells for free everyday from your own body through UT ( urine therapy ) before you laugh , judge , dismiss
The info , and say ' yuck' ! Please read and research. Read Martha Christy's, J.W. Armstrong, Gisella Schreiber's books. Also read up on Distilled water and fasting by Andrew Norton Webber, and no distilled water is not harmful and won't kill you. I have been on this therapy and my t is v v low, I believe had I been not careless and reckless as soon as t started getting low, I might have been cured by now. I was desperate so I tried UT, fasting, and drinking lots of distilled water.
I know I'll get a lot of backlash for this post, so I'm not going to respond nor read the posts. Do your own research
And make your own decisions. Negative comments will affect my healing process, so byeee for now xx
Urine therapy is drinking one's own urine? It has stem cells? I'm going to try it, it's free too

Thanks for the helpful info!
@whiskeykonteq are you the Aleksandar featured on their website?
@whiskeykonteq - I had a look at the video that was posted. Given the similarity between your patient profile and the patient profile of the person in the video (i.e. you are both from Serbia, both developed tinnitus at around the same time, and also from the same cause i.e. "audio trauma"), I was wondering if you are indeed the person in the video?

Since the video is posted on Swiss Medica's own youtube channel, I was wondering: did you receive an incentive for participating in the video (e.g. a reduction in the cost of treatment)?

When I went for my first stem cell treatment (and also my second one for that matter) I provided full disclosure to the admins of this website (i.e. treatment plan with logo of the stem cell clinic, a copy of my flight itinerary, letter of acceptance, VISA application, and probably other things as well such as e-mail correspondence) so that they (and the rest of you) knew it was the real deal (and not some "Internet story").

At the same time, I also did not provide the clinic details of where I had been treated (in public) as that could be perceived as promoting the business interests of a given stem cell clinic. The reason why I - a year later (in 2014) - disclosed where I had been treated was because at that point another member of the forum had decided to go for treatment at the same clinic (after seeking my advice) and because about 7-8 other people had at that point requested details of SC21 via PMs here on the forum. In other words: it was pretty much an "open secret" where I had been treated by the Summer of 2014.

During the development of this thread - which is now 24 pages long - we have seen a number of "interesting" insinuations about other stem cell clinics e.g. one member suggesting she developed cancer because of a stem cell treatment (but never did this person document that she had in fact been treated with stem cells nor did she reply to any of the follow-up questions). We have also seen yourself being quite dismissive of other clinics. Now, with the release of the video, I cannot help but question your impartiality (if indeed the person featured in it is you). Given your own comments within this thread, I trust you will understand why.

Here is the video for those who are interested:

Your point made enough sense without the need to overdo it with an exaggerated statement.
If I took out all the "trash posts" within this thread - which is now 24 pages long - I think I could probably reduce it to about 4-5 pages in length. It is therefore interesting that being a member - like any other member - that I am apparently held to higher standards than everyone else.

I think the main point is:
  • When thousands of people die every year due to medical errors, it is no big deal.
  • When a single person develops cancer from a stem cell treatment, it makes the headlines everywhere
Conclusion: critical thinking is not the forté of human beings (incl. a number of members of this forum).
Just wanted to share some information for those who cannot afford the stem cell therapy. You can get
Stem cells for free everyday from your own body through UT ( urine therapy )
Glad you're doing better Sherri. It's a battle. Do you have a link? I would be interested in reading it. I had a opportunity to drink a lot of my urine as I was in the hospital for 10 days in July. A male nurse told me my urine tastes like Miller Lite beer lol.
Is @monacco still going to Bangkok for stem cell treatment? They seem to have a treatment for almost every ailment. Are some legit and some scams? I have a feeling their luxurious facilities are paid for by desperate people. I read about a woman who had a bad experience at Stem Cells 21 for a cosmetic procedure but not much else.

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