Need for an Objective Measure of Tinnitus

Reference was made to Jeremy Turner earlier in this thread. Apparently he is a PhD, not a surgeon, and has a company called OtoScience Labs. From reading their website, they have a $1.5 Million grant from the US Dept of Defense to develop and test an object measure of tinnitus. They have licensed technology from Southern Illinois University- I think the patent numbers are on the website somewhere if you want to delve further. It appears they are looking for people who may be interested in becoming clinical volunteers.

PS- Jeremy Turner is also finishing up his term on the ATA's Scientific Advisory Committee this year.
Not yet handheld, but wearable brain scanners, which allow the patient to move are already been researched
Fantastic! I think I have seen pictures of that scanner before. I try to stay on top of the news, but it is becoming difficult to keep track of all these developments in technology that has the potential to change the course of medicine.

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