@Honey_Bee thank you so much for getting In touch

The ONLY person I know who has it is my cousin but I think he's well habituated to it. And he's such a free spirit than nothing really fazes him. I think mines is worse than him but.... and I was a born worrier. Worry or stress should be my middle name. I can't tell you how much I worry about stuff
I can honestly say having T is one of the worst things that could have happend to me with my kind of mindset. I know there's horrible conditions out there to have but by god this is affecting me badly.
Also I lost so much weight the first 2 months too (Eating a bit better now, comes and goes) I was skin and bone and my mum/family were so worried (she still is I guess) and I feel bad for putting her through this stress. Also the dark thoughts I have are scary and I'm scared that if I don't get a grip that I'll do something awful. How bad I'm feeling. I've spoken to my doctor about this. I have 2 and they are great. So I'll be seeing them again soon.
I'm so hard on myself it's unreal, if this is from noise damage...well what can I say. Self inflicted. Was having fun on a night out next to speakers

though no one can tell me why such a delay with mines coming on... That I'm thinking I hope it's nothing sinister.... I did have an MRI (also for a couple other issues mind you) so I'm sure if it was anything else it would have been spotted. Hmmmm.
I also have the custom made earplugs which I'm struggling to get used to. Getting them in is a pain in the ass! I've got really small ears haha. I hate wearing them though because it just highlights the noise
I feel I'm missing out. Weddings, party's, festivals

though I'm not bothered about clubs anymore. It sucks so much. I can only hope it'll get better for me.
I'm really happy to hear you are now doing so much better.

Kudos to you

gives me some hope.
And this forum is great. Though I have read some stuff which makes me feel down. I hate to read of people struggling long term. It scares me.
Oh thank you for the hair comment (blushes ha) my hair hasn't looked like that in 3 months! Was such a mess. Yuck. I was too scared to go and get it done as I was anxious the noise from the hairdryer would make it worse :/ but I've went today and gotten it done. Needed it. (Plugs in noise blaring away. Damn)
I'm still a bit unsure of when to wear earplugs ( god I hate them) I know obviously loud places but clothes shops ect I'm not sure. They seem so loud to me. I think I have sound sensetivty (hyperacusis?) too because certain noises really bug and cut through me. Stuff that didn't before.
So yeah I need to haul my ass back to the gym ect. I just need my old self back
I guess time will tell.
Thanks again for writing to me. Much appreciated

(Sorry I ramble on....so much misery. I need my fun fiesty self back. )