Hello my name is Ashley, Im 24 and the whooshing in my ear started in December 2012 from day one its been constant in my right ear only. If I put pressure on my right jugular/carotid artery it stops. I had a baby 4 months prior and blood pressure was a little high but coming down as I lost weight. It started a few days after a huge cry fest (big family issue) and so I thought it was sinuses. I went to the doctor about a month and a half after it started and he looked in my ear, found nothing, and told me to try nose spray and sudafed. It continued for another 6 months. When I went back my doctor listened to my ear, checked my ear, put pressure on my neck, and then ordered a hearing test (all clear), MRI, and MRA both no contrast. He called to tell me everything was fine. A few months later I go back for the same thing and he seems shocked it hasn't gone away. He calls someone who tells me they can give me a "zen hearing aid"... Yeah because if I can't stand the sound of the ocean in my ear right now, your wind chime "zen aid" will do the trick! So anyways as I laugh at him about this hearing aid he said "the MRI tech noted you had a head trauma, right?" I thought as the doctor he would check my record and realize I never had any head trauma at all. I was shocked but caught so off guard I didn't even ask him why it would show that. This is just so frustrating, I don't know what to do, and I don't want to just live with this. I really feel like something is wrong. I have this pressure in my neck, a new white film that shows up in the very back of my tongue through out the day, and then I'm stating to feel a pain in the ear. Last night I went on a longer bike ride than normal and when I got home I felt a horrible pain in the ear, it felt like it does if you out a q-tip in too far. I google pulsatile tinnitus and so many things come up it worries me. I'm terrified that my doctor will only figure this out if something big happens (God forbid). I just asked him for a referral to a ENT. I also had anemia when I was pregnant, not sure if I still have it. It's been almost a year and I know so many people have it for longer but I'm just trying to figure this out.