Hello everyone,on the first day
of november,when I went to bed,I noticed that my ears were ringing.It came out of the blue. Doctor wasn't very sure,but told me I probably have eustachian tubes inflamación (Im allergic and hace deviated septum).I've been on Deflazacort 30mg for 7 days,and Amavys since then.Nothing has improved,in fact I now have hyperacusis.My tinnitus is in both ears (usually more in the left one),and in the head,and it sounds like tv static.It changes when I move my head,when I deep breathe,when I wake up/lay down...
I also have mild dizzyness and clicking of the ears (particulary when I swallow). They rarely hurt.
Something strange is that,when I press my ears,I can feel inside a thumping sound,something vibrating very hard.
Also strange is that the tinnitus varies constantly in pitch,intensity,even goes from one ear to the other.
Right now I'm very upset and the only thing thst calms me a little is alprazolam...but I dont want to become an addict.
Right before tinnitus appeared I was very anxious,I think I have had great anxiety for years,I dont know if by treating anxiety the tinnitus will go.
I forgot to say that Im taking ginkgo and taking back massages.
What do you think of muy situation?
Also sorry for my english
of november,when I went to bed,I noticed that my ears were ringing.It came out of the blue. Doctor wasn't very sure,but told me I probably have eustachian tubes inflamación (Im allergic and hace deviated septum).I've been on Deflazacort 30mg for 7 days,and Amavys since then.Nothing has improved,in fact I now have hyperacusis.My tinnitus is in both ears (usually more in the left one),and in the head,and it sounds like tv static.It changes when I move my head,when I deep breathe,when I wake up/lay down...
I also have mild dizzyness and clicking of the ears (particulary when I swallow). They rarely hurt.
Something strange is that,when I press my ears,I can feel inside a thumping sound,something vibrating very hard.
Also strange is that the tinnitus varies constantly in pitch,intensity,even goes from one ear to the other.
Right now I'm very upset and the only thing thst calms me a little is alprazolam...but I dont want to become an addict.
Right before tinnitus appeared I was very anxious,I think I have had great anxiety for years,I dont know if by treating anxiety the tinnitus will go.
I forgot to say that Im taking ginkgo and taking back massages.
What do you think of muy situation?
Also sorry for my english