New Noise Has Come with a Cold


Hall of Fame
Jan 29, 2018
Tinnitus Since
December 2017
Cause of Tinnitus
possible TMJ, came on after severe cold and chest infection,
Hey guys,

I've had a cold and with it came a blocked right ear and a new noise (which sounds like a electric kettle being used or it could be a weird hiss I'm not sure) the volume is crazy, like hear over shower crazy.

I'm extremely paranoid that this may be my new permanent sound as it all started around this time of year with a cold and ear infection. The new noise is in the ear where the volume has always been the lowest.

I know colds can spike some people's volume, my question is does it normally make a new sound and is it normal for it to spike so loud? Also how long does it normally take to subside if it does?

I'm not doing too good at all and I'm starting to feel like I did when I first got this. I would appreciate some advice, be honest with me.

Thanks everybody.
Hey, same thing happened to me few weeks ago. My tinnitus was basically away, then I caught a cold an it came back full force in both ears and was also reactive. After around a week I started taking NAC and it began to lower. Now it is again 2 weeks later and it is more or less like before. Not perfect yet but I hope I will get there again.

Maybe try also taking some NAC, and give it a few weeks. Do you use any nasal spray or similar?
Cheers buddy, no I haven't taken any NAC but I'll order some today, any one in particular?

I've just been steaming my face with vix or olbas oil, nasal spray always makes me feel worse for some reason.

I'm happy its going back to baseline and hopefully it will continue to, thanks man this gives me a bit of hope.
I have just ordered one from Amazon. I tried it once in the past and I had a spike so I never used it again, but I got the advice from @attheedgeofscience to take it. So I tried it again and it started to get better already after a few hours. It took 2 weeks but now I can say I am nearly as good as before the cold.

I tried also some cortisone nasal spray but that did nothing.

I am sure it will lower over the next weeks buddy, I was also terrified from getting a cold since that's what started my tinnitus. I had many different tones during the spike, everyday I heard something new....
Hey guys,

I've had a cold and with it came a blocked right ear and a new noise (which sounds like a electric kettle being used or it could be a weird hiss I'm not sure) the volume is crazy, like hear over shower crazy.

I'm extremely paranoid that this may be my new permanent sound as it all started around this time of year with a cold and ear infection. The new noise is in the ear where the volume has always been the lowest.

I know colds can spike some people's volume, my question is does it normally make a new sound and is it normal for it to spike so loud? Also how long does it normally take to subside if it does?

I'm not doing too good at all and I'm starting to feel like I did when I first got this. I would appreciate some advice, be honest with me.

Thanks everybody.

Hi JCB. I've got a cold which is beginning to feel more like flu the more sleep deprived and exhausted I become. My first additional illness since getting tinnitus a year ago and I'm struggling badly.

Having severe tinnitus is a vicious endurance test. Combining it with a chest infection, shivering body and a temperature is ridiculous.

I don't mind admitting I'm all out of prayer, I lay in bed at 4am and just snarled fuck you to God over and over for about 5 minutes last night before sobbing like a baby.

Thinking of you bud. And although my tinnitus is crucifying me as per usual I don't think it's louder, just more gruelling when the body is further compromised. Take care mate.
I have just ordered one from Amazon. I tried it once in the past and I had a spike so I never used it again, but I got the advice from @attheedgeofscience to take it. So I tried it again and it started to get better already after a few hours. It took 2 weeks but now I can say I am nearly as good as before the cold.

I tried also some cortisone nasal spray but that did nothing.

I am sure it will lower over the next weeks buddy, I was also terrified from getting a cold since that's what started my tinnitus. I had many different tones during the spike, everyday I heard something new....

Yeah it's terrifying mate haha I'm just over paranoid as it was a cold and ear infection what started this whole mess.

Amazon it is then, I'll order some today and hopefully they will be with me tomorrow.

Cheers again, I appreciate your advice so much man and again I'm glad your T is starting to return to baseline.
Hi JCB. I've got a cold which is beginning to feel more like flu the more sleep deprived and exhausted I become. My first additional illness since getting tinnitus a year ago and I'm struggling badly.

Having severe tinnitus is a vicious endurance test. Combining it with a chest infection, shivering body and a temperature is ridiculous.

I don't mind admitting I'm all out of prayer, I lay in bed at 4am and just snarled fuck you to God over and over for about 5 minutes last night before sobbing like a baby.

Thinking of you bud. And although my tinnitus is crucifying me as per usual I don't think it's louder, just more gruelling when the body is further compromised. Take care mate.

I know what you're saying mate, it takes hold emotionaly and physically and it feels like you're out of f*&#s to give.

I'm not particularly religious myself so I get you.

I feel for you so much and I know it's only words at the end of the day but I'm hoping we can all come through this somehow? How I don't know but the lil bit of optimist inside me is still hanging on.

Take care and keep yourself wrapped up and steaming your face etc as I've been doing, I'm hoping that will make this cold disappear soon.
Yeah it's terrifying mate haha I'm just over paranoid as it was a cold and ear infection what started this whole mess.

Amazon it is then, I'll order some today and hopefully they will be with me tomorrow.

Cheers again, I appreciate your advice so much man and again I'm glad your T is starting to return to baseline.

Please let me know how you are doing over the next days/weeks:)
I know what you're saying mate, it takes hold emotionaly and physically and it feels like you're out of f*&#s to give.

I'm not particularly religious myself so I get you.

I feel for you so much and I know it's only words at the end of the day but I'm hoping we can all come through this somehow? How I don't know but the lil bit of optimist inside me is still hanging on.

Take care and keep yourself wrapped up and steaming your face etc as I've been doing, I'm hoping that will make this cold disappear soon.

I said this to Jazzer yesterday. We are all massive optimists otherwise we just wouldn't go on with this. It's just day after exhausting day with no relief.

A miracle my friend. I'm holding out for a miracle.....but i'll settle for some Irish guy selling me a tongue tickler that magically rewires my broken nut sharpish.
I said this to Jazzer yesterday. We are all massive optimists otherwise we just wouldn't go on with this. It's just day after exhausting day with no relief.

A miracle my friend. I'm holding out for a miracle.....but i'll settle for some Irish guy selling me a tongue tickler that magically rewires my broken nut sharpish.

Haha me too, let's hope that it does work at least lowering the volume by some. If not there's some things on the horizon that looks promising.

Yeah man, I think we need to be optimistic as hard as it is and emotionally draining as this thing is especially after this spike it's sent me off on one haha
Cheers, wasn't sure if tablet or powder would be best. I'll try the tablets.

Maybe check the NAC thread here in the forum about dosage, i took the lowest one, 600mg a day for 2 weeks.

However, as always i am not sure it faded because of the NAC. Just for the record:)
Maybe check the NAC thread here in the forum about dosage, i took the lowest one, 600mg a day for 2 weeks.

However, as always i am not sure it faded because of the NAC. Just for the record:)

I've just been reading some information, of course you never know but I'll give them a go anyway. Thanks mate
I'm not doing too good at all and I'm starting to feel like I did when I first got this. I would appreciate some advice, be honest with me.

I will be honest, Jcb.:huganimation:

I had a similar experience in mid-November. However, I did not get any new sounds or tones, like you are experiencing. My sound did get much louder though.......

.....being that I am around children a great deal of the time, I ended up with a bad cold. It lasted for almost two solid weeks. Chills, headache, fever and bad cough. The scariest part was the stuffed feeling in both of my ears. To top it all off my "tea kettle whistle" was noticeably louder and "now in both ears". I was really scared to be honest.

Fast forward to today and I am back to my baseline sound, only in my left ear, and doing so much better.

I am optimistic that once you begin to feel better, things will go back to the way they were. One day at a time.
I will be honest, Jcb.:huganimation:

I had a similar experience in mid-November. However, I did not get any new sounds or tones, like you are experiencing. My sound did get much louder though.......

.....being that I am around children a great deal of the time, I ended up with a bad cold. It lasted for almost two solid weeks. Chills, headache, fever and bad cough. The scariest part was the stuffed feeling in both of my ears. To top it all off my "tea kettle whistle" was noticeably louder and "now in both ears". I was really scared to be honest.

Fast forward to today and I am back to my baseline sound, only in my left ear, and doing so much better.

I am optimistic that once you begin to feel better, things will go back to the way they were. One day at a time.

Thank you Emma.

This is my first real spike since I've had this so it's kind of knocked me sick, and the volume is stupidly high along with the new noise. I'm trying to stay calm and keeping myself busy and hopeful it'll go after this has cleared up.

I'm glad you're feeling better, and thank you for the encouragement it's really appreciated. If I'm reading it right, did it go from your right ear? Sorry major brain fog today (well more foggy than usual anyway)
Thank you Emma.

This is my first real spike since I've had this so it's kind of knocked me sick, and the volume is stupidly high along with the new noise. I'm trying to stay calm and keeping myself busy and hopeful it'll go after this has cleared up.

I'm glad you're feeling better, and thank you for the encouragement it's really appreciated. If I'm reading it right, did it go from your right ear? Sorry major brain fog today (well more foggy than usual anyway)

We need something to bring the noise down so badly. I'm so exhausted. I would give a testicle for even a week of silence. :(
We need something to bring the noise down so badly. I'm so exhausted. I would give a testicle for even a week of silence. :(

Mate I'd give both for some reduction and stick some snooker balls in their place. My normal T volume is erratic anyway, sometimes I think I may get the odd hour of silence (which I'm so so grateful for) but then it ramps back up to normal, I've kept notes of this but there doesn't seem to be any pattern as to why, it's so frustrating.
Thank you Emma.

I'm glad you're feeling better, and thank you for the encouragement it's really appreciated. If I'm reading it right, did it go from your right ear? Sorry major brain fog today (well more foggy than usual anyway)

You are more than welcome.

My tinnitus tea "kettle whistle" has been in my left ear, exclusively, from the very beginning. At least it appears to be coming from my ear, the brain is a tricky 'so and so' if you ask me. The pitch is extremely loud and has never once gone quiet, not even for a second. Some days I also have an all over head buzz that is also loud. When I had the bad cold it caused the same whistle in my right ear, also. So, so scary. All is well now, this is why I wanted to reply to your comment, to let you know that it can very well be a short lived spike.

I used to think my tinnitus was mild to moderate, not anymore. Severe doesn't describe it either, though.:dunno: It really is irrelevant at this point. I am now able to cope so much better.

Feel better soon, Jcb. :huganimation:
You are more than welcome.

My tinnitus tea "kettle whistle" has been in my left ear, exclusively, from the very beginning. At least it appears to be coming from my ear, the brain is a tricky 'so and so' if you ask me. The pitch is extremely loud and has never once gone quiet, not even for a second. Some days I also have an all over head buzz that is also loud. When I had the bad cold it caused the same whistle in my right ear, also. So, so scary. All is well now, this is why I wanted to reply to your comment, to let you know that it can very well be a short lived spike.

I used to think my tinnitus was mild to moderate, not anymore. Severe doesn't describe it either, though.:dunno: It really is irrelevant at this point. I am now able to cope so much better.

Feel better soon, Jcb. :huganimation:

Yup it's not easy sometimes to figure out actually where it's coming from. Thanks for replying and I'm so glad you are doing better and it's give me hope this will settle once the cold goes.

I used to think the same as in it's mild/moderate, the noise itself hasn't increased (apart from now with this cold) but I don't know anymore I've always heard it over most things, more so at night in bed or a quiet room it seems so loud.

Thanks again Emma :huganimation:
Please let me know how you are doing over the next days/weeks:)

Still got a cold but it's fading. The new noise seems less angry today so I'm feeling a lot better. Could be a combination of the NAC and other supplements or it's just going away by itself? I'm hoping it'll continue to fade. Thanks again for the advice mate.
Hello Bam
Oh a cold/flu on top of catastrophic T. I went through which body part I would trade for T. I have to say my decision wasn't the same as your own!! Get well soon.
It's pouring with rain here to add to the gloom.
Still got a cold but it's fading. The new noise seems less angry today so I'm feeling a lot better. Could be a combination of the NAC and other supplements or it's just going away by itself? I'm hoping it'll continue to fade. Thanks again for the advice mate.

That is awesome news:) in am happy for you. You'll see when the cold goes the tinnitus will fade back to baseline.
Hello Bam
Oh a cold/flu on top of catastrophic T. I went through which body part I would trade for T. I have to say my decision wasn't the same as your own!! Get well soon.
It's pouring with rain here to add to the gloom.

Honestly Eve. There are no more words to describe this condition. Whoever works out how to kill this noise stone dead is hands down the greatest human that ever and will ever live. And I honestly don't think that is overstating it.
I completely agree Bam, it's parasitical life sucking.
So many people say they have T and when questioned they describe it as a mild sushing. That would be luxury wouldn't it.
I hope your cold improves soonxx
Had the spike as well after I got a head cold. No rhyme or reason. I've had T for 8 years and had habituated but this spike has gotten to me. Cold is gone but I'm advised the ears take longer to heal and for the spike to subside. Any bad side effects from NAC? I'd give it a try if none.
Had the spike as well after I got a head cold. No rhyme or reason. I've had T for 8 years and had habituated but this spike has gotten to me. Cold is gone but I'm advised the ears take longer to heal and for the spike to subside. Any bad side effects from NAC? I'd give it a try if none.

That's what I've been told, the spike can take a while for it to go back to baseline. I woke up this morning and the spike seems a bit angry again I'm counting on it being like this for a few weeks.

I've been fine on NAC, I know for some it can spike their T, give them an upset stomach, read the NAC thread in treatments there is loads of info there.

Hoping your spike reduces soon, I've been steaming my face a few times a day with vix or olbas oil as well.

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