I'm a new sufferer of tinnitus - I went to a club event and unfortunately the music damaged my ears.
My ears feel like they are FULL/blocked - I also have a highpitched sound and hummy in
both ears. Has anyone had the feeling of the ears feeling blocked/full - will that pressured feeling
go away?
My doctor gave me beconase nasel spray and I am being referred to the ENT hospital.
Any feedback about this would be great.
Thank you
I'm a new sufferer of tinnitus - I went to a club event and unfortunately the music damaged my ears.
My ears feel like they are FULL/blocked - I also have a highpitched sound and hummy in
both ears. Has anyone had the feeling of the ears feeling blocked/full - will that pressured feeling
go away?
My doctor gave me beconase nasel spray and I am being referred to the ENT hospital.
Any feedback about this would be great.
Thank you