So, my story is that a little over a week ago, I noticed a loud ringing while I was trying to sleep. The next day I noticed it hadn't gone away, and I was getting dizzy spells with some nausea. I decided that 4 days later that I should go to the ER, not knowing what was going on. When I went in, they did a CT scan to see if there was a tumor, and there was nothing. When I told them I was on buspar/hydroxzyine, I was told to get off the medicine because it could be a side effect. I've been off the buspar a week today, and the hxdroxzyine for about 5 days. I went to my regular doctor 2 days after the ER visit and told there was some fluid behind my ears, and that my eardrum was not moving when they had me hold me nose and blow. I was not sick before this happened, but I have been on a nasal steroid for a few days, and taking anti-allergy medicine (though I do not have allergies). I have an appointment to see an ENT this Wednesday, but I'm afraid that it may be too late and it could be permanent. Is there any hope that it can go away if the fluid goes away, or if I have it looked at within 2 weeks of the onset? I've read a lot of people getting blown off saying "wait a few weeks," but I don't want to sit around doing nothing and having it be too late to fix. Any advice would be wonderful, as well as if there are any stories of people having this constant ringing go away after a while. I have read a lot of people having this problem for years, and I am really afraid. Thank you again for your time.