Does the tinnitus return back to baseline immediately after stopping whatever neck turn or somatic action?
Yes, immediately.
I can employ three basic manoeuvres which allow me to modulate my tinnitus. These are:
- Yawning or opening my jaw wide as if I were going to yawn (picture a Dentist visit for the latter one).
- Stretching (experience this when I wake up first thing).
- Tympanic suction via silicon earplugs (basically if I chew with my musicians earplugs in, the resulting pressure changes make my tinnitus fluctuate).
All of these changes cease as soon as I stop whichever of the above I'm doing and volume returns to baseline.
The only thing that seems to affect my tinnitus volume other than noise is massaging around my ears and head, as in either a head massage or trying to clear the Eustachian tubes.
This will increase the tinnitus volume but it stays amplified for a while.
I've never experienced anything like this, but then take a look at
Head Tapping / "The Reddit Tinnitus Cure". Similar manoeuvre with varying effects. Up for some, down for others, and always returns to baseline.
So yeah...
Having what I suspect are ETD issues as well as palinacousis, and maybe some sinus issues, may be exacerbating - or partly contributing - to my problem and volume.
I also have ETD (severely in my left ear), and yes it exacerbates all of the tinnitus symptoms. Luckily the ETD is something you can alleviate while the tinnitus isn't. I'd take severe ETD issues over the torture of tinnitus any day. Just the equalisation issues on their own would be heaven.
I don't remember my tinnitus being somatic until I took Naproxen in 2020 that greatly and permanently worsened my tinnitus and made one of the sounds somatic.
So tinnitus can become somatic (I've read of another case here on Tinnitus Talk).
With this I concur.
Before 2009, I had mild, monotonal, unilateral tinnitus in my right ear, which later progressed to moderate, monotonal, bilateral tinnitus.
In those days, never did I once notice an ability to increase it via any movement. The only thing that ever changed or made it worse were colds and flus.
So yes, non-somatic tinnitus can definitely develop into somatic tinnitus.
I suspect that somatic tinnitus will make no difference with this treatment.
With this I also concur.
But I don't recommend taking this medication (Naproxen) just to use Dr. Shore's device of course!
And with this I concur most profoundly.
Please do not screw around with your tinnitus for the sake of
making it somatic. That's just asking for trouble.
The majority of us seem agreed it's unlikely to make a difference. So let's all just relax, watch a box set, and wait for the thing to do its magic.