Hello Everyone,
I've signed up here, to first to make sure it's the tinnitus I have.
It's about a buzz noise in ears (head?) that started about 2 years ago.
It's a constant buzz sound, around 100Hz.
I got that for unknown reason, but the symptoms in my case are:
- dizzyness, lazyness, just like a depression,
- lack of ability to learn anything or concentrate more on my hobby (programming),
- cannot rest during night. I sleep 10 hours, but never wake up fresh and get tired very fast (after 2-3 hours), have to take a 2hrs nap after work
- cannot rest and go to sleep very late (3AM) because I think I'm exhausted at that time and this seems to solve my problems with falling asleep,
- since the last two weeks, I feel vibrations in my left part of the body, especially in legs and knees,
- I already visited doctors, did audiogram, blood tests and the only thing above the norm is a choresterol (260, when max is 190) and thyroid tests (TSH ?, very very little above norm).
- for the last two years, my pressure went up for no reason and sometimes it reaches 140/95 with a very high pulse ranging from 83-105. Before that, I had about 128/85/90
- I don't east fast-foods at all, eat vegetables, natural products (still non-gmo), don't drink alcohol at all, but smoke 20 cigarettes a day.
Well, I could write a lot more, but since this is a "Welcome" post, I'd also like to share with you how I live with that, or WHAT helps me, so I would gladly hear from you, whether it's a tinnitus or some other disease.
It's a constant masking sound from my laptop. I play some track with a constant frequency, ranging from 100-200 Hz. Not very loud, usually around 40dB. Then, I stop hearing that buzz noise completely, but right after moving my head, so that one ear is not in the "line" from speakers' sound, I immediatelly start hearing buzz noise, meaning that I have to "hear" that masking noise in both ears, not just one.
It's only a "workaround" for my problems, but with to know whether it's a tinnitus or some other factor (external?)
So, fellows. Is that tinnitus ?
If so, I'd be glad to hear any advices on how to start healing it. Okay, I know. Maybe "make is less oppresive" would fit better here.
I've signed up here, to first to make sure it's the tinnitus I have.
It's about a buzz noise in ears (head?) that started about 2 years ago.
It's a constant buzz sound, around 100Hz.
I got that for unknown reason, but the symptoms in my case are:
- dizzyness, lazyness, just like a depression,
- lack of ability to learn anything or concentrate more on my hobby (programming),
- cannot rest during night. I sleep 10 hours, but never wake up fresh and get tired very fast (after 2-3 hours), have to take a 2hrs nap after work
- cannot rest and go to sleep very late (3AM) because I think I'm exhausted at that time and this seems to solve my problems with falling asleep,
- since the last two weeks, I feel vibrations in my left part of the body, especially in legs and knees,
- I already visited doctors, did audiogram, blood tests and the only thing above the norm is a choresterol (260, when max is 190) and thyroid tests (TSH ?, very very little above norm).
- for the last two years, my pressure went up for no reason and sometimes it reaches 140/95 with a very high pulse ranging from 83-105. Before that, I had about 128/85/90
- I don't east fast-foods at all, eat vegetables, natural products (still non-gmo), don't drink alcohol at all, but smoke 20 cigarettes a day.
Well, I could write a lot more, but since this is a "Welcome" post, I'd also like to share with you how I live with that, or WHAT helps me, so I would gladly hear from you, whether it's a tinnitus or some other disease.
It's a constant masking sound from my laptop. I play some track with a constant frequency, ranging from 100-200 Hz. Not very loud, usually around 40dB. Then, I stop hearing that buzz noise completely, but right after moving my head, so that one ear is not in the "line" from speakers' sound, I immediatelly start hearing buzz noise, meaning that I have to "hear" that masking noise in both ears, not just one.
It's only a "workaround" for my problems, but with to know whether it's a tinnitus or some other factor (external?)
So, fellows. Is that tinnitus ?
If so, I'd be glad to hear any advices on how to start healing it. Okay, I know. Maybe "make is less oppresive" would fit better here.