Basically just just ignoring it for the most part. It's just been a factor in my life that I can't change. As far as what caused it to get worse lately, I have no idea.
That is a good attitude. If your T can be ignored and that you have accepted the new normal, you are on the right path. As far as the reason for the T increase, it can be many things. There are many causes which can trigger or aggravate tinnitus including by not limited to:
Drug reaction or side-effects from ototoxic drugs, ear or Eustachian tube infection, ear drum injury, fluid build-up feeling pressured, TMJ, TTTS, high blood pressure or blood circulation problem, loud noise exposure or acoustic trauma, head trauma & injury, neck problems, hearing loss, Meniere's, barotrauma from rapid change of atmospheric pressure, ear or head slapping, grief for the loss of loved ones, untreated sleep apnea, elevated stress, anxiety & panic disorder, unhealthy diet such as too much salt, sugar, caffeine, MSG, alcohol etc. or lacking some mineral or vitamin supplements, such as Magnesium, Zinc, B12, D3 etc.
If your T spikes, it may be due to one or more of the above, or nothing (lol). T is unpredictable so it is hard to explain the spike. So hang in there. It may just fade. Try masking it if it bothers you. Take good care. God bless.