Noise-Induced Tinnitus — Positive Success Stories

It came back for about an hour and vanished again. Helps a great deal that I've been avoiding loud sounds as much as possible.

My dad was telling me tonight he suffers from severe hearing loss in one ear as a result of "parental control" as he described it. Well I knew that part, but this time he added that he had intense ringing in the ear for a while but it went away completely eventually. He still has the hearing loss, but at least he's T free.
The t increased but not as much as I feared. It was nothing like when I was near sirens a couple months ago when it really ramped up. The t is louder than before yesterday, and unfortunately I'm focusing on it, but hopefully with time it will go back to where it was.

The h increased when I was near sirens and I don't think the h has increased this time. I've had no ear fullness either.

I don't think the t has gone back to pure eee. There's a softness at times. I'm still hearing my crickets on occasion as well. I got a haircut today, with ear plugs, hopefully the electric clippers didn't make things worse. The things you think about with t.

I visited the power equipment dealer and told him I'd like to return the battery powered weed wacker and blower. He said there may be a charge but he can do it. I had to hold back tears. The thought that I can't even use quieter power equipment really got to me like musicians realizing they can't play and gamers realizing they can't wear headphones. I'm sorry you have to go through that.

I'm listening to rain for masking now and I'm doing my best to not focus but the only way to not focus is masking or distraction. I just need to do like @DBT says and try to forget about it and move on with life.

@Bill Bauer & @DBT Thank you for the encouragement. Sometimes we just need someone to say it's going to be ok.

@Emperor-Drax I wish you continued silence. Even if it comes back it's moving in the right direction and that's the direction to be heading.
II got a haircut today, with ear plugs, hopefully the electric clippers didn't make things worse. The things you think about with t.

I got my haircut a week ago and although the clippers felt louder than I ever remembered them being, they made no perceivable impact on my T.
@Emperor-Drax I've had 3 haircuts since t and the first two had no effect. The first one I didn't wear ear plugs. I'm hoping because of my noise exposure yesterday it doesn't make a difference. I hope things keep getting quieter for you.
Thank you! It's still some rough days ahead, I'm sure. But intermittently hearing silence may indicate that I'm healing - hopefully! Here's to seeing what the next six weeks bring.
Yesterday I went to the power equipment dealer and returned the battery powered weed wacker and blower. I had to hold back tears. Power equipment has always been my happy place. I thought battery powered tools would be quiet enough but my ears aren't ready yet.

My ears weren't as badly effected as I feared. They are close to where they were before I used the equipment.

I've been getting crickets mixed with my usual eee tone which I feel is a good thing. The eee volume has gone down but I can't say if I'm back to where I was. It doesn't feel as piercing as I feared it would. When I was near the sirens the t really amped up and my h increased as well. I'm so glad it didn't get to that point.

Tonight my t decided to switch sides. The loud side because quiet and vice versa. I had that before for periods 2-3 months ago.

I'm 20 weeks in and while I notice small changes there's a long way to go if it's going to go. When I park my car after driving with my ear muffs and listen to the t it's loud, it seems just as loud as when I got it.

When I first became a member I contacted a handful of members asking what their t was like. Some talked about good days mixed with bad days. I haven't experienced that. My t has been pretty much steady except for when it increases from loud noise.

I haven't engaged in life again. I made some attempts earlier then stopped due to back issues. The back is better though I should be doing the exercises more. I should be moving forward. I was much more active last week. I did some work and tried to keep busy around the house. I want to prove to myself that I can do it.

I've lost my focus since getting t. My life has no sense of direction. No purpose. I'm living day by day.

What's holding me back? Probably my own anxiety. My desire for everything to be perfect before I move forward.

I wanted to let anyone following my thread that I'm doing ok. I'm doing ok.
Well for two days straight my T has slowly faded into... nothing. Absolute silence! I confirmed this by enclosing myself inside a soundproof room at my local community radio station I frequent. With some intermittent cameo reappearances depending on how far I turn my head (I seem to recall I was always like this because it happens in my good ear too).

But something weird has happened.

Since this almost miraculous turn, my H seems to have bolstered itself somehow. Its increased presence is a worry. Also some of the general soreness has returned.

I tell ya what, I could habituate to T on its own after some time. But the H is a tyrant. Hopefully that goes soon.
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Good to hear Drax! I hope the t stays away and the h goes away.
I think this one is a success story though it doesn't feel like it.

This morning I woke up and went for a 2 1/2 mile walk and then 25 minutes of back exercises. It's hot out and I ended up nice and sweaty after that.

After breakfast I've been working on writing a blog post. I've found deep thought and even concentrated on editing photos which takes concentration as I'm not a technology guy.

Here's the twist. I stopped about 10 minutes ago to walk a bit because the constant eee in the background was getting too me. I have ac going and rain on the computer but I can't help but focus on the eee.

This is progress. I haven't been creative, or tried to be creative, since t set in almost 5 months ago. The fact that I'm sitting at my desk and focusing is good. It's a first step. I hold onto my anger about the situation and a little self loathing for bringing this on myself. Like many on the site if I could only change a couple hours of my life but I can't.

We're calling today progress so whoopee I'm trying to move forward. :dunno:
@Mystery Reader Thank you for the kudos. I'm supposed to be back to work now but I got sucked in to TT again. :) I'll send you a copy of the blog post when I finish it. You've been studying too hard lately anyway.

@Bill Bauer I wish there was an I'm so sorry emoticon. I'd use it on every new poster on the site and anyone who didn't get one yet. You cross my mind often because your exposure was so brief compared to many on the site and after 18 months you're still fighting the battle. What hope there is for people exposed to power tool use? Idiot! that was me. I swear I had hearing protection on.

Bill, you've done a ton to help many with t, myself included, and I thank you for your effort.
@New Guy you were protecting your self. You did the right thing back then. Somehow it just stacked up over time. A nurse at the ward(not sure that's the right expression) told me not to be so hard on myself, because I didn't do it on purpose. If I knew all this would happen, would I then have done it?

That felling that we should have acted differently is worse than the T itself I believe.

Btw I ran into a guy at a meeting. Turned out he had T too. His started out at a quiet place that suddenly wasn't quiet at all. He had to turn off refrigerators and stuff like that because even the slightest sound would make it worse. It was like that for 3 months before it started to get better. When I talked to him he said that his just started again from talking about my T. Normally he didn't notice it anymore during the day.

Just a small positive story. Sometimes the eee makes me forget that there is positive things in the future. If I sit at home the whole day, I can listen to it being really bad all day. If I get out and about I sometimes forget about listening to it, and it somehow seems more quiet later on the day even when looking for it.

Sorry I'm getting into random thoughts now. Keep doing what you like. Sitting and listening to it takes you no where's I think.
@DBT I was protecting myself and I don't feel I was reckless my whole life using power equipment. I'm the first of the people I know who do what I do to be blessed with t and it makes no sense. What can I do? Nothing. I just got off of YouTube and I was watching videos of people welding. I had the volume turned down low but it was fun to watch.

I've heard, possibly here, that once you get used to t you only notice it when you look for it.

I agree that doing something, anything, is better than wallowing in pity listening to the eee. I wasn't listening to the eee on purpose. It managed to be heard over the ac and rain. Perhaps it's still variable because it was piercing earlier today.

I hope you're doing well Daniel.
Yesterday I mentioned the t turned to a steady eee while writing a blog post. There's more to that story.

I was using my desktop, not laptop, to work on and my desktop has external speakers with right, left and a base. I was listening to the speakers at a very low volume but I think the volume aggravated my t. I used the desktop again today and noticed the t turned to a louder eee. The 'power' of the desktop speakers seems to irritate the t.

I haven't used the desktop for more than a few minutes since I got t and I'm going to leave the speakers off and rely on the fish take and air conditioner for white noise and see if it makes a difference. I may purchase a cheap, under powered speaker for the desktop so the sound isn't as full.

I got away from the computer for a couple hours and the t seems back at the normal level. I'll have to what happens when I use the desktop and see if it was a coincidence or the speakers are aggravating the t.

There's so many things I never thought of before t.
Finished the post with the speakers off relying on the ac and fish tank for masking. The computer speakers definitely hit the t. Luckily it's a short term increase in the tone. Very weird.

I found deep thought and perseverance the last couple days. It wasn't a monumental achievement by any means but gosh darn it I'm moving forward.
@New Guy I saw a long post, that last one I think, but I refreshed the page and it was gone. As I recall you seemed very introspective and seeking advice.

For me, I know I get disconnected from my T by concentrating my efforts in the areas I HAVE to do. I have good days and bad days, but even on the bad days, when busy, I can look up and notice I haven't thought about my T for an hour. The things that I "have to do" are basically work and other commitments. I feel I have a responsibility in those areas, and so I plow ahead. And as work means food on the table, I see it as part of the commitment to my family.

The above might not help you at all, but know people are pulling for you and hope that the T settles down.

And hoping those chainsaws stop in your area. Protect the woodlands! :)
5 Months

Physical T

The t is mostly eee for the last couple months. The only variation I've had is crickets mixed in under the eee. I haven't had a hiss or static since the sirens almost 3 months ago. I can't say if the sirens sent me in the wrong direction or it was the initial variability of t I've read about.

I just hear the t over the ambient noise outdoors and it screams eee in quiet rooms. If the room is 'quiet' it's just as loud as the first and second month.

In my office with the fish aerator only I hear the t. With the fish aerator and ac I hear it too. I can tune out the t in my office most of the time except when writing or thinking about it.

I don't know if the sirens I was exposed to are the reason I am where I am. It wasn't for a brief moment, it was probably 10 minutes or so. The moral of the story is if you have t and it's new don't linger around loud noises. I feel guilt because things were moving along so well that I stayed near the sirens longer than I should. It was a combination of being in the heat of the moment and a false sense of security.

When I drive my diesel truck with my x5a's on and stop the truck with the x5a's on the t is really loud. It almost identical to when I first got t. Sometimes I wonder if any improvement I've noticed is me getting used to t though I swear it did change to static for periods earlier on.

The h has gone down a lot in the last month. It's still there but not nearly as bad as it was a few months ago. I've been listening to the tv louder. I still jump at loud noises like dishes clanging or my dog barking.

The papery feel has been non-existent the last month. I haven't noticed it once. No papery or crinkly feel in my ears. Perhaps that means whatever inflammation was there is going down. I did notice my right ear, the ear with louder t, has felt like there is something loose jiggling around inside. It's a different feeling than the papery or crinkly feel the first few months.

Mental T

I wrote a really negative post a week ago and deleted it because I didn't want to be that negative. This post is my second attempt at a 5 month update.

I wish I could say I was doing better. It's not like the volume of the t is that bad, I can ignore it with some masking or go outside for peace. I want things to improve before I engage in life again. That's a mistake because part of me thinks what i have is what I'm going to have.

I've gotten better at adapting to having t. I keep my x5a's around all the time in case of something really loud, I have ear plugs for noisy environments. I feel like I know when to protect and when not to.

I wonder when my ears will harden off and not be so sensitive to loud sounds. I fear a longer term loud noise exposure could raise the t for an unknown period of time, like the sirens a few months ago.

I keep harping on the sirens. I don't know if they increased the t or not but I know if I could do it again I wouldn't expose myself to them. I also know given the circumstances I wouldn't have done anything different without hindsight.

In Summary

I feel like I've come a long way learning to live with t but wonder if any progress has stopped and this is it. I sometimes wonder if I've even made any progress with the volume of the t.

The first couple months was a horrible time in my life. Things are better than they were but I don't know where I'm going to end up.

Some people with t longer than me have said progress continues to come, if it has been coming, but the longer you have t the slower progress comes. Perhaps the sirens set me back and my ears are taking their time getting back to where they were. It concerns me a lot that I'm not getting hissing or static.

I haven't been engaging in life though I've tried making a more concerted effort. I did a small job last week and this week and admit that finishing a project leaves me feeling good. I'm doing more of the stuff around the house that I've been avoiding though still nowhere near what I was.

In 5 months I haven't woke up and rushed out of bed to start the day. If I wake up early I roll over, several times, because I'm not excited about life. I get up and do something because I must, not because I'm excited to do it. I'm sure this change can only come from within but I have yet to find the desire to start making that change.

Thanks everyone on TT who has supported and encouraged me or given me an emoji on one of my posts. It means a lot to know there are others listening who understand what I'm going through. I hope you're doing better on your journey. We must keep doing our best. If we have a bad day it's OK, throw it away and start fresh the next day.

I've shared this video before and I want to share it again. Kesha "Praying." My favorite line is "I hope you find your peace."

if we have a bad day it's OK, throw it away and start fresh the next day.

I think that is a really great way of thinking :)

I relate to your effort to throw yourself into projects and things that need doing. I've been trying to do the same, to throw myself into things that need doing or things I'm interested in.

It does make me feel better at the end of the day than I did when I wallowed. Waking up is also a struggle for me and most days I find myself rolling over, not finding reason to get up. I think the fact that my tinnitus is particularly loud upon waking contributes to this.

You seem like a really lovely guy so I do hope it steadily improves with time! Things won't seem so bleak forever, I've found that even when my tinnitus remains at a steady level , and things seem hopeless, I have moments of excitement and deep interest in life and those are worth waiting for.

All the best xx
It concerns me a lot that I'm not getting hissing or static.
Try to find a sound that matches the volume of your T (e.g., the loudest sound you can make when you suck the air through your nostrils). If you can do this, you will be able to track it and know whether the volume has been going down.
I've lost my focus since getting t. My life has no sense of direction. No purpose. I'm living day by day.

What's holding me back? Probably my own anxiety. My desire for everything to be perfect before I move forward.

Same. Its this fear of only being able to cope with one thing at once for me. Being a guy makes it seem even worse in that i cant multi task to save my life. The fear of trying to wrestle with this as well as any other mis fortune would be too much. My life is officially on hold.

For me personally 2017 was one hell of a defining year, every door in my life opened up and simultaneously closed.

Ive heard a lot of people talk about 3 years being the time frame to get over something profoundly life changing. Maybe at that point we/ill have enough strength to begin living again.

It's been such a roller coaster ride that accepting that it was a bad day and moving on is my coping mechanism. I hate to say my expectations for myself have lowered but I think they have.

I am getting more used to the sound and ignoring it. I wasn't very good at that the first couple months.

I'm hoping for the day I wake up and get going but I don't think that happens suddenly. I think it happens a little at a time and we don't notice how we're getting back to our old ways.

@Bill Bauer

Great idea. My fish tank aerator and air conditioner are my rough measure of volume. I haven't been masking as much...that could be a big contributor to the volume being more noticeable.

@john paul

There are two types of people in this world. Thinkers and doers. Many on this site are thinkers, deep thinkers, and we don't want to move on until everything is perfect again. Little by little we will learn to start moving on in small steps.

In April I thought I was just going to jump back into my old life and it overwhelmed me.

I wish things were different for all of us.

I'm trying to cut back my time on TT if anyone doesn't see me for a few days. The best way to take my mind off t right now is to spend less time thinking about it.
I think the ATA should put together a folder of what to do if you're diagnosed with T and distribute it to every ENT office in the country.
I couldn't agree more. My son had a firecracker explode next to his ear. We were out of town, went to two urgent cares, saw 2 docs one of which consulted with an ENT. Then I called my pediatrician at home who also consulted with an ENT. Then when back home, we saw the department head of the children's hospital ENT department... Not ONE of the doctors even mentioned prednisone. If any of the three doctors we had consulted with in the two days after the injury had suggested this, we might not be here six weeks later with tinnitus that has not improved an iota.
Stopped by for a visit. Hope everyone is doing well.
I'm on TT though I swore I'd take some time off. I miss you guys and girls. My new friends. The people who truly 'get me' since I got t.

I started reading a book "13 Things Mentally Strong People Don't Do" if you're looking for some motivation it's a good read.

I've been trying to get back into old GOOD habits. Some days I do better than others. I should be headed out the door but my but is dragging.

If we're going to get our life back it comes little by little, not all at once. I'm trying to move in a direction of getting my life back rather than dwelling on pity. Some days are better than others.

Have a wonderful day! :)
I got a little fountain for my office and it masks my T pretty well. #winning.
This is a great idea. I have been looking at little water fountains for my yoga room. Do you find it soothing or can it sometimes be more of a distraction?

I am considering getting this one.


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