This Year's Last Update
1. 37 months after serious acoustic trauma.
2. During the day and in the evening loudness of tinnitus is something like 2/10. Before noon, after a good night sleep, it's more like 1/10. Sometimes, in the first half of the day, it can be in the form of quiet and soft hissing.
3. Mild everyday headache is still present.
4. Mild everyday nerve pain in whole body is still present.
5. Balance issues can still occur time after time bet they are not severe and I handle them really well.
6. Hyperacusis is 95%-98% gone.
7. I still protect my ears in loud places.
8. At this point I've slept 16 nights in absolutely silent bedroom without any sound enrichment (only a quiet clock). It is my best Christmas present ever!

9. I hear my tinnitus only in a very silent room, for example, in the bathroom or, sometimes, in other rooms too and it is quiet enough for my brain to, basically, ignore it. To completely not to pay attention to it. I do not hear my tinnitus outside, in the public transport, at work, at church. It can sometimes come back in the form of some static noise for a couple of minutes or seconds but that's it. Reactivity can also come back for a split second when I'm in the shopping mall. It can occur in reaction to advertisement from the speaker, for example. A split second does not do any difference. I just don't pay attention and move on doing what I was doing.
I wish everyone Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I've began seeing light at the end of the tunnel and I think most of you will be blessed with this positive experience with time. Each of us has his own time so try not to loose faith in positive outcome, turn to God for help and be nice to people around you. Do not get angry because of this condition and do not blame yourself for anything. Just do what you do and patiently wait taking it day by day, step by step. In most cases it will get better, I promise.
Have a great day everyone.
Take care.