Photo Album of Tinnitus Talk Members

I just want you to know that you single handedly killed my stereotype that Eagles fans are major a-holes :).
But Eagles fans are major assholes. The stereotype is 100% true. I've considered rooting for another team because of this lol. Then again, maybe I'm the perfect Eagles fan since being fickle and fair weather is par for the course.
All of your people look like models from a magazine! Amazingly beautiful people... jealous.
I love wearing face masks. Obviously looking forward to a time when they aren't necessary anymore, but I hope they stay socially acceptable :D

I am loving these pictures! Thanks for sharing everyone. Tinnitus and all our other problems suck! But this community keeps us going. It is wonderful to put a face to the people I speak to on this forum.

I also love seeing all the different countries people have visited, or live in. Makes me so jealous.

I am an hours journey by train from London. So if anyone comes to visit England, I'd be more than happy to show people around. Even if you come with your partners, hit me up! I'm here for the ride. ;)
Well, I'm making a small step in being less ashamed of my disability by posting some pictures. I figure, if any loved ones see these, they will already know who I am from seeing enough of my posts to make it to this point.

The first picture is after my wife and I successfully had the offer on our first home accepted. I was quite happy here. I had battled chronic illness all throughout grad school, did well in a competitive interview process, and landed the job I wanted. My stressful year was almost over, with the only main obstacles left being closing, finishing my thesis, defending, and moving. My wife (hidden for privacy) also succeeded under difficult circumstances. At the time of this picture, if you would have said the word "hyperacusis," I would have said "what's that?"

The second picture is in month 15 of hyperacusis. I had started steroids a month ago and increased my LDLs from essentially 0 dB to around 20-30 dB. I had to turn the window unit off to play Scribbage with my wife. I'm surprised I look so happy, as that was far from reality. I think maybe I believed that steroids were going to keep improving my LDLs, but they pretty much leveled off right around the time of the picture. My cat is happy as can be. She loves games where she can try to knock the pieces around.

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Well done for showing up Zugzug.
We all stand with you brother.
I know we can't do much, but we recognise your courage and your fortitude.

Very best wishes to you and yours,
Dave x
Agree, I have yet to see a face on here I didn't want to just hug.
Haha, it might be kind of awkward to hug a face, avoiding the body. But I know what you mean and I agree.
So many pretty faces. My heart breaks for us all. It shouldn't have been this way...
Honestly, even though recently it's been very trying for me with my new noises and tones and the spike, I know that I should still consider myself lucky. I've been thinking about the very severe cases on here lately and knowing the shit people have to go through on a daily basis breaks my heart.
Well done for showing up Zugzug.
We all stand with you brother.
I know we can't do much, but we recognise your courage and your fortitude.

Very best wishes to you and yours,
Dave x
Thanks, Jazzer. You've faced so many adversity lately that I don't even know what to say. You have to be a strong willed person to offer such kindness through it all.
Ok, a picture of me for all the Switzerland fans. This one is about a year old and I was doing well back then, tinnitus was minimal and hyperacusis as well. Later on that day I got my first setback though... ^_^

Glarner Berge.jpg
Well, this thread is getting big again, so I might as well contribute once more.

Here's a crappy selfie.

I'm slightly jealous. My cat and I are very close, but I'm allergic so I don't touch her. I pet her with my feet and she bumps into my elbows.
Meanwhile, my cat uses my clavicle as a diving board...

But she's so sweet. Never even heard her hiss once in 6 years.

They have hypoallergenic cat breeds, by the way. Not to take away from your bond with your cat at all but maybe a second kitty you can snuggle?
Meanwhile, my cat uses my clavicle as a diving board...

But she's so sweet. Never even heard her hiss once in 6 years.

They have hypoallergenic cat breeds, by the way. Not to take away from your bond with your cat at all but maybe a second kitty you can snuggle?
Ah yes a Siberian would be a good hypoallergenic snuggler.
I've been looking through these photos and my heart absolutely breaks for everyone affected by this horrid condition. It really does make you realise that the people on this forum are humans whose lives have been touched/altered/devastated by this evil affliction.

This was September when all this was relatively new and I thought it'd go away. I don't smile anymore, but my boy is the reason I'm still here.
Exactly the reason why this thread exists.
Beautiful picture of you and your boy.



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