Photo Album of Tinnitus Talk Members

I actually love the 70s hair! I'm not tall and slender enough to pull it off. You certainly can! ;)

Loving the stack of books behind you haha. Maybe it's time to invest in a case? :p
Lol. There is actually a piece of metal furniture in that stack! It's called an "invisible bookshelf." I have an actual bookcase, too. That's my shelf for stuff I have still been meaning to read (one day maybe).
Lol. There is actually a piece of metal furniture in that stack! It's called an "invisible bookshelf." I have an actual bookcase, too. That's my shelf for stuff I have still been meaning to read (one day maybe).
Ha! Well, that's a turn out for the books! (Pun most definitely intended).

My bookshelf is a mess. Has all sorts on it. Loads of artworks, skulls, drawings, fossils etc. It's almost like a kunstkammer. I'm quite proud of my collections.
Hi @Steph1710 -- I love the way you look! In fact, your picture has sort of a mystical, Mona Lisa type quality to it. Really! -- BTW, your photo with your outstretched arms has prompted me to do my own "plunge". :) -- Thanks to everybody who's posted their photo(s); I've been enjoying them all!

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Because of your name I always imagined you as the great Layne Staley from Alice in Chains, lol. At least I wasn't too far off eh!
Right — I'll post my lockdown hair.

It's not a pretty sight! I'm in desperate need of a hair cut. Someone get this girl a brush!

Not so easy on the eye now, am I @kingsfan ;)

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Sucks about the contacts, I've worn them for 15 years now somehow trouble free despite my eyes getting bone dry from all the weed, lol. I love your eyeware game though Steph!

"The bigger the shades, the cooler the band." - Fenriz of Darkthrone

Here's how my COVID-19 cut is progressing... it's normally not this agreeable. Always need a hat to like compress it down when it gets this thick and gangly. Otherwise it's just a total rats nest! Here I have somewhat tamed it coming out of the shower:


But it just turns into a thick frizzy mess so I usually wear a hat lol.


Looking forward to the summer!
Sucks about the contacts, I've worn them for 15 years now somehow trouble free despite my eyes getting bone dry from all the weed, lol. I love your eyeware game though Steph!

"The bigger the shades, the cooler the band." - Fenriz of Darkthrone
Hahaha! Pretty sure I've heard this before.

Yeah, I hate glasses so much. It's not even the aesthetic of them, they're just so damn awkward! They get dirty, they steam up, you can't see out of them if you get caught in the rain etc. Bastard things!

You ever listened to Mr Bungle or Faith No More? I've been giving them a listen recently. Not sure what I think yet.

I have a feeling that if we lived closer, we would totally hang out. \m/
One of the best concerts I ever saw in my life was Mr. Bungle. I miss music so much :(.
FGG, you're not only incredibly intelligent, you also have great taste in music! I like you a lot LOL.

I still listen to music everyday. Occasionally I turn it down, or off because certain notes or frequencies hurt my ears. The FNM track - Midlife Crisis, I love. However, the ending on it, screws with my ears big time! :(

Was Matt Patton with Mr Bungle when you saw them? I heard he's crazy on stage?

He aged terribly. He was hot stuff when he was young. Now he just looks spaced out and sweaty haha.
Hahaha! Pretty sure I've heard this before.

Yeah, I hate my glasses so much. It's not even the aesthetic of them, they're just so damn awkward! They get dirty, they steam up, you can't see out of them if you get caught in the rain etc. Bastard things!

You ever listened to Mr Bungle or Faith No More? I've been giving them a listen recently. Not sure what I think yet.

I have a feeling that if we lived closer, we would totally hang out. \m/
Yeah I think it might actually be a Lemmy quote, they all tend to echo his famous lines hahaha.

I hate my glasses too, my prescription is so thick that glasses only correct the dead centre of the lens. It's horrid, like looking through a fishbowl! Virtually zero peripheral vision!

Faith No More I have listened to, Midlife Crisis is the only song that comes to mind but it's a total banger! Heard them first on the GTA San Andreas soundtrack back in the day!

Omg yes, please we GOTTA hang out my homie! Hit me up when you come to Canada! I'm about 2 hours northeast of Toronto. I have a feeling we'd get up to no good together, and some urbex for sure ;) Ever evaded the police on foot? I have :ROFL:
There are so many beautiful people on this forum. Too many young people. Our smiles hide the torture of tinnitus. Hang in there and pray for better treatments or a cure.
What a lovely post! Thank you Ken :) Feel free (if you want) to post a photo. We love seeing everyone, old, young, or in between. <3
FGG, you're not only incredibly intelligent, you also have great taste in music! I like you a lot LOL.
FGG is rockstar status here, but she also has a super big heart. I see your posts in the politics thread @FGG and I immediately smash the agree button. Filthy liberals aren't we! :LOL:
I still listen to music everyday. Occasionally I turn it down, or off because certain notes or frequencies hurt my ears. The FNM track - Midlife Crisis, I love. However, the ending on it, screws with my ears big time! :(
I'm so lucky to have gotten music mostly back. But I'm the same way, certain high frequencies causes this trembling earthquake sensation in my eardrums. Luckily its mostly just my Mum's church music that sets it off now. The joyful noise as it were :ROFL:
I hate glasses too, my prescription is so thick that glasses only correct the dead centre of the lens. It's horrid, like looking through a fishbowl! Virtually zero peripheral vision!
I know the feeling! I'm pretty blind too. The lenses are thick. I've worn glasses since I was nine. (n) I wish I was one of those people who could casually wear them - like put them on to read, then place them on top of my head, once I'd finished... like the sexy secretary does in the movies lol. But no. I can't.

Yeah, I've had to sacrifice my peripheral vision. So if you want to tackle me, come in from the side - I'll never see ya! :watching:
Faith No More I have listened to, Midlife Crisis is the only song that comes to mind but it's a total banger! Heard them first on the GTA San Andreas soundtrack back in the day!
Absolute classic!
Omg yes, please we GOTTA hang out my homie! Hit me up when you come to Canada! I'm about 2 hours northeast of Toronto. I have a feeling we'd get up to no good together, and some urbex for sure ;) Ever evaded the police on foot? I have
Oh yeah, we would most definitely get up to no good! Hitting up some abandoned places would 100% be on the cards! No doubt about it!

And of course I've run from police. I hid in a bush once. Haha! Not my finest moment. Let's just say, as a youth, I was always pushing boundaries.

I can't believe you live in Canada. The jealousy is unreal! I mean this in all seriousness when I say that I want to come over and hang out. You live with parents? Or you got your own place?
Aw I'm glad I've discovered this wonderful thread - look at you guys!
Going through pictures is hard, because I miss my life and how it was. It feels like I'm mourning over it.
I decided to post this picture with my mom as she is my rock and best friend, especially in situations like this there is no one else who understands me like she does :)


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