For what it's worth, here's what happened to me. I fought tooth and nail for the job I wanted -- with chronic illness. I ended up getting it, bought a house, and was ready to start. My chronic illness flared up and spread to my inner ears, giving me severe, disabling hyperacusis. I had to suspend starting my job.
Flash forward 3 months and I was experiencing an upswing (still had severe hyperacusis though). I met with my employer (who totally understood my position) and they gave me the choice between not working and working part-time.
The old me, the one that was ambitious, wanted me to take the part-time work in hopes of keeping my job. The rational me knew that my situation was highly unstable. I went with not working.
Sure enough, within a few weeks, my disease increased again, validating my decision. From the sounds of it, you do not appear to be in a position to seek out a major promotion at work. It's frustrating though because the old you wanted it so bad. It sucks -- it's like admitting to yourself how bad things really are.
Then again, you appear to have money, and thanks to my wife, I do too. We are lucky that this is a pride issue and not a "go hungry" issue.