What's your view on hearing aids? Aren't they essentially earbuds with a microphone,
No they are not. They are completely different from earbuds. Earbuds use a diaphragm or small speaker to produce sound into the ear. The sound is unregulated and can cause irritation to the inner ear. Hearing aids and White noise generators work completely differently. The sound is emitted through a very small hole/aperture within a plastic tube that wraps round the back of the ear and enters the ear canal. The sound is smooth regulated and will not usually irritate the inner ear.
There are also many musicians using in-ear monitors as a way to lower the volume on stage. In this case, it's likely the better option in comparison to the music levels on stage through stage monitors.
Many musicians do use ear monitors and there's nothing wrong with that and some of them have tinnitus. However, I assure you, their tinnitus is not at the level of severity that many people in this forum have. If it was they wouldn't be able to be playing loud music and wearing ear monitors I promise you.
Tinnitus comes in many forms and intensities and no two people experience it the same. Please be assured of this: When tinnitus becomes severe enough and this level is sustained it becomes seriously debilitating to a person's mental and emotional wellbeing. Please read the post below.
What is severe debilitating tinnitus?
People that are new to tinnitus have often told me, they didn't realize it was such a common condition. When discussing it with a friend or family member the reply is: "I just ignore it" "Mine only bothers me at night once asleep I'm fine". Another might say: "It plays a tune, it was strange at first but I'm used to it now". And so the story goes on. These comments can make a person think, what is wrong with me, why can't I just ignore it and get along with my life?
The truth of the matter is this: Tinnitus is a very common condition and comes in many forms and intensities and no two people experience it the same. Fortunately, most people are able to live with it or rather "habituate" and carry on doing all the things that they want to, without it impacting too much on their life. I have covered habituation and the habituation process, in many of my posts and articles that can be found on my started threads.
Although most people eventually habituate to tinnitus naturally or with the help of medication, counselling and sound therapy. There is darker and more sinister side to tinnitus, that is not often talked about but I believe is relevant and should be addressed, especially if one wants to carry on with their life. Under these circumstances, it is absolutely vital that a person seeks the best help that is available to them.
What is severe debilitating tinnitus and what are the best ways of treating it?
I have read posts where people say: "My tinnitus is severe and I'm still able to work". "My friend has ragging tinnitus, plays in a band and isn't affected by it". Some famous musicians say "I hear tinnitus over everything I'm still able to play loud music".
The answer by those mentioned above to people that have difficulty coping, managing and working with tinnitus because they find it debilitating, it's all about mind over matter. If you don't allow tinnitus to get the better of you then you can accomplish anything that you want to do.
In reply to those people I want to say that you are talking absolute rubbish. You are able to continue playing loud music in your band or able work and carrying on doing all the things that you want to do because, your tinnitus has not reached a critical level of intensity yet. I hope it doesn't because if it ever does, then you will come to know and realize the full wrath of what tinnitus able to unleash someone. Your tinnitus may indeed be intrusive and noticeable over many things. However, I am here to tell you it is not severely debilitating.
When tinnitus reaches a severe level of intensity and this is sustained, it becomes seriously debilitating and affects a person's mental and emotional wellbeing profoundly. The affected person, will often be under immense pressure trying to cope with not one but often a cacophony of noises in their head and ears. Under these circumstances. It can be very difficult to do some of the most simple every day tasks. Medication in form of antidepressant, benzodiazepine such as clonazepam have often proven to be helpful. So is counselling with a Hearing Therapist or Audiologist, trained in the treatment and management of tinnitus. Contrary to what some people believe, medications do not necessarily make tinnitus worse.
It is reading posts and listening to people that don't know better who say, antidepressants and benzos make tinnitus worse. These people often have low to moderate tinnitus and are able to manage it quite well, even if its occasionally severe they are not overly troubled by it. Therefore, they have no need to find help taking medication, having counselling or using sound therapy for treatment.
Not seeking professional medical help can result in a person spiralling down into deep depression and having suicidal thoughts due to the immense distress they are put under by intrusive tinnitus. It can sometimes result in a person having to be admitted into hospital psychiatric unit.
Please seek medical help if you are having difficulty coping with tinnitus.