I'll be honest here, when i first got tinnitus it was very frustrating and i use to ask my mom if she heard the noises i was hearing. I did question many things and wondered why this was happening. This was when i had a low..not noticeable hiss in my left ear. Over the years it has gotten really bad in both ears and it is what it is. No point in dwelling on it. I just accepted it and live my life. Accepting takes time and some don't, if you accept it and not fight it, it becomes much easier.
Living with tinnitus is cake walk compared to getting of a medication that a clown Dr gave me. It took 1 full year of mental and phsyical pain to get off those pills and the side effects and withdrawls were beyond scary and painful. Once i did get off those meds, i must have slept 1-2 hours a day for 90+ days and it was beyond crazy.
So tinnitus is no big deal for me..