Poll: Recovery Time from Coronavirus (COVID-19) Vaccine Induced Tinnitus Spike

If your tinnitus was spiked from COVID-19 vaccine, how long did it take to go back to baseline?

  • Less than a week

    Votes: 13 16.9%
  • 1-4 weeks

    Votes: 16 20.8%
  • More than a month

    Votes: 8 10.4%
  • My spike has not resolved to date

    Votes: 40 51.9%

  • Total voters

Jon R.

Feb 6, 2015
Tinnitus Since
2001 & then again in 2021
Cause of Tinnitus
1st tone 2001 ear plugs, 3 other tones 2021 Pfizer vaccine
I am finding it very hard to cope with my new tinnitus life. For 15 years I coped with tinnitus, just put on fans 24/7 and got on with life. Now since I had the COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer), I have a hissing so loud in my ears that sounds like someone is letting down a tyre, that gets even louder than the fans I used to use to mask sounds as it always wants to be louder. The low vibration hum is also 5x louder than before the vaccine and I can hear it in all rooms now rather than quiet rooms and it vibrates my ear. I am now in week 5 of this spiked mess. I am terrified, and I know that doesn't help recovery but I can't cope with this, especially as it is reactive now. My whole regime of coping with my tinnitus is gone, fans no longer work. They just create an ultra high coil whine / dentist drill noise in my ears now, louder than the fans/AC. The high pitch squeal is killing me, on top of the low vibrating hum, I can't even enter a quiet room as my head feels like it is electrified and will explode from the buzzing.

I guess I am just looking for some hope, is 5 weeks now at the point I have to say it is permanent ? I have never had a spike last longer than 3 weeks in my whole 15 years of tinnitus, which usually happened after colds.

Why would the vaccine do these? It doesn't contain an actual virus, just the protein from it. I know the Pfizer vaccine used a -mycin ototoxic antibiotic during the creation stage of the vaccine, but they say none should be in the actual final vaccine.

I realise everyone here has their own tinnitus battle to fight, I am just upset at the time taking, and the fact I am a hermit and barely leave the house so would never have likely caught COVID-19 anyway.
There are people on Facebook that I follow who have had hearing loss, tinnitus, hyperacusis and vertigo after the vax and are experiencing improvements. The time table seems to vary from person to person.

It's encouraging to hear of people getting better and some have had tinnitus completely subside.

I hope you feel better very soon~
I feel for you! It is frustrating indeed. I have read that the Shingles vaccine has a "known issue" for causing/worsening tinnitus. I don't know why. Some medications cause it. Neck injuries can cause it. The list goes on. COVID-19 disease does cause it in some people and even vertigo and hearing loss. So I guess whatever "blueprint" the vaccine gives a human body, it triggers a side effect same as the lymph nodes, or fever, or some of the other rare ones like myocarditis, etc.

I hope yours resolves as well as mine has.

As far as the timing, I read that a woman in the UK got COVID-19 and not only was sick, she completely lost her hearing. It came back in 3 months. I will bet you get relief soon. Maybe try some YouTube videos of "meditation sounds" to see if any of them help. I remember chakra bowls (which drove me insane) and then other videos of other sounds that were peaceful (to my brain).

Good luck and keep posting how things are going. At least here, you know we care and empathize!
COVID-19 disease does cause it in some people and even vertigo and hearing loss.
What is sad is 7-15% may have hearing problems as a result of catching COVID-19. As of now with the number of COVID-19 cases it is about 30M more people with hearing issues. Maybe they will step up research?
I got a spike after my first shot of Pfizer, which corresponded to a TMJ flare so I ignored it and have no reason to think was vaxx related.

I do believe I got a spike after #2 that didn't onset until 3-4 days post vaxx (that would have been around 30 May). At this point I feel like I am basically back to baseline; I can't say exactly how long that took to happen because I did my best to just assume it was transient and completely ignore it, and my life right now is both insanely busy and full of relatively loud environments that require both earplugs and constant attention on dangerous machines, so "I haven't been thinking about it too much".

I voted 1-4 weeks here. That's the same recovery time I get for tinnitus spikes following actual illnesses, so that tracks pretty well as far as immunological responses messing with tinnitus perception.

Also worth noting: even though my effects were, to me, fairly minor, my V-safe reporting did trigger a call from VAERS people and I filled a VAERS report so I am now in the "tinnitus" data set for Pfizer in VAERS. I would suspect that the vast majority of tinnitus reports in VAERS are, like mine, unremarkable and not very scary, but it would be nice if they did more follow-up and differentiated between "tinnitus, resolved within 6-8 weeks" and "tinnitus, did not resolve after 8 weeks". Just having a lump set of "tinnitus" that includes everything from people like me who get a temporary spike, to the very rare cases of people having more severe and long term problems, does not seem that useful.

I don't think 5 weeks is remotely permanent. For all we know you're literally having a really weird reaction to antibody titers or something and it will diminish as your antibody levels fall over 4-8 months. No one really understands how any of this works.
What is sad is 7-15% may have hearing problems as a result of catching COVID-19. As of now with the number of COVID-19 cases it is about 30M more people with hearing issues. Maybe they will step up research?
Yep, I agree, and COVID-19 does seem especially bad on the ears, but it's worth noting that every year millions of people suffer hearing damage and/or tinnitus from routine viral infections (flu and other) that make their way into the ear, cause inflammation and pow, eeeeEEEEEeeeeEEEE. The only things you can do to protect yourself from this are basic vigilance and cleanliness.
More Vaccine Troubles: Israeli Study Links Pfizer Vaccine to Rare Blood Disorder

U.K. Unlikely to Recommend COVID-19 Shots to Children Aged 12-17

WHO now says children and adolescents should wait and not get any of the vaccines.

Dr. Peter Mccullough says the COVID-19 vaccines are killing large numbers of people in the first 3 days of lockdowns.

There's other alarming conclusions and assertions from various doctors (that are ignored or censored).

These concerns shouldn't be ignored and many of these are serious enough to justify pause for tinnitus sufferers considering an experimental vaccine.
I am finding it very hard to cope with my new tinnitus life. For 15 years I coped with tinnitus, just put on fans 24/7 and got on with life. Now since I had the COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer), I have a hissing so loud in my ears that sounds like someone is letting down a tyre, that gets even louder than the fans I used to use to mask sounds as it always wants to be louder. The low vibration hum is also 5x louder than before the vaccine and I can hear it in all rooms now rather than quiet rooms and it vibrates my ear. I am now in week 5 of this spiked mess. I am terrified, and I know that doesn't help recovery but I can't cope with this, especially as it is reactive now. My whole regime of coping with my tinnitus is gone, fans no longer work. They just create an ultra high coil whine / dentist drill noise in my ears now, louder than the fans/AC. The high pitch squeal is killing me, on top of the low vibrating hum, I can't even enter a quiet room as my head feels like it is electrified and will explode from the buzzing.

I guess I am just looking for some hope, is 5 weeks now at the point I have to say it is permanent ? I have never had a spike last longer than 3 weeks in my whole 15 years of tinnitus, which usually happened after colds.

Why would the vaccine do these? It doesn't contain an actual virus, just the protein from it. I know the Pfizer vaccine used a -mycin ototoxic antibiotic during the creation stage of the vaccine, but they say none should be in the actual final vaccine.

I realise everyone here has their own tinnitus battle to fight, I am just upset at the time taking, and the fact I am a hermit and barely leave the house so would never have likely caught COVID-19 anyway.
I got 2 shots of Pfizer and I have nothing to report.

But 2 years ago I got a big spike after a fire alarm. It took months to go down. After 3 months I was considering it would be permanent but finally after a few more months it resolved.

Not sure how many months exactly it took to go back to baseline but it was a longggggggg time (more than 6 months).

This means it can still resolve well after the usual time.
Can static hissing tinnitus go away too?

7 weeks ago, before the jab, I never had it, or if I did, then it was ultra quiet.

Now my ears are blasting with the "hissing TV static and ice being poured en mass out of a barrel on hard floor" sound, everything is so piercing and hissy.

Things have got worse and I am just clinging on. I have zero quality of life. I can't mask the noises with music or fans as the shrill glass sound always wants to be the loudest which defeats the object.

My audiologist this week told me it will never go away. Some posts above give me hope it might, but does this include hissing static and shrill sounds?
Can static hissing tinnitus go away too?

7 weeks ago, before the jab, I never had it, or if I did, then it was ultra quiet.

Now my ears are blasting with the "hissing TV static and ice being poured en mass out of a barrel on hard floor" sound, everything is so piercing and hissy.

Things have got worse and I am just clinging on. I have zero quality of life. I can't mask the noises with music or fans as the shrill glass sound always wants to be the loudest which defeats the object.

My audiologist this week told me it will never go away. Some posts above give me hope it might, but does this include hissing static and shrill sounds?
It can go away. You may need to start shielding your ears some if it's reacting so much. Mine is the same and it sucks.

I would definitely not consider it permanent at this point. It's not permanent until it's permanent. Our bodies are designed to heal themselves. I know it's very hard mentally going through this.

It sounds like the vaccine is quite strong and agitates the system so any pre-existing things we have could potentially flare up.

I have not gotten the vaccine yet but from everything I have read, it's sort of an inflammatory reaction to your system. Perhaps consider reducing inflammation in whatever ways you can, be that diet, supplements, stress reducing techniques.
My aunt got myocarditis from the vaccine and it resolved in about two months.

I got 2 shots of Pfizer and I have nothing to report.

But 2 years ago I got a big spike after a fire alarm. It took months to go down. After 3 months I was considering it would be permanent but finally after a few more months it resolved.

Not sure how many months exactly it took to go back to baseline but it was a longggggggg time (more than 6 months).

This means it can still resolve well after the usual time.
Maybe. Maybe for some. Not for others. Everyone's ears and genetics are different. But, you are forgetting something.

One, we cannot control most of our noise exposures to our ears. Also, as bad as it is, it's natural and most of the time is unavoidable unless you chose to go into situations you can control (knowing a place might have loud noise but not required to go there). Most of the time, an acoustic trauma will either a) only irritate us; b) cause a temporary spike. Exceptions c) cause a spike and increase baseline - but, we cannot always avoid this. Society is NOISY. But, we can predict most of this or have a good idea.

Why am I making this (post) longer than it needs to be?

To contrast and compare above with vaccination/covid vaccines. Even if we know acoustic trauma is more likely to spike tinnitus, the covid vaccines may cause harm and you are voluntarily taking them. We might be coerced or bribed to take them but so far, people in uniforms aren't grabbing us and holding us down against our will to get a jab in the arm. You are taking a big risk getting a covid vaccine. People without tinnitus are taking a risk. But, you are increasing that risk when you have tinnitus. It's an experimental vaccine and you have no idea what it might do to your tinnitus. Some people are claiming it worsened their tinnitus. Why would that happen? It's supposed to be safe!
Maybe. Maybe for some. Not for others. Everyone's ears and genetics are different. But, you are forgetting something.

One, we cannot control most of our noise exposures to our ears. Also, as bad as it is, it's natural and most of the time is unavoidable unless you chose to go into situations you can control (knowing a place might have loud noise but not required to go there). Most of the time, an acoustic trauma will either a) only irritate us; b) cause a temporary spike. Exceptions c) cause a spike and increase baseline - but, we cannot always avoid this. Society is NOISY. But, we can predict most of this or have a good idea.

Why am I making this (post) longer than it needs to be?

To contrast and compare above with vaccination/covid vaccines. Even if we know acoustic trauma is more likely to spike tinnitus, the covid vaccines may cause harm and you are voluntarily taking them. We might be coerced or bribed to take them but so far, people in uniforms aren't grabbing us and holding us down against our will to get a jab in the arm. You are taking a big risk getting a covid vaccine. People without tinnitus are taking a risk. But, you are increasing that risk when you have tinnitus. It's an experimental vaccine and you have no idea what it might do to your tinnitus. Some people are claiming it worsened their tinnitus. Why would that happen? It's supposed to be safe!
Dude, just shut it already. You act like I'm not loving this screeching beeping booping reactive tinnitus that wakes me up multiple times daily lol.
I'm still not recovered yet.

Can anyone let me know from my audiogram results below if I could have autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED)? The more I read about AIED, the more it sounds like me, minus noticeable hearing loss. By this I mean my tinnitus started in my left ear, went crazy for 4 weeks, then moved to my right ear too. Looking at AIED it seems to move from ear to ear and cause damage after an immune response. Mine started after the COVID-19 jab.

Trouble is I don't have an older audiogram for reference. But is there enough hearing loss there that AIED could be possible? I seem to remember the tester went up to 15 kHz and I suddenly dropped off around 14 kHz on both ears.

I am 42. For some reason the image he sent me only shows up to 8 kHz but I do remember seeing higher frequencies on his screen.



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I'm still not recovered yet.

Can anyone let me know from my audiogram results below if I could have autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED)? The more I read about AIED, the more it sounds like me, minus noticeable hearing loss. By this I mean my tinnitus started in my left ear, went crazy for 4 weeks, then moved to my right ear too. Looking at AIED it seems to move from ear to ear and cause damage after an immune response. Mine started after the COVID-19 jab.

Trouble is I don't have an older audiogram for reference. But is there enough hearing loss there that AIED could be possible? I seem to remember the tester went up to 15 kHz and I suddenly dropped off around 14 kHz on both ears.

I am 42. For some reason the image he sent me only shows up to 8 kHz but I do remember seeing higher frequencies on his screen.

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Not sure but your hearing looks good. Hearing is not normally tested above 8 kHz, a standard audiogram looks at those lower frequencies because they pertain to speech. Loss above 8 kHz is normal as we age, and it would not be unexpected to see someone in their 40s have hearing decline at 14 kHz.

I completely drop to severe hearing loss in one ear after 4 kHz. Now that is the type of loss that triggers red flags for further testing.

This is from a study looking for hearing loss from noise and aging, and it shows average hearing levels as we age.

I'm three months out from my J and J which exasperated my pre existing pulsatile tinnitus. Very little change, but it is not at least getting worse. My ENT gave me a few rounds of steroids but no big help.

I have had tinnitus for almost 30 years and I have had spikes in the past caused by various things. I kept a diary on them, it was in the late 90s, and have recently re-read my descriptions of what I went thru then. Some of the symptoms were very similar, even though those spikes were caused by other things (noise, over use of earplugs, double ear infections) it took months and months for things to calm down. My ENT said about 6 months. This sounds about right.

Of course, my goal is "baseline" tinnitus, the soft hiss that I've heard for over 20 years that I could live with. I am hoping it will calm down and get back to that some time this year.
I have now reduced hearing in my other ear (which was perfectly fine) + new tones in the left ear and spikes in the right ear!

I started Prednisone yesterday. Hoping for some recovery.
My concern is that I never had tinnitus in my right ear but I do now since the vaccine, and now my hearing sounds like everyone has a lisp (although oddly not face to face, just via TV, radio, stereo, etc). Very depressing.

Up to 4 or 5 weeks I could cope better as I could mask it as it was different, then it changed 3 weeks ago to always wanting to be louder than the music or sound I am listening to, so I always have someone frying burgers in my ears now which gets louder with sound. I am an audio lover so this is a kick in the gut.

I wish doctors could say what is happening, such as inflammation on brain, ears, etc, or maybe they have been attacked and damaged.
The spike protein, which is a component of the virus, and is the basis of nearly all the vaccines, can cross the blood-brain barrier, it would seem. As the prevailing thinking is that tinnitus perception is a central NS problem it would follow that any Central toxic effect from the protein could be expressed as sensory disturbance.
I had two shots of the AstraZeneca vaccine. No impact on my tinnitus or on anything else.

I do feel for the sufferers posting here but I believe there is more risk of tinnitus and other long-term issues if you catch COVID-19.
I have now reduced hearing in my other ear (which was perfectly fine) + new tones in the left ear and spikes in the right ear!

I started Prednisone yesterday. Hoping for some recovery.
Which vaccine did you get? Pfizer?
It's not the spike protein that causes the tinnitus. It is your body's hyper immune response to it that puts your system into over drive and yes, it is inflammation. I was given a 6 month "recovery" window from this although, if it does get better, from past experiences, I would think 6-12 months is more realistic.
My concern is that I never had tinnitus in my right ear but I do now since the vaccine, and now my hearing sounds like everyone has a lisp (although oddly not face to face, just via TV, radio, stereo, etc). Very depressing.

Up to 4 or 5 weeks I could cope better as I could mask it as it was different, then it changed 3 weeks ago to always wanting to be louder than the music or sound I am listening to, so I always have someone frying burgers in my ears now which gets louder with sound. I am an audio lover so this is a kick in the gut.

I wish doctors could say what is happening, such as inflammation on brain, ears, etc, or maybe they have been attacked and damaged.
As someone who had worsening from the Pfizer vaccine and hasn't had any improvement after 3 months, I still think time is on your side. I think stress also plays an important role in how fast you progress back to baseline. You had the vaccine, your immune response cause a bunch of inflammation, making your tinnitus ramp up. You become stressed about the increase, and now your body is constantly releasing cytokines and promoting inflammation. It's just a vicious cycle.
Can anyone let me know from my audiogram results below if I could have autoimmune inner ear disease (AIED)?
That's a normal audiogram. It does not look like there are any hearing problems there (the ones that can show in an audiogram).

As for the vaccine, I still do not understand why young people are rushing to get vaccinated with experimental vaccines that are producing side effects for which no one will be held responsible.
That's a normal audiogram. It does not look like there are any hearing problems there (the ones that can show in an audiogram).

As for the vaccine, I still do not understand why young people are rushing to get vaccinated with experimental vaccines that are producing side effects for which no one will be held responsible.
Because young people can get COVID-19 and get tinnitus because of it.
Because young people can get COVID-19 and get tinnitus because of it.
I know many "young" people who got COVID-19, meaning people under 50, and none of them has reported tinnitus. All of them have made a full recovery, without using any vaccines.

So why would anyone get vaccinated if maybe tinnitus is more likely or at least as likely to happen after getting vaccinated?
I know many "young" people who got COVID-19, meaning people under 50, and none of them has reported tinnitus. All of them have made a full recovery, without using any vaccines.

So why would anyone get vaccinated if maybe tinnitus is more likely or at least as likely to happen after getting vaccinated?
No one is aware that tinnitus is a potential side effect. Where would they hear about it? Here? After they are already experiencing it. It isn't being publicized anywhere.

Many want to get back to life and are excited that there is such a solution. Others are being forced back into offices for work as small-minded business managers can't seem to adjust to permanent remote work, and want to be protected. And finally, many are front-line workers who need the protection as they cannot quarantine themselves in their homes every day.
No one is aware that tinnitus is a potential side effect. Where would they hear about it? Here? After they are already experiencing it. It isn't being publicized anywhere.

Many want to get back to life and are excited that there is such a solution. Others are being forced back into offices for work as small-minded business managers can't seem to adjust to permanent remote work, and want to be protected. And finally, many are front-line workers who need the protection as they cannot quarantine themselves in their homes every day.
Basically business owners, and specially the owners of big companies are inducing everyone to get vaccinated only to... rescue the richest people on earth, those billionaires that could not stand the collapse of the stock market. We all should vaccinate for their sake, so that they can get a little bit richer.

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