Poll: What Is the Sound of Your Tinnitus?

What Is the Sound of Your Tinnitus?

  • Ringing

  • Hissing

  • Crickets

  • Static

  • Crickets

  • Screeching

  • Whooshing

  • Roaring

  • Pulsing

  • Ocean waves

  • Buzzing

  • Dial tone

  • Music

  • Other (please describe in comments)

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Jan 9, 2017
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Loud noise exposure / headphone accident maybe?
I was wondering about the average sound you are all hearing, if you feel like it please tell how you got tinnitus as well, and how long you've had it.

If I didn't include the sound please say so.

I have since 8 months, loud short exposure and party a week later.
Had it my entire life as far as I can tell. This is the closest I have been able to come to generating what I hear (I know I am missing a tone, I just can't find it).

From https://www.soundrelief.com/tinnitus/sounds-tinnitus/

#3, Tea Kettle

From http://www.szynalski.com/tone-generator/

~ 3,951.066 Hz B7
~ 7,458.620 Hz A#8
~ 7,902.133 Hz B8

Play all four sounds together, that is what I hear.

There is some pulsating of the pitches, and occasionally another tone appears for a while (with my ears feeling plugged a bit) and eventually goes away, but the above it the 24/7 (even in my dreams) tinnitus I live with.
I have 2-3 tones and one is ringing and the others are static and screeching. I have actually discovered something that almost makes the same sound as my T...My dvd player! Its an older model and it has been used A LOT....it makes this screeching laser sound and it sounds almost like my T.
dentist drill, wind whistling, EeeEEEEEEEeeeee, static and even had a fucking loud beep in my left ear when I was trying to fall asleep, God I hope that one doesn't happen again.
When I first got T it was a horrible warble, that I have no idea how to describe. Then it settled in both ears to a gentle ring for about 3 months. The 4th month it got worst and I had sooooooo many sounds. I referred to it as my symphony of chaos. Now some things have settled down. I have a louder ring, but not super high pitched. Static with hissing. What I call a "bell" sound. If you go to a church with an old time bell and it's freshly gonged, that what it is like. This one normally only picks up in volume at night.

There's one I call the ring of doom, but lately it's pretty quiet and only kicks in after elevation changes, showers, and if I have to get up real fast in the night. The warble has been gone since the beginning of July and I hope it never come back. *shivers*

I also have a what I call ping zing. I think it's just a ringing noise and it zips through one or both ears so loud that that's all I can hear. It's slowly getting better, to me, as it will only last up to 30 seconds now instead of minutes. It's also starting to get quieter so that I can actually still hear while it pings me.
1. High pitched ringing. Kind of like a jet engine.
2. Hissing. A speaker that's turned on but with no music.
3. Buzzing. Sounds like a power generator on a power line.
4. Static electricity.
5. Crickets and/or cicadas.
6. Dentist drill.

It's always changing and never consistent. It's in my right ear and head.

Mine was from a shotgun. I was wearing hearing protection. Apparently it was inadequate. Then I stupidly went to my dentist appoint three days letter to have some fillings done. It's been four weeks since onset.
Like having a hand full of needles, and randomly scribbling them around a sheet of steel. Merges with incoming sound.
It varies from a high-pitched whistle, to a buzzing, a wavering in intensity combination of the whistle/buzzing and at times sounds exactly like cicada.

When I went outside to watch the eclipse today and it reached totality somebody said the cicada had started to make that noise. It had been sounding like that most of the morning for me and I can never tell if it's them or my tinnitus.
Hissing - usually Pulsatile - 7000 Hz
At night just before sleep I get what sound like a duck quacking in my left ear - not s*it. It actually makes me laugh its so damn odd.
I have an annoying Snake and a night time Duck...:eek::LOL::notworthy::ROFL::headphone:
Hissing - usually Pulsatile - 7000 Hz
At night just before sleep I get what sound like a duck quacking in my left ear - not s*it. It actually makes me laugh its so damn odd.
I have an annoying Snake and a night time Duck...:eek::LOL::notworthy::ROFL::headphone:

:ROFL::LOL: That made me laugh quite a bit, thanks!
@Shera Do you grind your teeth? Have you had any treatment for TMJ and neck from head injury to relieve those problems? I have head trauma from a dental experience where pressure was pressed on my front lower jaw and neck. Since then I grind my teeth.
it was a primarily a whistling kettle like someone else said but since then has gone away - hopefully for good. in a state of stress it was also a ringing, a buzz, a hum, a jingling all at various volumes and some would oscillate loud then quieter, loud then quieter.... was brutal. id never wish it on anyone.
Mine started out as a quite hissing or static noise. I would usually hear it in quite rooms like the bathroom or the bedroom. During this time, I was also able to hear something that I would describe as quite screeching noise when yawning or chewing my food. Then that same screeching noise became permanent, and the hiss noise went away. So it's like one changed into the other. Also, I can hardly make the screeching noise increase in volume now when yawning for example. I can, but it's hardly noticeable. I guess it's because it has become the main noise now.

Sometimes, when laying in bed, I seem to register a very low frequency noise, along with the screeching noise. I don't know if roaring is the right word for it. But it's the first word that comes to my mind. It is really difficult to find words that describe these noises. My screeching noise for example seems to oscillate a little bit in pitch and volume. Just barely noticeable.

Also, I have of course had the usual beep that comes and goes. It usually lasts about 5 to 10 seconds. It comes on suddenly and then fades slowly away. But this one is not constant for me. It just scares the crap out of me when it happens. It makes my head jump away from the "sound source" (which doesn't exist). No doctor needs to tell me this, I just know that this is a memorized reaction to my acoustic trauma. So it's all in my brain. Tinnitus itself, as well as this jumpy reaction. I used to have the beeps before when I was much younger, and I did not have constant tinnitus at that time, nor did I jump when I had them.

So to sum it up:

High pitched ringing about 11kHz...my T is tri tonal, left ear slightly lower tone from the right...and if I sit in a very quiet room I can detect the third tone more like a hiss I believe generated by my mind because it's not from my ears but in between...hope that makes sense...
Several types
1) Like having a hand full of needles, and randomly (or pulsatile?) scribbling them around a sheet of steel. (which I call "crickets")
2) The speaker which ist turned on with no music.
3) Additional sometimes the high "eeee" of the old tv, too.

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