Glad to be on this site and meet you all wonderful people. I am 27 and a newbie . My T started 24 days ago after I got hit on the top of head by a concrete wall while playing football.
I would say my T is moderate and stands at 5 at its loudest on a scale of 10. It basically started after about 24 hours of the trauma.
I was totally freaked out for the first 2 weeks and had also developed light and sound sensitivity along with some post concussion symptoms which seems to be gradually subsiding and I feel near normal now; except for this T thing which still lingers every now and then. I had done CT scan which was normal and audiometry twice(first test showing mild sensoneural hearing loss which probably wasnt because of the impact according to the audiologist, second test after 20 days done by a different lady showing perfect hearing with no sensoneural loss whatsoever) .
I have been to 3 ENT doctors but they coldnt help me much and just said " T should settle down in time and that its just an annoyance nothing else! " and prescribed B vitamins and all. I still feel scared and anxious all the time and hope it fades away because with each passing day my hopes are going down. In the beginning I had some blocked and "imbalanced" or pressure feeling inside the ears and that seems to be clearing up slowly now.
My T has improved somewhat I feel than it was before ( maybe I am little used to it now, not sure ) and is at its lowest from morning till evening but increases after that and continues to stay the same throughout the night.
My social life is poor and I never went to concerts or clubs. I atleast want to know what has gone wrong inside my ears (or head) after the impact. Is it the cochlea(hair cells) or the nerve or the auditory cortex? Nobody bothers to investigate and they just say " it will get better further if it has till now " .
Even the neurologist seemed least interested and just said to give it some time before going for an MRI. I feel I am wasting time as I have the best chance for any treatments to work in this acute stage. Ayurvedic doctor feel its might be inflammation an has given me seasame oil along with some nerve calming pills I guess. But none of the doctors have recommended that I put oil in my ears.
Can concussion cause ringing? Where likely can it cause the damage? What are the chances of it going away?
Sorry for my bad grammer as Engligh is not my first language. Just writing this has helpe me calm down a bit
Concussion induced tinnitus is a different category altogether and there isnt much infomation available on the interest so far.
The sound seems to be coming from inside my head and not ears if that matters.
I would say my T is moderate and stands at 5 at its loudest on a scale of 10. It basically started after about 24 hours of the trauma.
I was totally freaked out for the first 2 weeks and had also developed light and sound sensitivity along with some post concussion symptoms which seems to be gradually subsiding and I feel near normal now; except for this T thing which still lingers every now and then. I had done CT scan which was normal and audiometry twice(first test showing mild sensoneural hearing loss which probably wasnt because of the impact according to the audiologist, second test after 20 days done by a different lady showing perfect hearing with no sensoneural loss whatsoever) .
I have been to 3 ENT doctors but they coldnt help me much and just said " T should settle down in time and that its just an annoyance nothing else! " and prescribed B vitamins and all. I still feel scared and anxious all the time and hope it fades away because with each passing day my hopes are going down. In the beginning I had some blocked and "imbalanced" or pressure feeling inside the ears and that seems to be clearing up slowly now.
My T has improved somewhat I feel than it was before ( maybe I am little used to it now, not sure ) and is at its lowest from morning till evening but increases after that and continues to stay the same throughout the night.
My social life is poor and I never went to concerts or clubs. I atleast want to know what has gone wrong inside my ears (or head) after the impact. Is it the cochlea(hair cells) or the nerve or the auditory cortex? Nobody bothers to investigate and they just say " it will get better further if it has till now " .
Even the neurologist seemed least interested and just said to give it some time before going for an MRI. I feel I am wasting time as I have the best chance for any treatments to work in this acute stage. Ayurvedic doctor feel its might be inflammation an has given me seasame oil along with some nerve calming pills I guess. But none of the doctors have recommended that I put oil in my ears.
Can concussion cause ringing? Where likely can it cause the damage? What are the chances of it going away?
Sorry for my bad grammer as Engligh is not my first language. Just writing this has helpe me calm down a bit

Concussion induced tinnitus is a different category altogether and there isnt much infomation available on the interest so far.
The sound seems to be coming from inside my head and not ears if that matters.