That's fair enough and so do I. No hard feelings. Like I said before, I'd actually be very happy if someone gave evidence that benzos and other psych. drugs can't cause protracted, post-witdrawal symptoms where tinnitus is one of them.No hard feelings. Just a subject I feel very strongly about.
That's fair enough and so do I. No hard feelings. Like I said before, I'd actually be very happy if someone gave evidence that benzos and other psych. drugs can't cause protracted, post-witdrawal symptoms where tinnitus is one of them.
Minority, but still her estimate is 10 - 15%.
- ASHTON, Heather. BENZODIAZEPINE WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS, ACUTE AND PROTRACTED: PROTRACTED WITHDRAWAL SYMPTOMS. [online]. 2013 [cit. 2018-05-15]. Retrieved from:; 1991 Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 8,19-28.
There is so much mis information. Benzos are not otoxic. That's why you don't see real research ever talking about it. A few flyers and one professor spouting off about it is hardly hard evidence. We all know that benzo withdrawal makes you stressed and that leads to a spike. But that is the absolute extent of it.
Thanks for chiming in. Yes, I agree. Dr. Breggin talks about it a lot, both in his publications and online videos. "Good for the drug's business, great for your psychiatrist & prescriber, terrible for you." Sadly, it's not just the U.S. doctors.That's why I've always been terrified of American psychiatry. Since American doctors are putting people on tranquilizers to get money for recipes, it's insulting.
No doubt. Moderation is the key, in my opinion. It should still all be done under the supervision of an experienced psychiatrist under whose supervision you have put yourself and have confidence in.If everything is done wisely and with a sense of proportion - then psychopharmacology is a help for many people with tinnitus.
I am sorry, I don't think I understand. It's all there and well explained. Also, with further readings to Medical Journals, Journals of Substance Abuse Treatments etc. etc. I am registered with benzobuddies too and this manual has helped plenty of people and it's regarded as a great source of information not only by the admins there. I'd not disregard her life's work just because someone couldn't find double blind placebo controlled studies. She has earned her qualifications and respect. Again, why don't you try to find a study, paper or whatever that'd disprove her work? Only by you claiming that "99 percent of other medical professionals don't agree with her" (really curious as to where u got this number from) and "bec it's convenient" doesn't prove much either. If nothing else, she has set up and ran a benzo clinic for over a decade. That itself is pretty self-explanatory. What about the Dr. Breginn (a medical expert in dozens of lawsuits against drug companies, appointed by a court in Indiana) and the Icarus Project, they all talk about psych. drugs (not only benzos) creating multiple chemical imbalances in brains that do not have any. Moreover, a lot of people with tinnitus and/or hyperacusis are taking more than just benzos - antidepressants, antipsychotics and others.First, can you show me where Acute or Protracted withdrawal symptoms as a diagnosis occurs in this manual
Absolutely. Youtube and forums dedicated to psych. drugs are full of such reports (evidence). At first, I didn't want to post it here but this is just one represenative example of what a benzo withdrawal could look like. Warning: It is sad, and for some it could be disturbing to watch, so hit the play button at your own discretion. She summed it up pretty well: @2:21 "Ringing in my ears"; @3:57 This is a neurological brain damage. These are neurotoxins.There's hundreds of reports where quick withdrawal has increased a person's tinnitus.
Let's hope it's not snake oil. I'll try look more into it.Alternative to benzos?
I will second that.Benzo withdrawal sucks, more than any other drug I've ever done. When you have insomnia and anxiety problems, life is worse without them. So try and keep the dose low and use them in moderation for chronic use.
I will also say this, the benzos also managed to make my tinnitus much much worst.
A complete opposite of what I was told by M.D.s. I hope not all is lost.The real damage was done from listening to LOUD music and benzos...
I'm in my 2nd week both benzo and antidepressant withdrawal. Direct Taper. Terrible.I am currently in benzo withdrawal and my tinnitus is spiking badly... I am very worried because there is not much positive you read about this subject.
You quit CT? Man, I'm so sorry to hear about all you have been through. Another reason why this should all be done under supervision of a medical professional who really cares + as I recently learned, it's always better not to follow any advice blindly but to do your own research too. Again, that Icarus Project guide. Heaps of helpful advice.@Jiri I had the script since 2013 I then used them only sporadically. Since last december I have used 1mg lorazepam daily for a month and then went CT because I felt better BIG MISTAKE. Then all anxiety hell went loose and didnt understand benzo's really yet, I had to up my dose first from 1 to 3 mg of lorazepam daily quickly till february. Then my psych doc switched me in one day to 15 mgs of valium which is too low 3mgs lorazepam is 30 mgs valium and too quick a crossover should take much more time and I woke up that night gasping for air and in major panic and spent some time in a psych ward and I then went to 5 mgs+ 50 mgs seroquel XR at night. In this time I also tried an SSRI which made things worse so like you they threw meds at me from left and right and they all make me worse. Well at least the seroquel makes me sleep but god knows what its actually doing to me and I cant stop that untill I finished my taper.
I tapered now back to 2.75mgs of lorazepam in about 2,5 months, my last cut was 0.5 which I think was way too big. It was a 15% cut so 5% more than what the Ashton Manual reccomends. I was doing so well I thought I could handle it I was in a good window but in hindsight it was too big. Now that I am experiencing a T spike I am back to hell and I am very scared again.
You did the right thing. Cold Turkeying anyone from a benzo after a longer period of time is hardly ever a good idea. Your schedule makes sense. I hope we'll be able to find a safer alternative to klonopin, e.g. Vistaril @just1morethingThanks for sharing that. I've been on 0.5 mg clonazepam for five months, and am two weeks into a taper. I came up with my own schedule as my MD said I was on a low dose and could just stop, but I have no intention of doing it that way. I have begun to taper, basically using the following: 3/4 pill for a month, 1/2 pill for a month, then planning quarter pill for a month, then 2 weeks of 1/4 pill every other day, and then stopping. Had some good input from others on the forum, as well. I have noticed a slight spike in the t, but I think this isn't unusual when tapering benzos. It's a shame, because clonazepam is the only thing that helps with sleep and even ratchets the t down a notch or two, but don't want to stay on it too long. Thanks again for your very informative post.
Well, they do have their place in the world. As the user @kelpiemsp suggested: "we should advocate for controlled usage? And reasonable withdrawals." Not under an irresponsible med. "supervision" as we see so often nowadays.benzos must be prohibited for tinnitus, they will make tinnitus & hyperacusis worse and give many other symptoms.