Hi Valeri,
Hyperacusis can be treated over a long period of time.
Tinnitus can come and go bringing with it the unwanted emotions with it.
Having them both is hard going but there is help for it .
With over sensitive ears its all about desensitizing your ears to everyday sounds and building time up around the troublesome sounds and learning to react positively and feel in control and just walk away.
It does take time and won't happen overnight and could take up to a year or so to get over it but it will happen.....lots of love glynis
I have reactive T along with the normal T and I'm really struggling with it. While the normal T could be masked with background noise, it makes my reactive T noise go nuts, it sounds like a jet engine. So makes it near impossible to habituate to.
I have reactive T along with the normal T and I'm really struggling with it. While the normal T could be masked with background noise, it makes my reactive T noise go nuts, it sounds like a jet engine. So makes it near impossible to habituate to.
I am struggling with reactive T also. Everyday. As soon as I go anywhere with constant noise my t will go up in volume. So lately I spend a lot of time at home when I'm not at work. I wake up and t is on the low side. Once I turn on the shower t goes up and it's all downhill from there the rest of the day until I get home. Sometimes I have to turn off the air conditioner because the noise from the vents can make my t screeching loud. It is very hard to habituate to this.
Yep, 24/7, it started a few years ago as a mild reactive tinnitus, meaning it never got that loud and it quieted down in silent areas. Now it's progressively gotten much worse through the years, where now even such things as driving a car for too long will cause it to get super loud to a level where it's not possible to think about anything but tinnitus.