as i underdtand it you are really young and your t is since march, you can recover and most likely you will recover!
i do not think that the dog gave you a permanent damage, if she tends to bark then wear plugs when she is around
try to relax, go for a walk, meet with friends, go swimming or do some sports etc... and if you get worried like that, then wear earplugs and have them with you when out and about so you have an option to use them...but most probably, the incidents you described can not give you a permanent damage, so try to put your mind away from those memories and do not monitor every sound, try to think about other stuff which happens in your life too.. do you have any clue why did you get t?
try to relax, sleep good and regularly as your body heals while sleeping...and focus on your school work and other sruff as well..not only t
i wish your ears get better soon
i do not think that the dog gave you a permanent damage, if she tends to bark then wear plugs when she is around
try to relax, go for a walk, meet with friends, go swimming or do some sports etc... and if you get worried like that, then wear earplugs and have them with you when out and about so you have an option to use them...but most probably, the incidents you described can not give you a permanent damage, so try to put your mind away from those memories and do not monitor every sound, try to think about other stuff which happens in your life too.. do you have any clue why did you get t?
try to relax, sleep good and regularly as your body heals while sleeping...and focus on your school work and other sruff as well..not only t