Really Struggling — I Could Do with Some Support


Hall of Fame
Aug 29, 2015
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Meniere's Disease
I'm really struggling with my ears as they are blasting and not letting up and really dragging me down in the gutter.

I have so much to be happy for but this is mental torture nonstop.
I hope your tinnitus settles down for you Greg.

I'm really struggling with my ears as they are blasting and not letting up and really dragging me down in the gutter.

I have so much to be happy for but this is mental torture nonstop.
This thing is so hateful.
There is no justice for all of us decent people.
We deserve peace and quiet.
We deserve a good life.
Thank you @Jazzer,
I should be so happy with my life, no money worries, mortgage paid years ago, great family and few friends and husband.

I went shopping today and saw a homeless man under a railway bridge out in the cold and felt sorry for him but still the unseen emotions that I am feeling that others don't see was gripping me in to total sadness holding back the tears till I got home and cried because this mental torture for me has no ending.

My husband has never seen me so down and came home with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolate.

He knows I support others and now I'm struggling and need support but as a staff member should I be posting it?
Does this stop others supporting me?

I am only a person with the same problem and have added problems that are challenging.

I'm not myself at the moment and it's breaking my heart and hope to god I find my happy self again.

Sorry for opening up to you all but I could do with support as I am a mess.

love glynis
Thank you @Jazzer,
I should be so happy with my life, no money worries, mortgage paid years ago, great family and few friends and husband.

I went shopping today and saw a homeless man under a railway bridge out in the cold and felt sorry for him but still the unseen emotions that I am feeling that others don't see was gripping me in to total sadness holding back the tears till I got home and cried because this mental torture for me has no ending.

My husband has never seen me so down and came home with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolate.

He knows I support others and now I'm struggling and need support but as a staff member should I be posting it?
Does this stop others supporting me?

I am only a person with the same problem and have added problems that are challenging.

I'm not myself at the moment and it's breaking my heart and hope to god I find my happy self again.

Sorry for opening up to you all but I could do with support as I am a mess.

love glynis

Absolutely not, Glynis. You have every right to ask for support and deserve it more than anyone with everything you have done for this cause. It literally takes my breath away how kind and supportive you are, so hearing that you're down in the dumps is painfully saddening.

Vent away and get things off your chest. Nobody knows better about how this condition can suck the life out of you more than your fellow sufferers, and you are loved far more than you realise. You are the epitome of selflessness and put others before yourself far too often. I've said this before, but you are the heartbeat to Tinnitus Talk.

I hope you realise just how much we all love you on here, so rest up and take it easy :huganimation:

And as Billie48 would say, don't let the T bully get you down.
I should be so happy with my life, no money worries, mortgage paid years ago, great family and few friends and husband.

Oh Glynis. Of course you have the right to post this.

It's nigh on impossible to not let this condition drag you down. And I genuinely understand your profound sadness and frustration.

We can have all the blessings in the world, but if you're constantly being tortured, it's impossible to enjoy them as you once did. You just want to be rid of this bloody noise and be free to live fully again. To live with joy! To be released from fear and despair. We all want this so so much.

The deep sense of injustice and frustration that stems from wanting something so simple and being unable to attain it, is dreadful and this is so often overlooked by others who don't understand what this brutal life is like........No one with severe T is immune from this. It's one of the great torments of the condition.

None of us deserve to be going through this cruelty. Least of all someone like you Glynis.

I really hope you feel better soon.xx

I'm so sorry to hear you're having trouble. It seems we all have a limit of how much we can take, I'm sorry you reached yours. I don't know what to say besides hang in there ducky (is that how you say it?).

I hope tomorrow is a quieter day for you.
Thank you @Jazzer,
I should be so happy with my life, no money worries, mortgage paid years ago, great family and few friends and husband.

I went shopping today and saw a homeless man under a railway bridge out in the cold and felt sorry for him but still the unseen emotions that I am feeling that others don't see was gripping me in to total sadness holding back the tears till I got home and cried because this mental torture for me has no ending.

My husband has never seen me so down and came home with a bunch of flowers and a box of chocolate.

He knows I support others and now I'm struggling and need support but as a staff member should I be posting it?
Does this stop others supporting me?

I am only a person with the same problem and have added problems that are challenging.

I'm not myself at the moment and it's breaking my heart and hope to god I find my happy self again.

Sorry for opening up to you all but I could do with support as I am a mess.

love glynis

Dear Glynis
I am so so sorry sweetheart.
You are one incredible lady.
You look out for every one of us, and you are an absolute gem!
You do know of course that by opening up your heart and by letting your sadness flow out to those people that love you, you are absolutely doing the right thing.
We have all been there, time and time again; with this wretched 'thing' it is unavoidable.
We truly are here for each other.

The day of the Expo I felt very low.
Up at 5:30am to get there in time.
No chance of doing my life saving meditation.
No company on my three hour journey.
I didn't really know how I would be, meeting all of you guys.
I walked in and saw you, and that was it - I actually cracked up - that was why I held onto you until I got it back together again.
After a hug, I was alright again.
It was because I have always recognised your kindness, despite your suffering that I knew I was recognised.
We are two of a kind Glynis.
We both hurt like hell,
but we both try to be there for others.

I know sometimes I don't come across that way.
I have lost so much - my complete life style - my talent - that my frustration breaks through.
However, I always try to get back to square one.

You, however, handle it better - and your kindness never seems to fail.
We all love you - you are not alone babe.

If I was so low - you, as a Northerner would say to me, a Southerner,
"Now - come on duck - we'll pull you through."
I'll never get the Brum accent right, but you know what I mean glynis.
Love you,

Dave x
I'm so sorry to hear you are having a hard time, it saddens me, and you have all rights to vent and ask for support. You are such a lovely person, you are so kind and helpful to everyone. I really hope you feel better :/

I know this is hard, but take a mental break, really vent away, let out the tears, ask for support and try to distract yourself. I really hope you feel better. You're a warrior and you've been fighting this war for so long, don't let tinnitus win, keep fighting!

You got this Glynis, I really hope you feel better soon :)
I'm really struggling with my ears as they are blasting and not letting up and really dragging me down in the gutter.
I have so much to be happy for but this is mental torture nonstop.

i'm so sorry for your suffering. I could use this an opportunity to plug my advocacy for fx-322 but I have no idea that this will help with meniere's disease. it may, it may not. I love you and all I can do is express my empathy. please stay strong as I know you are. you are a pillar of this community. for sure. Im sure I speak for many of us when I say, we are suffering too and we need people like you to be good foundational supports. we all love you Glynis.
Aww Glynis :(

We can't be strong all the time. Some of us can't even be strong most of the time. You have a right to be sad and unhappy just like the rest of us do.

I wish there was something that could be done. The mental torture of tinnitus is made worse by the knowledge that really there isn't much of anything we can do about it.

You are definitely a stronger person than I am, that's for sure. I've been wallowing in sadness and self-pity for five years now. Much love to you!
We all love and care about you. You've been a wonderful person that has helped me through my toughest times, even when my family isn't as supportive. You try your hardest to be strong for us on this platform and for your family. You are a strong woman for being positive when you're sick and tired. This forum is for all of us and I know that anyone here would be happy to listen to your frustrations. Don't feed too much into the negativity because what you're feeling will pass.

You're in my heart and on my mind and I hope that you get through this rough patch quickly.
I'm so sorry, you are one of the most supportive people on this forum. We are here for you.
i really hope your tinnitus stabilizes
I'm really struggling with my ears as they are blasting and not letting up and really dragging me down in the gutter.

I have so much to be happy for but this is mental torture nonstop.
Hope is on the horizon with the numerous treatments being developed.
I'm so sorry, you are one of the most supportive people on this forum. We are here for you.
i really hope your tinnitus stabilizes
damn you live in the Bronx? you should move down to Johnson City, TN where life is slower paced and more low key, and quiet. you could go to ETSU and finish your education and resume your life to a degree.
Hi Glynis, So sorry to hear you are struggling, I hope it settles down for you soon. I read your posts often and they are always very helpful and caring. Tinnitus, Hyperacusis, Menniers all such terrible conditions to deal with. I went to a wedding last night and had to leave half way through it, I even had good quality foam plugs in but that still did not prevent a massive spike in tinnitus and hypercusis, I am also suffering badly today. Unfortunately that will be the last wedding reception I attend. I really thought the foam plugs would protect me. May we all find some peace and quiet one day. Steve G
I'm really struggling with my ears as they are blasting and not letting up and really dragging me down in the gutter.

I have so much to be happy for but this is mental torture nonstop.

Thank you for sharing what you are feeling deep inside your soul.

I haven't had a nights sleep in about two weeks because of this screeching in my brain. It has been so many years now and somehow I am here.

the unseen emotions that I am feeling that others don't see was gripping me in to total sadness holding back the tears till I got home and cried because this mental torture for me has no ending.

You have given life to so many people here @glynis. You have saved lives and touched lives in ways you may never know.

This mental torture...few really understand the severity. Put yourself first right now. We are here to hug you until you are better. @Jazzer said your hugs were better than anything. I hope ours are also.

Love to you,

You are the comfort of tinnitus that we all need, when we read your remarks we all know it will be alright, so in turn when you read all of our remarks it will help you try to put tinnitus in its place. To you I hope better days ahead...
Everything has been said Glynis, The daily onslaught of noise is enough to make the strongest woman buckle. You have been severely tested by other ailments this year as well and now a very low mood. You just want the bloody noise to stop but it's relentless. We know and understand. Xx
You are the sweetest lady and who knows why you have been given all this to try to bear.
It doesn't matter if you are a staff member or not, we want you to feel able to trust and receive the love that's coming your way.
From one Nanny to another.
I am so sorry Glynis you are having such a rough time. You have always been so kind to me and all those who are suffering and come here for care and understanding.
You deserve all of the caring, love, and support that is coming your way and so much more.
I hope it eases for you soon. I know how hard the mental torture can be and how this condition can try and steal your joy. I hope you feel how much your are valued and cherished by everyone here. ❤️
@glynis I'm so very sorry that you're down, and I'm in it with you, but we are strong and will bounce back. It is singularly the most dreadful affliction, all we can do is battle through each day until we feel better. You have my thoughts. Bless you, all you do for others, we are here for you.
Thank you so much for all your lovely support.
Had to go out of hours night care as breathing been bad all night.
It looks like my rhinitis is back and causing post nasal drip and mega tinnitus spike.....
love you all,
love glynis xxx
Thank you so much for all your lovely support.
Had to go out of hours night care as breathing been bad all night.
It looks like my rhinitis is back and causing post nasal drip and mega tinnitus spike.....
love you all,
love glynis xxx

We all love you too glynis. Everyone here has been comforted by you, some of us many, many times. You truly are the heart of this community. ❤️
You are always here greeting new members. Very helpful and kind. Suffering with T is extremely difficult. It's a uphill battle. Feel better soon.
Thank you so much for all your lovely support.
Had to go out of hours night care as breathing been bad all night.
It looks like my rhinitis is back and causing post nasal drip and mega tinnitus spike.....
love you all,
love glynis xxx
My goodness, that's both bad and good news. I was wondering if there was some physical health factor contributing to your louder tinnitus. Not sure the weather on your side of the globe, but the season change where I live is really bothering my tinnitus and hearing. Hope you're feeling better soon!
I hope the tinnitus settles once the post nasal drip calms down. I'm sorry you had to go to the Dr. last night. There are better things to do on a Saturday night. I hope the sun is shining today.
Oh what a rotten night for you Glynis, you must be exhausted xx
Surely your health luck must change soon. Once the fluid has evaporated hopefully you will feel better. Tell your husband that he needs to 'up his gift level' now you are an extra poorly girl. Sending hugs but gently.
Thank you so much for all your lovely support.
Had to go out of hours night care as breathing been bad all night.
It looks like my rhinitis is back and causing post nasal drip and mega tinnitus spike.....
love you all,
love glynis xxx

The fall weather has had me all congested and even causing me to snore, my SO's been telling me. Fall may be beautiful but it can rile up health problems in many ways. I don't know the full extent of your health problems but I hope they settle down soon as we get used to these weather changes.

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