What I am waiting for are the anecdotal data from this board. I want to know how many people here have taken Retigibine in the hopes of achieving tinnitus relief, and how many of those have achieved what they consider to be substantial relief as a result of taking the drug. Add to that how many here have taken Retigibine in the hopes of achieving tinnitus relief, but stopped the drug because of its side effects. Without those numbers, any petition emanating from this board would be meaningless. And, please, I don't want to be pointed to a series of posts. Just give me the numbers. Also, since the petition will go out under
@Markku's name, he will have to agree that the numbers are an accurate reflection of the anecdotal experience here on Tinnitus Talk.
Let me explain. No, there is too much. Let me sum up.
@Johno -- some improvement, improvement sustained after temporary withdrawal from the drug
@SoulStation -- slight improvement, currently withdrawing due to side effects
@Viking -- slight improvement, withdrew due to (pre-existing?) kidney condition
@Christian78 -- significant improvement despite many side effects
@Bogdan -- significant improvement
@Hengist -- withdrew due to side effects
@Mpt -- practically cured, sustained benefit after fully withdrawing from drug
@Zimichael -- super-chronic case; no improvement, withdrew due to supply problems, conflict in scheduling with dental surgery
@Freddie -- decided not to start treatment in hopes of enrolling in Autifony trial
@undecided -- significant improvement, many side effects
@locoyeti -- significant improvement
@Danny Boy -- significant improvement
@NGC891 -- super-chronic case; just started, has not updated
@Philemon -- just started
@Juan Carlos -- just started, slight improvement
@Ricardo -- "cured" (his quotations) but suffered renal failure, withdrew quickly and tinnitus returned within three weeks; no previous history of kidney problems
@Lep -- withdrew due to side effects, tried again months later, no improvement, remained at low dose due to side effects
Except for Lep's saga, that is all from the User Experiences thread.
You can see just from that brief summation that it is far from a clear case, but there is certainly something going on. I should add that anybody you see in that list who was able to increase their dosage to > 600mg reported at least a slight improvement (post if I'm wrong, please). I believe even SoulStation had some improvement before deciding that his side effects, combined with Ricardo's experience, made it not worth it.
So, interestingly, we've had two people cured and two people who sustained the benefits of their usage after withdrawing from the drug. Unfortunately, they are not the same people. Mpt was cured and sustained, Johno got some improvement and sustained, and Ricardo was cured and did not sustain. We have discussed already Ricardo's case. He had to withdraw rapidly from Trobalt due to his renal failure, so it seems reasonable to conclude that his brain had not had time to consolidate the homeostatic adaptation that would have allowed him to sustain his benefit. He deserves our sympathy twice over for having been slapped by the front and the back hand of misfortune.
All things considered, here's how I run the numbers.
Total participants: 17
Participants who withdrew before 600mg (dosage considered minimal for epileptics): 3 (Viking, Hengist, and Lep)
Participants who have not yet reported after being >= 600mg for at least one week: 4 (Freddie, NGC891, Philemon, Juan Carlos)
Sub-total excluding the above: 10
Participants in the sub-group reporting no improvement: 1 (Zimichael)
Participants in the sub-group reporting slight improvement: 1 (SoulStation)
Participants in the sub-group reporting some improvement: 1 (Johno)
Participants in the sub-group reporting significant improvement: 5 (Christian78, Bogdan, undecided, locoyeti, Danny Boy)
Participants in the sub-group reporting complete improvement (practically cured): 2 (Mpt, Ricardo)
Total participants in the sub-group reporting some or greater improvement: 8
Participants who retained improvement after withdrawing completely from retigabine: 2 (Mpt, Johno)
Participants experiencing major short-term side effects (continual interference in day-to-day life) that went away after discontinuing retigabine: 6 (Hengist, Lep, Zimichael, SoulStation, Christian78, undecided)
Participants experiencing major long-term side effects (with good reason to attribute to retigabine use): 1 (Ricardo)
And a further summation:
Total participants reporting after taking 600mg for at least 1 week: 10
Total participants of that group reporting benefit: 9
Total participants reporting major long-term side-effects: 1
Hopefully Ricardo will be given a clean bill of health. To me, these are pretty fantastic numbers. They are tricky because the actual stories are so much more complex, but if you want to know how many people experienced noticeable improvement in their tinnitus after increasing to a minimal therapeutic dose, it's 9/10. How many think it was worth the side effects? More like 7/10 (excluding Zimichael who had no improvement, SoulStation due to major short term side effects and Ricardo).
Hope this is useful.