Serotonin (SSRI) Drugs Make My Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Worse


Mar 18, 2014
United States
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Noise exposure, drug combo?
I am just curious if anybody else has this problem?

Ever since I have developed tinnitus I cannot tolerate any of the SSRI drugs or any drug that increases my Serotonin level. I have tried many, and they all increase my tinnitus or hyperacusis or both eventually once they kick in. I have even tried the over the counter drugs and they do they same thing to lesser level like 5-HTP. I really kinda need my Serotonin because it can help me deal with all of this but it seems that it makes my tinnitus and hyperacusis so much worse.

This effect is very reproducible for me as I have tried multiple Serotonin drugs with the same effect. This really sucks because I did really well for years on Zoloft before I developed tinnitus.

Anyone else notice this?
I believe an SSRI (citalopram) is the cause for my tinnitus. I have never tried taking one again because of the fear of further damage / permanent tinnitus increase. On the other hand there is a correlation between tinnitus intensity and my general mood. That makes me believe that serotonine and other related neurotranmitters do player a significant role in this phenomenon.

Tough one...

I'm struggling with taking Abilify. It appears to not be ototoxic but has a host of other side effect potentials. So I've not taken past an initial 5 days but quit. It did charge me up a bit and sleep was an issue even with Remeron and Gabapentin.

I feel like a test tube on the verge of cracking.
Did your tinnitus return back to baseline after discontinuation?
Yes, it usually does return to baseline after discontinuation.
I'm struggling with taking Abilify. It appears to not be ototoxic but has a host of other side effect potentials. So I've not taken past an initial 5 days but quit. It did charge me up a bit and sleep was an issue even with Remeron and Gabapentin.

I feel like a test tube on the verge of cracking.
If you feel like you are on the verge of cracking then it might be worth a try.
Today is day 5 on Zoloft 25 mg, I will keep going regardless, I made it through day 4 and I really need to get back on this medication. It may flareup things for a while but if I can get through them I am hopeful the end reward will be worth it.
Day 8 on Zoloft 25 mg, my tinnitus is definitely more intense on Zoloft, I am hopefully it will eventually calm down. Zoloft really helped me before tinnitus so I am going to try and tuff this out. Day 8 was tuff!
Day 8 on Zoloft 25 mg, my tinnitus is definitely more intense on Zoloft, I am hopefully it will eventually calm down. Zoloft really helped me before tinnitus so I am going to try and tuff this out. Day 8 was tuff!
Are you still there? How are you? I hope you are doing fine and your tinnitus is much lower now.

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