Sinus Problem


Aug 29, 2015
Tinnitus Since
Cause of Tinnitus
Meniere's Disease
I have Rhinitis due to allergies and severe asthma.

My nose gets swollen and won't drain only down the back of my throat (post nasal drip).

My forehead, nose, cheeks and eye sockets are so painful and affecting my eyes.

The doctor has put me on antibiotics Doxycycline for a week and followed after by amoxicillin 500mg 3 times a day and changed my Nasonex to another one when the chemists order for me comes in.

The doctor says she hopes this will settle the chronic sinusitis caused by rhinitis.
I have had a camera up my nose and ENT said nothing detected only mucous.
My doctor thinks I may need my sinuses cleaned out surgically and sinus made bigger to drain.
My nose wont run but they got the camera up it.

For now its antibiotics and steroid nasal spray to see if that will sort it and then keep using the spray daily all year round like my old one for allergies effecting my nose and lungs.

Any way anyone had a medical procedure to clean out their Sinuses and did it help?

Love glynis
Hi glynis... Last year I had a two-month sinus infection (my first) that may have brought on the tinnitus by spreading to my ear. I had the surgery done to expand the pathway by fixing a deviated septum. Is pretty difficult surgery and the first few days is pretty bad. My tinnitus got worse after the surgery. Of course don't know if the surgery contributed. And almost a year later I'm still not draining properly. If I could do it again.. I would not have gotten the surgery and would just stick to a regimen of manual flushing of the sinuses with saline solution. I do that now ever few days to prevent build up and infection. Soooo can't recommend the surgery.. and would try flushing every few days to se if that prevents infection. Hope that helps!
@Greg B ,
Thank you for letting me know how you went on.
It's a watch and wait for me now and had it for a long time now so antibiotics for a while and new nose spray and see if it helps and if not back to ENT my doctor said...hoping not ....
Love glynis
Hello,. I also had terrible sinus and allergies for a long time. My head always felt like it was on a fog constantly. My eyes were itchy, my voice also sounded throggy for years. I also had sinus surgery which didn't help me. But about 4 years ago I went to another ENT allergy test me, I could not do the shots. But he put me on singular montelukast sodium 10 mg at night I also use tyenol sinus severe, zicam extreme nasal spray, and vaporinhalet. And it works like a charm I felt good for a long time then I got hit with T but none of it has not Bothered my T. I'm happy cause I would be a real mess. That was my main concern. T with sinus and allergy is a mess and you have other things you don't need to worry about sinus allergies. I wish you well.
How did it go? Did you ever try a breathing treatment? I had that done a few times it cleared me out, but I don't know how it would interfer with T. Alot of times I put a cold compress on my face and my head. Also the netti pot with water. I hope you get cleared up soon.
I have Rhinitis due to allergies and severe asthma.

My nose gets swollen and won't drain only down the back of my throat (post nasal drip).

My forehead, nose, cheeks and eye sockets are so painful and affecting my eyes.

The doctor has put me on antibiotics Doxycycline for a week and followed after by amoxicillin 500mg 3 times a day and changed my Nasonex to another one when the chemists order for me comes in.

The doctor says she hopes this will settle the chronic sinusitis caused by rhinitis.
I have had a camera up my nose and ENT said nothing detected only mucous.
My doctor thinks I may need my sinuses cleaned out surgically and sinus made bigger to drain.
My nose wont run but they got the camera up it.

For now its antibiotics and steroid nasal spray to see if that will sort it and then keep using the spray daily all year round like my old one for allergies effecting my nose and lungs.

Any way anyone had a medical procedure to clean out their Sinuses and did it help?

Love glynis

Hi Glynis,

I have the same problems as you, and I am seeing the ENT tommorow. I have some kind of Sinus/Allergy problem, which has made my tinnitus much worse.

Do you have any tips for me on what to say to the ENT doctor.

I am stuffed up all the time (mainly dry). Head feels full and ears.

But I am worried the medication they may give me will have some otoxic effect on the ears?

Many thanks.
They might check your nose and sinuses with a camera .
I was put on a steroid nasil spray along with my strong antihistamines fexofenadine 120mg.
Let me know how you get on.
Good luck glynis
Hi Glynis!!

So sorry about the sinus issues. I have had a problem with that post nasal drip myself. But not to the degree you wrote about. I took one Claritan in the mornings which sorta helped. Then I started using Mother's Apple Cider Vinager. One or two tablespoons in a half filled glass of warm water. It helped clear up my clogged ear issue.

So I wonder if this would help you a bit?

Hope you feel great soon....
I have Rhinitis due to allergies and severe asthma.

My nose gets swollen and won't drain only down the back of my throat (post nasal drip).

My forehead, nose, cheeks and eye sockets are so painful and affecting my eyes.

The doctor has put me on antibiotics Doxycycline for a week and followed after by amoxicillin 500mg 3 times a day and changed my Nasonex to another one when the chemists order for me comes in.

The doctor says she hopes this will settle the chronic sinusitis caused by rhinitis.
I have had a camera up my nose and ENT said nothing detected only mucous.
My doctor thinks I may need my sinuses cleaned out surgically and sinus made bigger to drain.
My nose wont run but they got the camera up it.

For now its antibiotics and steroid nasal spray to see if that will sort it and then keep using the spray daily all year round like my old one for allergies effecting my nose and lungs.

Any way anyone had a medical procedure to clean out their Sinuses and did it help?

Love glynis
I strongly suggest you hold off of surgery until you have had many weeks or months to research it online. I have recently had chronic rhinitis with clear runny nose for over 6 months. It was not discolored mucous and there were no other symptoms so it was not caused by a primary viral or bacterial infection (although it may have started that way). At first I thought it was lingering congestion, like usual, from a bad cold. Then after two months I figured I had very bad allergies and allergy testing confirmed several tree and weed allergens. However I began reading about microbiome of the nose and shampoo rinses. I tried a 1% baby shampoo nasal rinse and this helped quickly reduce the congestion - but only temporarily. To be clear, I DO NOT RECOMMEND shampoo rinses or any frequent nasal rinse. I came across microbiome of the nose research that shows that Sinusitis, both the idiopathic non-infectious kind that I had as well as the infectious kind is caused by an absence of protective bacteria. The absence of the helpful bacteria allow bad bacteria to grow out of control and the sinuses respond with extra mucous and phlegm. I came across a community of people trying to get the helpful bacteria into their noses with kimchi juice or starter cultures that contain the helpful bacteria. I had a dramatic improvement in about 5 days of using kimchi juice dabbed into my nostrils. I was blowing my nose 20+ times per day and now its 5+ times mostly after eating - which is normal. I still have some bothersome post nasal drip that I hope to eliminate with a few more dabs of the helpful bacteria. Read the website it discusses everything in depth. I'm sure this will be helpful to many. Many cases of chronic sinusitis is probably due to an imbalance of bacteria in the sinuses and nose. This has helped me tremendously and the cause of my improved symptoms is incontrovertible. I suffered for months. Hope this helps.
They might check your nose and sinuses with a camera .
I was put on a steroid nasil spray along with my strong antihistamines fexofenadine 120mg.
Let me know how you get on.
Good luck glynis

Hi Glynis,

Well im off the antibiotics now, they didnt seem to do anything. I feel I have been left high and dry as the doctors dont seem to investigate properly. I have another ENT appointment in the future - at a different hospital so I suppose I can ask them.

Also been prescribed Citalopram for depression. I feel stuck!
I feel like I'm in a similar boat...I had allergies as a kid and they seem to have come back after a bout of antibiotics for a gastrointestinal infection. I have pretty bad PND and a stuffed up right ear. I use a neti pot and that helps some. I guess it doesn't help that I'm a gardener and landscape designer by trade. Let me know if you find something that helps :eek:
I got discharged from ENT as they had a second look with a camera up my nose and said It's fine and no narrowing and because in on two antihistamines and use a nose spray he could do nothing more only to advise me I could add a water nose spray to help the steroid nose spray from drying out my nose.
Along with other meds my lungs are treated with daily steroid and my nose.
Love glynis
Hi @glynis,

I was wondering if you've ever heard of or considered a technique known as "Nasal Specific". There are other names for it, such as bilateral nasal specific, nasal ballooning, cranial facial release, endonasal technique, and neurocranial restructuring. Here's a quick definition:

The procedure is very simple, quick and easy. A small balloon is inserted into the nose and inflated. The balloon opens the turbinates allowing for more air to enter the nose. This can improve breathing.
I looked into this several years ago, and in my research, asked a friend of mine whether she had ever heard of it. Not only had she heard of it, but she'd had it done (once). She said she grew up in Michigan, and had miserable seasonal allergies all her life. After her chiropractor did the procedure expanding her sinuses, they drained, and she never had a problem with allergies again.

So I ended up having it done. My sinuses, which had been noticeably "stuffy" for a number of years, drained in a whole new way, and I now have sinuses that are clearer than ever. I actually did the procedure however, because of a concussion history, and chronic headaches and head pressure. It helped a great with that as well. Below is some information on how NS can help both sinuses and head injuries.

BTW, there's lots of information online about this technique, including a good number of youtube videos. I heard a few years ago that although this used to be mostly the domain of chiropractors and NDs, that some ENTs were starting to do it. They however, took a relatively simple and inexpensive office visit technique and turned it into a several thousand dollar surgery option (which they were promoting for allergy relief).

Sinuses and Sinusitis
Another side effect of this procedure can be improved drainage of the sinuses. Proper drainage of the sinuses is critical to sinus health and avoiding sinusitis and sinus infections. If the tissue in the nose is swollen or inflamed, this can affect proper sinus drainage. The most common use and side effect of the nasal specific procedure is improved sinus health and function.

Concussions and Headaches
There are many other reported uses for this procedure. Some clinicians use this procedure to help patients who suffer with headaches, especially headaches caused from concussions. The theory is that the cranial and facial bones can be affected by blows to the face and head. The bones of the skull and face are connected by a special set of joints called suture joints. They get their name because the bones look as if they have been sewn together. This is a very powerful and strong joint connection. However, these joints are still joints and there should be movement between the bones of the skull and face; although a very small amount of movement. It is theorized that blows to the face and head can cause these joints to become fixated. This could lead to pressure and pain in the face and head. The nasal specific procedure can release this pressure and normalize proper joint movement the skull and facial bones. This is accomplished by the pressure exerted outward on the bones when the balloon expands in the nasal passageway.
There's also been reports of Nasal Specific helping with tinnitus. The following is at THIS LINK:

"Cindy Stein, MEd, PT, has found this therapy very beneficial for patients who have suffered concussions. Additionally, it can help sinus issues, TMJ dysfunction, insomnia, headaches, tinnitus, fatigue, and many more symptoms."​

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