On antidepressants since I was 12, initially started because of bullying, social isolation, and mild depression. They hollowed out my whole personality, making me go numb to the world. During this
"numb" period I played lots of videogames, while wearing headphones, losing my social skills and some of my hearing very gradually. It doesn't make sense, I've got ~15db maximum hearing loss at 4k (noise notch) in my left ear (my right ear is perfect, max 5db loss) and my hearing is mostly unaffected and the rest of the audiogram is fine, as are my OAE and ABR, but yet I have crippling phantom noises and sensations.
When I was 15 I first noticed the sound, as well as some giant eye floaters, both of which disturb me to this day. Now I'm just an empty vessel. Well, I hesitate to say empty, because I am a vessel filled with pain, loneliness, and science-backed hopelessness.
I can't habituate, and I can't find a single ray of light when it comes to my physical issues (T and floaters). They ate up all of my previous interests, I immediately gave up on life when they started and delved deeply into videogames; So when you guys say "go and do things you used to enjoy," I haven't really enjoyed anything at all in a long time. I HAVE NO LIFE TO GET BACK TO. I would need to build an entire life while being continuously, relentlessly tortured. I have nothing and nobody waiting for me at the finish line to congratulate me. Why should I go on, knowing I will only experience suffering?
It's just so stupid - so many people live so well with these conditions, but for me it's just too much. I've never hurt a soul in my life, but I'm life's punching bag - socially, mentally, and physically. When I try to go outside or interact with people at all, I'm always completely distracted from what's actually going on due to this crap.
I really need some help here. I can't manage or cope with this through therapy or medication (I've tried basically everything over the course of 8 years). Psychology and psychiatry have failed me, so don't tell me to seek them. At 20, I'm too young to feel like death is right around the corner every single second of every single day.
I need real treatments. I'm in a very dark place right now. I feel like my parents are gradually, reluctantly realizing that I'll never get better. They've dropped over 40k on treatments for my mental state in the past year alone. They care about me so much, but there's NOTHING they can do for my physical conditions (the source of most of my pain). NOTHING AT ALL. It hurts so much.
They talk to me less and less, and when I tell them about my pain when we talk, they become sullen and hopeless, so I just try to not talk anymore, because this is all I can think about.
My own parents feel the same kind of pain for me as I should feel for a dying elderly relative.
I'm going to spend my 21st birthday, like the past six birthdays before it, in a lonely suicidal hole. Not sure how much longer I can hold out. I don't want to die, but I will never be able to live like this, that much is clear to me now. There has to be some sort of study I missed, some treatment that showed promise, some audiologist out there who actually cares. Where's the interest in this condition?
Why is there no mainstream medical support for us? No news, no messages of hope from major research institutions, no efforts to understand what causes this condition to be brought about; What we get is just, silence. No interest in our suffering. Doctors just see our pain, tell us to live with the ceaseless agony, and shove us out of their office so they don't have to deal with the mental breakdown that is soon to follow.