Solsaem Clinic (Dr. Minbo Shim) Experience

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Hmm, he's never been defensive with me.
Or me.

It's hilarious that everyone except the two people that have actually met the man seem to know more than we do about him.

As if giving him our money automatically makes us like him because we are afraid of being wrong or something?
You could buy a hell of a nice motorcycle for $18,000 plus travel expenses and wait for Frequency Therapeutics, Otonomy, etc. instead. Dr. Minbo Shim doesn't have much of a track record that I know of. It would be nice to be involved in a trial.
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You could buy a hell of a nice motorcycle for $18,000 plus travel expenses and wait for Frequency Therapeutics, Otonomy, etc. instead. Dr. Minbo Shim doesn't have much of a track record that I know of. It would be nice to be involved in a trial.
Yeah because motorcycles are super high on our priority list.

You don't even have to go to Korea, any willing ENT in America, and several other countries could do this.

I know a guy in another country that's a member on this forum that is doing just that, taking this info to ENT's in his country and trying to talk this through with them.
You don't even have to go to Korea, any willing ENT in America, and several other countries could do this.
You would think Silverstein or Shea would do it if they deem it to be safe. I don't know about the dosages of PRP to be in the IT perfusion though. Shea advertised back in 2011 when I had injections for tinnitus there. I thought they were injecting dexamethasone and lidocaine back then?

Is the bone marrow extraction for stem cells necessary? Glenn had mentioned that they would not travel through the round window and into the cochlea. Maybe they are injected with an IV into the bloodstream?
It's just a matter of time. PRP is moving very fast, and of course there is clinical lag time. I have benefitted from PRP myself (it helped regrow cartilage in my knee) but it's simply an economics thing, IMHO.
Okay. Got the full text of that study you mentioned. I was wrong about it being animal serum. The patient was having a cosmetic procedure. Here's my report:

"The patient was
given PRP for revitalization of the face and neck (third in series every
2–3 months). Each procedure was performed with the same kit and
the previous two were done without complications. After the third
procedure in 2 weeks at the injection sites (facial skin, neck),
erythematous wheals with arthralgia, malaise, fatigue, and fever
occurred (Figure 1). The basic laboratory test were normal, except
positive ANA (antinuclear antibody) in immunofluorescence (titer 1:
320), but Western blot was negative. The autologic serum test was
uncertain (the reaction at the serum injection site was similar to
the control with 0.9% NaCl solution; Konstantinou et al., 2009)"

"The PRP autologous, was obtained after centrifugation of patient's blood with the presence of the gel separator
(trisodium-2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-
propanetricarboxylic acid, glucose monohydrate), using acid citrate
dextrose as an anticoagulant"

"After increasing the dose of prednisone to 60 mg/d the skin symptoms resolved"


Serum sickness disease in a patient with alopecia areata
and Meniere' disease after PRP procedure
Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Saczonek1 | Ewa Wygonowska1 | Monika Budkiewicz2 |
Waldemar Placek1
Department of Dermatology, Sexually
Transmitted Diseases and Clinical Immunology,
The University of Warmia and Mazury,
Olsztyn, Poland
Department of Ophthalmology, Municipal
Hospital in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland
Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Saczonek, Al. Wojs

This is in line with what Dr. Shim told me before I went. That the only complication he ever saw was otitis media, which is inflammation of the middle ear. He said they all resolved.

Also, Dr. Shim does a thorough allergy test on the first day.
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Okay. Got the full text of that study you mentioned. I was wrong about it being animal serum. The patient was having a cosmetic procedure. Here's my report:

"The patient was
given PRP for revitalization of the face and neck (third in series every
2–3 months). Each procedure was performed with the same kit and
the previous two were done without complications. After the third
procedure in 2 weeks at the injection sites (facial skin, neck),
erythematous wheals with arthralgia, malaise, fatigue, and fever
occurred (Figure 1). The basic laboratory test were normal, except
positive ANA (antinuclear antibody) in immunofluorescence (titer 1:
320), but Western blot was negative. The autologic serum test was
uncertain (the reaction at the serum injection site was similar to
the control with 0.9% NaCl solution; Konstantinou et al., 2009)"

"The PRP autologous, was obtained after centrifugation of patient's blood with the presence of the gel separator
(trisodium-2-hydroxypropane-1,2,3-tricarboxylate 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-
propanetricarboxylic acid, glucose monohydrate), using acid citrate
dextrose as an anticoagulant"

"After increasing the dose of prednisone to 60 mg/d the skin symptoms resolved"

View attachment 29670

Serum sickness disease in a patient with alopecia areata
and Meniere' disease after PRP procedure
Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Saczonek1 | Ewa Wygonowska1 | Monika Budkiewicz2 |
Waldemar Placek1
Department of Dermatology, Sexually
Transmitted Diseases and Clinical Immunology,
The University of Warmia and Mazury,
Olsztyn, Poland
Department of Ophthalmology, Municipal
Hospital in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland
Agnieszka Owczarczyk-Saczonek, Al. Wojs

This is in line with what Dr. Shim told me before I went. That the only complication he ever saw was otitis media, which is inflammation of the middle ear. He said they all resolved.

Also, Dr. Shim does a thorough allergy test on the first day.
That is similar to what I was told for my PRP as well.
giving him our money automatically makes us like him because we are afraid of being wrong

Exactly. For instance, there's shame involved in foolishly wasting money, like if you put a lot of money on a stock that tanked. Show me someone who spent a lot of money and I'll show you someone who goes around trying to rationalize why they did it to anyone who will listen so they can feel more confident about it. I feel that impulse right now because I just bought a new car. I feel the impulse to explain myself to others to some extent because I have to calm my own anxiety over extending myself financially.
For instance, there's shame involved in foolishly wasting money, like if you put a lot of money on a stock that tanked.
I would agree there's shame involved in foolishly wasting money. Money is a tool we use to obtain the things that we need or to help others that we want to.

In addition, I believe there's more shame in stockpiling a huge load of cash, and being a cheapskate all our lives, and never using it for what we needed. Never using it to help others.

We croak with a giga bank account. We're not gonna take it with us when we die. What will happen is our descendants will probably fight over it, and hate each other. That's a shame.

If you have the money, you bought a nice car, and you're not going into hock up to your gill slits over it, you don't have to rationalize it to anyone. Just enjoy the car.
John is not rationalizing anything. He's trying to say something that will be a blessing to others.

Ok, hopefully treatment prices will come down. But I'm not waiting til I'm dead for prices to come down.
Ok, hopefully treatment prices will come down. But I'm not waiting til I'm dead for prices to come down.
There is no guarantee his treatment even works short or long term. No double blind studies were done by Dr. Shim. Can't put the cart ahead of the horse. It would be nice if Shea or Silverstein could try the PRP injections here in the states. They are both well known private hearing institutes.

I do hope you and John have excellent results though.
I found some pictures of the clinic on the Korean site.

Also he seems to offer more options than any ENT I've ever met which is promising. Anytime I ask an ENT here about therapies other than TRT or hearing aids, they look at me like as if I just revealed Kuato.

(auto translated)

Tinnitus Cure
Methods include medication, stimulation therapy, sound therapy, and regenerative therapy.

1. Medication
Improve blood circulation and inhibit an abnormally activated second route - Adjust the duration, dose, and type of medication appropriate for the potential for drowsiness and poisoning.

2. Stimulation therapy
When the tinnitus becomes tinnitus, the sensory nerves in the face and head are connected to the nucleus of the auditory nerve. At this time, stimulation of the sensory nerve leads to stimulation of both the first and second auditory cortices, resulting in 'inadequate activation in the second auditory cortex' caused by lack of stimulation toward the first auditory cortex, It disappears. (Stimulation around the ear, facial and scalp massage should be repeated as appropriate.)

Inappropriate stimulation causes tinnitus rather. A bad example is that it is important to give proper stimulation as there are cases where tinnitus occurs with Botox on the forehead.

3. Lee Myung Jae Training Therapy (Sound Therapy)
It contains my own number of waves and continues to hear small, silent repeated sounds. (Mainly quiet white noise including a smooth rain, the valley sound is effective.)

It induces the 'habituation' of tinnitus by making artificial continuous sound of the frequency sound and its surrounding frequency sound which was not transmitted to the first auditory cortex due to the hearing loss, and makes the tinnitus not conscious. As a good example, if you continue to listen to a gentle rain, the sound begins to be missed, and at the same time your tinnitus will not be recognized at the same time. This caused habituation to the sound of the rain, which caused habituation to the tinnitus. That is, the principle of 'stimulation generalization'. If you repeat this habit training for several months, you will hear less tinnitus even if you do not hear the rain.

Tinnitus is a hallucination that you make yourself in your brain because of hearing loss. One way to get rid of this is with sound therapy.

Sound Therapy is a technique that keeps you from feeling tinnitus sounds for several hours a day for several hours a day. Then you will not get tinnitus.

The sound that is used for the sound therapy includes the sound of the rain, the white noise, the wind sound, the sound of the waves, the music, etc. The best thing is 'rain' . However, there is something to be noted here. The sound of the rain must be heard in a small enough volume that you can hear your tinnitus. If you listen too loudly, you will be disturbed by other social activities. Especially when you are sleeping, you can sleep comfortably without worrying about both the tinnitus and the rain.

Listen to two good sounds while listening to the rain.

4. Steroid therapy
The most common method used for sudden hearing loss is dexamethasone mainly for the inside of the eardrum, and methylprednisolone for the eating. The effect can be expected in the early stages of hearing loss (within 3 days of onset). However, steroids have many side effects and often have no effect, especially in the chronic phase.

5. Brain magnetic field therapy
Brain magnetic field therapy is effective for depression, anxiety, memory loss, tinnitus, sleep disorder. The principle is to apply a magnetic field to the brain to normalize the electrical flow in the brain. Repeated treatment is said to be more effective.

6. Hearing aids, cochlear implants, surgery
These methods can be helpful if your hearing is too bad, or if you have problems with your eardrum or middle ear.

7. Latest research methods
There are many ways in which hearing regeneration can be used worldwide, including stem cell therapy, growth factor therapy, and gene therapy. In Japan, researchers are studying degenerative stem cells and growth factors for deafness, and researchers at Stanford University in the US, where SalSam's staff has been trained, have studied human embryonic stem cells for drug therapy, stem cell therapy, We are doing research to apply to factor treatment.

The reason for the tinnitus is mostly due to the hearing loss. Therefore, efforts to improve the hearing loss should be given priority, but it is also important to treat the emotional parts such as anxiety, depression and sleep disorder caused by the tinnitus.

In Salsam ENT, we understand that tinnitus can cause emotional changes, and treatments for tinnitus and emotions are in parallel.

It will be important to accurately assess your current condition through various tests, including hearing screenings, and to find appropriate remedies.​


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I found some pictures of the clinic on the Korean site.

Also he seems to offer more options than any ENT I've ever met which is promising. Anytime I ask an ENT here about therapies other than TRT or hearing aids, they look at me like as if I just revealed Kuato.

(auto translated)

Tinnitus Cure
Methods include medication, stimulation therapy, sound therapy, and regenerative therapy.

1. Medication
Improve blood circulation and inhibit an abnormally activated second route - Adjust the duration, dose, and type of medication appropriate for the potential for drowsiness and poisoning.

2. Stimulation therapy
When the tinnitus becomes tinnitus, the sensory nerves in the face and head are connected to the nucleus of the auditory nerve. At this time, stimulation of the sensory nerve leads to stimulation of both the first and second auditory cortices, resulting in 'inadequate activation in the second auditory cortex' caused by lack of stimulation toward the first auditory cortex, It disappears. (Stimulation around the ear, facial and scalp massage should be repeated as appropriate.)

Inappropriate stimulation causes tinnitus rather. A bad example is that it is important to give proper stimulation as there are cases where tinnitus occurs with Botox on the forehead.

3. Lee Myung Jae Training Therapy (Sound Therapy)
It contains my own number of waves and continues to hear small, silent repeated sounds. (Mainly quiet white noise including a smooth rain, the valley sound is effective.)

It induces the 'habituation' of tinnitus by making artificial continuous sound of the frequency sound and its surrounding frequency sound which was not transmitted to the first auditory cortex due to the hearing loss, and makes the tinnitus not conscious. As a good example, if you continue to listen to a gentle rain, the sound begins to be missed, and at the same time your tinnitus will not be recognized at the same time. This caused habituation to the sound of the rain, which caused habituation to the tinnitus. That is, the principle of 'stimulation generalization'. If you repeat this habit training for several months, you will hear less tinnitus even if you do not hear the rain.

Tinnitus is a hallucination that you make yourself in your brain because of hearing loss. One way to get rid of this is with sound therapy.

Sound Therapy is a technique that keeps you from feeling tinnitus sounds for several hours a day for several hours a day. Then you will not get tinnitus.

The sound that is used for the sound therapy includes the sound of the rain, the white noise, the wind sound, the sound of the waves, the music, etc. The best thing is 'rain' . However, there is something to be noted here. The sound of the rain must be heard in a small enough volume that you can hear your tinnitus. If you listen too loudly, you will be disturbed by other social activities. Especially when you are sleeping, you can sleep comfortably without worrying about both the tinnitus and the rain.

Listen to two good sounds while listening to the rain.

4. Steroid therapy
The most common method used for sudden hearing loss is dexamethasone mainly for the inside of the eardrum, and methylprednisolone for the eating. The effect can be expected in the early stages of hearing loss (within 3 days of onset). However, steroids have many side effects and often have no effect, especially in the chronic phase.

5. Brain magnetic field therapy
Brain magnetic field therapy is effective for depression, anxiety, memory loss, tinnitus, sleep disorder. The principle is to apply a magnetic field to the brain to normalize the electrical flow in the brain. Repeated treatment is said to be more effective.

6. Hearing aids, cochlear implants, surgery
These methods can be helpful if your hearing is too bad, or if you have problems with your eardrum or middle ear.

7. Latest research methods
There are many ways in which hearing regeneration can be used worldwide, including stem cell therapy, growth factor therapy, and gene therapy. In Japan, researchers are studying degenerative stem cells and growth factors for deafness, and researchers at Stanford University in the US, where SalSam's staff has been trained, have studied human embryonic stem cells for drug therapy, stem cell therapy, We are doing research to apply to factor treatment.

The reason for the tinnitus is mostly due to the hearing loss. Therefore, efforts to improve the hearing loss should be given priority, but it is also important to treat the emotional parts such as anxiety, depression and sleep disorder caused by the tinnitus.

In Salsam ENT, we understand that tinnitus can cause emotional changes, and treatments for tinnitus and emotions are in parallel.

It will be important to accurately assess your current condition through various tests, including hearing screenings, and to find appropriate remedies.​
Those images are a mixture of his old and new clinic.

He is not just trying, but definitely helping people, within the confines of the law in his country.

He is a true doctor, and very pioneering and brave. He has permitted me to explain what I have.

Seriously, I know I'm not moving very fast to get this out, but the fact is that this procedure can be performed by any ENT in America. I have suffered additional acoustic traumas and I also work 40+ hours a week at my job and have very little free time. There is no scam here. If you think this is a scam, prove it. ED209, you slanderous naysayer. Get a university to do a human study on bone marrow and PRP and disprove it, or shut up. People are suffering tremendously and this makes sense, scientifically, and the vile fear mongering from people like you is just holding back people from getting relief from their tinnitus.

This doctor Rivolta, that sexy man Steve is about to interview, restored hearing in mammals 7 years ago. Why are we still suffering? Why haven't they replicated this procedure in humans IN 7 YEARS?
I have been following this thread with great interest, many thanks to @JohnAdams and @GlennAz for sharing their experiences.

Not much to add, but I would like to comment about the posts regarding double blind clinical trials.

My understanding is that individual doctors simply cannot do these trials at the level that would be required by the FDA, they cost millions of dollars. Realistically, I think only primarily pharmaceutical companies and universities have the financial capacity to do such trials. There may or may not be other fair criticisms of Dr. Shim, but I think it is unrealistic to be asking / expecting him (or any other individual doctor) to conduct formal double blind clinical trials.
Get a university to do a human study on bone marrow and PRP and disprove it, or shut up.

Again with your call to prove a negative. Look, none of us are any more influential to make things happen than you are, so stop passing the buck to us.

If you're so passionate about this...

find a way to influence the establishment.

go out there and bravely tilt at windmills like Don Quixote.

After all, you're a walking positive testimonial, riiiiiiiight? (Other than the fact your mom kissed your ear and ruined things, like that.)


All I see here, though, is keyboard-warrior behavior.

We get it already. You're a believer. But please don't suffer delusions of grandeur.

Why are we still suffering? Why haven't they replicated this procedure in humans IN 7 YEARS?

Cats. Cats are holding us back.

The vast feline conspiracy:


They bumped off Grumpy Cat because she was going to blow the lid off the whole thing.
Those images are a mixture of his old and new clinic.

He is not just trying, but definitely helping people, within the confines of the law in his country.

He is a true doctor, and very pioneering and brave. He has permitted me to explain what I have.

Seriously, I know I'm not moving very fast to get this out, but the fact is that this procedure can be performed by any ENT in America. I have suffered additional acoustic traumas and I also work 40+ hours a week at my job and have very little free time. There is no scam here. If you think this is a scam, prove it. ED209, you slanderous naysayer. Get a university to do a human study on bone marrow and PRP and disprove it, or shut up. People are suffering tremendously and this makes sense, scientifically, and the vile fear mongering from people like you is just holding back people from getting relief from their tinnitus.

This doctor Rivolta, that sexy man Steve is about to interview, restored hearing in mammals 7 years ago. Why are we still suffering? Why haven't they replicated this procedure in humans IN 7 YEARS?

Geez dude, I surrender. Cease fire. I wasn't trying to bash him or anything.

And why didn't you reply to my PM asking for more info to present this "open source" protocol to my ENT who actually has tinnitus himself and might do something with it?
to present this "open source" protocol to my ENT who actually has tinnitus himself and might do something with it?
Inject as much bone marrow and PRP into your head as you can over the course of 2 weeks.

Look into how to activate the PRP.

Get the marrow from your hip bone.

When you get the injections make sure your head is tilted so that the substance is pulled away from your eardrum by gravity.

Lay on your back.

Don't swallow.

Lay still for an hour after each injection and do up to six per day, switching ears every other day.

Tell your ENT to investigate the use of coagulants. The goal here is to make sure enough growth factors diffuse into the cochlea through the round window. The longer you can get it to stay in your head, the better.

Don't be afraid. Your eardrum is tough. Just don't move while that needle is in there.

If this works for you, be sure to credit Dr. Shim. He has put many years of research and hard work into this.

I could post more detailed instructions but I feel like the fine details at this point should be obvious to any doctor.

Bone marrow, PRP, in the head. Status: legal. Go for it. Get your ENT to do it. I wish I had the cash to fund more research into this. Why? So I can become rich? No. Nothing about this could make me rich, or any money. I am only following my conscience and trying to share this because I just want people to be healthy and happy.
If this works for you, be sure to credit Dr. Shim. He has put many years of research and hard work into this.

I could post more detailed instructions but I feel like the fine details at this point should be obvious to any doctor.

Bone marrow, PRP, in the head. Status: legal. Go for it. Get your ENT to do it. I wish I had the cash to fund more research into this. Why? So I can become rich? No. Nothing about this could make me rich, or any money. I am only following my conscience and trying to share this because I just want people to be healthy and happy.

Why are you so defensive with every post? I didn't imply anything about you trying to profit from this, nor did I question your conscience. Take a break from this thread I you have to. Fighting with others has made you go Daenerys Targaryen on everyone and burning them.

While I commend your efforts for trying to layout the protocol, Im sure its overly simplified and there are a lot of details missing that would make any ENT cringe when presented with this. I don't suspect this to be as simple as you have laid out. Not your fault at all since really only Mimbo Shim could properly explain it. But your effort is appreciated.

I'll try figure out how to activate PRP for my ENT.

Screen Shot 2019-05-18 at 9.29.29 PM.jpg
I found some pictures of the clinic on the Korean site.

Also he seems to offer more options than any ENT I've ever met which is promising. Anytime I ask an ENT here about therapies other than TRT or hearing aids, they look at me like as if I just revealed Kuato.

(auto translated)

Tinnitus Cure
Methods include medication, stimulation therapy, sound therapy, and regenerative therapy.

1. Medication
Improve blood circulation and inhibit an abnormally activated second route - Adjust the duration, dose, and type of medication appropriate for the potential for drowsiness and poisoning.

2. Stimulation therapy
When the tinnitus becomes tinnitus, the sensory nerves in the face and head are connected to the nucleus of the auditory nerve. At this time, stimulation of the sensory nerve leads to stimulation of both the first and second auditory cortices, resulting in 'inadequate activation in the second auditory cortex' caused by lack of stimulation toward the first auditory cortex, It disappears. (Stimulation around the ear, facial and scalp massage should be repeated as appropriate.)

Inappropriate stimulation causes tinnitus rather. A bad example is that it is important to give proper stimulation as there are cases where tinnitus occurs with Botox on the forehead.

3. Lee Myung Jae Training Therapy (Sound Therapy)
It contains my own number of waves and continues to hear small, silent repeated sounds. (Mainly quiet white noise including a smooth rain, the valley sound is effective.)

It induces the 'habituation' of tinnitus by making artificial continuous sound of the frequency sound and its surrounding frequency sound which was not transmitted to the first auditory cortex due to the hearing loss, and makes the tinnitus not conscious. As a good example, if you continue to listen to a gentle rain, the sound begins to be missed, and at the same time your tinnitus will not be recognized at the same time. This caused habituation to the sound of the rain, which caused habituation to the tinnitus. That is, the principle of 'stimulation generalization'. If you repeat this habit training for several months, you will hear less tinnitus even if you do not hear the rain.

Tinnitus is a hallucination that you make yourself in your brain because of hearing loss. One way to get rid of this is with sound therapy.

Sound Therapy is a technique that keeps you from feeling tinnitus sounds for several hours a day for several hours a day. Then you will not get tinnitus.

The sound that is used for the sound therapy includes the sound of the rain, the white noise, the wind sound, the sound of the waves, the music, etc. The best thing is 'rain' . However, there is something to be noted here. The sound of the rain must be heard in a small enough volume that you can hear your tinnitus. If you listen too loudly, you will be disturbed by other social activities. Especially when you are sleeping, you can sleep comfortably without worrying about both the tinnitus and the rain.

Listen to two good sounds while listening to the rain.

4. Steroid therapy
The most common method used for sudden hearing loss is dexamethasone mainly for the inside of the eardrum, and methylprednisolone for the eating. The effect can be expected in the early stages of hearing loss (within 3 days of onset). However, steroids have many side effects and often have no effect, especially in the chronic phase.

5. Brain magnetic field therapy
Brain magnetic field therapy is effective for depression, anxiety, memory loss, tinnitus, sleep disorder. The principle is to apply a magnetic field to the brain to normalize the electrical flow in the brain. Repeated treatment is said to be more effective.

6. Hearing aids, cochlear implants, surgery
These methods can be helpful if your hearing is too bad, or if you have problems with your eardrum or middle ear.

7. Latest research methods
There are many ways in which hearing regeneration can be used worldwide, including stem cell therapy, growth factor therapy, and gene therapy. In Japan, researchers are studying degenerative stem cells and growth factors for deafness, and researchers at Stanford University in the US, where SalSam's staff has been trained, have studied human embryonic stem cells for drug therapy, stem cell therapy, We are doing research to apply to factor treatment.

The reason for the tinnitus is mostly due to the hearing loss. Therefore, efforts to improve the hearing loss should be given priority, but it is also important to treat the emotional parts such as anxiety, depression and sleep disorder caused by the tinnitus.

In Salsam ENT, we understand that tinnitus can cause emotional changes, and treatments for tinnitus and emotions are in parallel.

It will be important to accurately assess your current condition through various tests, including hearing screenings, and to find appropriate remedies.​
Cool... but in number 7 "Latest research methods", Stefan Heller about 1 year ago wrote back to me and said the doctor was a guest and had no special training, or " secrets". It's on the old Minbo Shim thread. Heller also said that there is no scientific basis for these methods... That's what he wrote me in an email... it's in the previous thread.
"Listen to your otologist. I know that Minbo stayed in my lab, and some meetings, but he received no training and we did not provide him with any secrets to cure hearing loss. There is no scientific foundation that would show any of the treatments you have mentioned work. I am not able to recommend

Stefan Heller"
Saying someone received training at Stanford could be considered unethical
advertising, perhaps lying or copious amounts of exaggeration. Playing the Stanford "card" could warrant a yellow or red card.

This is just another piece of info to throw into the soup.
I have been following this thread with great interest, many thanks to @JohnAdams and @GlennAz for sharing their experiences.

Not much to add, but I would like to comment about the posts regarding double blind clinical trials.

My understanding is that individual doctors simply cannot do these trials at the level that would be required by the FDA, they cost millions of dollars. Realistically, I think only primarily pharmaceutical companies and universities have the financial capacity to do such trials. There may or may not be other fair criticisms of Dr. Shim, but I think it is unrealistic to be asking / expecting him (or any other individual doctor) to conduct formal double blind clinical trials.
A doctor shouldn't be expected to run placebo tests.

They could be expected to log results so that they could predict a certain degree of probability for who and when would be a good candidate for the therapy based on statistical analysis.

I'm shitty at keeping records... so I do understand... but it would be helpful. If someone clearly doesn't fit the profile for possible success they could be told the odds.... one should notice patterns after doing a procedure for years. But of course the sample size is small.

I don't know enough about medical practices in general... and the reality of what accomplished ENT doctors do...
A degree of predictability, odds for lack of a better word would be nice.

Las Vegas needs to get involved with giving odds on regenerative medicine, if organised crime got involved we would be cured tomorrow.
Hi John,
That was very nice of you to lay out Dr Shim's protocol. The procedure is that simple, once the PRP is ready.

After that post, I did notice a couple of informative ratings, and a like, but I never noticed a thank you or much appreciation. But I did notice a lot of static. I'm sorry to see that. You don't profit from this. Ugh!
Hi. Do you mind posting your 3rd party audiogram next to the one you got from Dr. Shim?
Ok, FGG. I don't know how well this will work.

This is the audiogram that Dr. Shim's office did when I first arrived there.


Here is my audiogram from 9/13/18 at my audiologist in Phoenix.

Exactly. For instance, there's shame involved in foolishly wasting money, like if you put a lot of money on a stock that tanked. Show me someone who spent a lot of money and I'll show you someone who goes around trying to rationalize why they did it to anyone who will listen so they can feel more confident about it. I feel that impulse right now because I just bought a new car. I feel the impulse to explain myself to others to some extent because I have to calm my own anxiety over extending myself financially.
Why are you trying to make @JohnAdams feel bad? He took a chance and trailblazed for us all. As a tinnitus sufferer, you should hope that his treatment is successful. If his treatment not successful, we can cross it off the list of possible cures. I am very thankful to John for going to Korea, paying the money and sharing his experience with us.
Why are you trying to make @JohnAdams feel bad? He took a chance and trailblazed for us all. As a tinnitus sufferer, you should hope that his treatment is successful. If his treatment not successful, we can cross it off the list of possible cures. I am very thankful to John for going to Korea, paying the money and sharing his experience with us.
I agree, thank you JohnAdams, you're a real pioneer.

Shame Dr. Shim stretched the truth or straight up lied about Stanford... His words are completely contrary to that of Stefan Heller.

I find your honesty and courage awesome, I wish I could say the same for the doctor... Lying about training in an advertisement for the clinic is morally not acceptable.

Perhaps there's a spin that could put this in a better light...

I am incredulous, am I missing something...

Perhaps Contrast and Ben Garrison should be informed of this liberty taken, it's making claims that are not true... question mark?

Am I overreacting?
Thanks for sharing that! How much has your hearing improved since?
At this moment, it's not a lot better.
But every now and then, I hear something that I normally don't think I would.
Yesterday, I heard my better half walking on the tile floor and noticed a light echo sound as she was walking. I haven't heard that before.

And on the bone conduction headphones Dr. Shim gave me to listen to everyday... as I pair them up to listen to music, there's a woman's voice speaking about 3 sentences. It was vague and unclear in the beginning. I can tell now she's definitely not speaking English. I didn't know that a few weeks ago.

I get little things like this happening.
But conversation is still very difficult.
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