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Specialist Says Treating Migraines Will Cure My Hyperacusis? I'm Skeptical

Tavia R

Apr 21, 2020
Tinnitus Since
Born with condition
Cause of Tinnitus
Born with condition-recently diagnosed/treated for migraines
I just got in to see a hyperacusis specialist for the first time and honestly I have no idea how to feel.
He said he was a specialist, but he flat out told me that he was completely unqualified to treat me and that a neurologist is what I needed.

And, here's why: he claims that I do, in fact, have hyperacusis, but that is it completely, 100% caused by migraines.

I'm skeptical because, one, I've never heard anything like that on any of these forums.
Two, my ENT was on the "migraines are your problem" band wagon and he was a complete jerk that actually made me a lot worse in the months that I saw him.

Also, this specialist didn't consult any of my doctors, didn't look at anything, he just heard that I have chronic migraines and jumped on the whole migraine theory as the soul cause even though we told him I've had ear issues since I was born with tinnitus.

He wouldn't really bite at that, I've learned doctors don't like to be wrong, they just like to know and be the smartest person in the room. Me being broken, sick me just insults them, I make them wrong, which makes them defensive and just hate me. Whoops.

So I really don't trust this guy, I just want to go see a new specialist. But in the mean time, we really do need to get these migraines under control and prove it's not them hurting my ears. If anything it might get these cocky, no good doctors to put away their egos and actually give a crap about their patients.

It's getting to the point we're going to have to start thinking about pain management.
I can't live like this.
Who can?

I don't want to have to ask my doctors to put me on medications to help with pain, I don't even know if that's something they do, but this is ridiculous. Whatever is causing this is sucking my life out with it.
A few days ago I found this site


Seems like a comprehensive article on hyperacusis. There it states:

Hyperacusis is frequently associated with migraine (where it is usually called phonophobia). Because migraine is extremely common (10% of the population), it likely accounts for at least 90% of all hyperacusis.

Probably your doctor has this from sources like these. I don't have migraine yet I suffer from this shit. While searching the forum I also very much doubt the 90% theory. Maybe you can ask your doc if he knows a single case (or report thereof) of someone who's hyperacusis faded away after his migraines was cured.

I have read here that some had success with anti seizure drugs and benzos. But this is nothing you can take like Magnesium and NAC.
While searching the forum I also very much doubt the 90% theory. Maybe you can ask your doc if he knows a single case (or report thereof) of someone who's hyperacusis faded away after his migraines was cured.
Thanks for the info!

Yes the 90% seems so odd to me as well or else you think everyone on here would be talking about migraines? I tried to ask so many questions to this hyperacusis "specialist" but he just ushered me out of the office as he was apparently unqualified to treat me. Who knows man. And my neurologist who's treating my migraines flat out told me he has no clue what's going on with me and the whole hyperacusis crap and not to ask him so that's not helping either.

Is anybody qualified to treat migraine caused pain hyperacusis? Is that too much to ask for?
I am also thinking of going to the pain management and get something. My PCP/ audiologist only listened to the tinnitus side of stuff and asked me to ignore it. When I said that hyperacusis is my biggest problem and i can't ignore the pain that your sound is causing me, he gave me anti-depressants to try and relax. What a biggot!

I just need some pain meds to help with some of the pain, which won't make my hyperacusis/tinnitus any worse than a hellish level it already is. :(
My personal guess is that migraine cannot cause true hyperacusis. Maybe some sound sensitivity, but not hyperacusis, which is caused by actual damage to our hearing, cochlear damage for instance.
I am also thinking of going to the pain management and get something. My PCP/ audiologist only listened to the tinnitus side of stuff and asked me to ignore it. When I said that hyperacusis is my biggest problem and i can't ignore the pain that your sound is causing me, he gave me anti-depressants to try and relax. What a biggot!

I just need some pain meds to help with some of the pain, which won't make my hyperacusis/tinnitus any worse than a hellish level it already is. :(
My hell, fire them they sound awful.
I had an ENT that was in the same category of "useless doctor" and he ended up making me a lot worse so I fired him and found a new doctor. Best decision ever, my new one is great.
Just keep firing and hiring till you find someone worth a crap

Have you considered medical marijuana? And are you in an area where you could get a medical licence? I'm still looking into it, I want a licence. My grandmother was a opioid addict, and abusive, pathetic excuse for a person and she had 6 overdoses that we know of. All resuscitations successful, though it's ironic that the flu is what finally killed her. So to say the least I'll never touch an opioid in my life. I like the prospects of medical Marry Jane because the addiction rate is only 9% and I'll take that chance any day over popping pills.
But I don't understand why hyperacusis patients aren't just offered pain relief. I myself am practically debilitated from this pain and there's no way I've been faking it for months on end and willingly tearing my own life apart just for the prospect a doctor might give me gummy bears. Ridiculous.

I'm sorry you're struggling right now, message me if you ever need anything.
Sorry I'm late here, I just found this whole forum tonight! I was diagnosed with hyperacusis a few years ago. The way my ENT framed it is that my hyperacusis is causing my migraines, not the other way around. And I think he's right—as long as I wear ear plugs for specific activities and avoid others altogether, I don't have migraines. When I break the rules, I get a migraine.

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