Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

Thank you for relpying with your wise wisdom.
I can remember going bed one night with my blasting ears and thought to myself If I concentrate one one ear and looked in that direction what would it do ?
Wow it stopped the tinnitus in the other ear but only for a short time .
This got more intriguing when I started with a added drone sound and realised I could shut both sounds off the same way only for 15 seconds as the eye pain or strain got to bad.
I can do it anytime but now I does work I try not keep doing it in bed or will end up with eyes at the back of my head:ROFL:.

love glynis
I can do it anytime but now I does work I try not keep doing it in bed or will end up with eyes at the back of my head:ROFL:.

I was thinking about that! Especially since you'd have to have one eye pointing left and the other one pointing right to silence both of your ears!
Because I had an MRI/MRA that was extremely loud (louder than normal) and caused me to have a spike in my tinnitus. Apparently, large doses of prednisone can help reduce risk of permanent damage to the auditory system after noise exposure.
Under what context did you manage to get the prescription for prednisone from the ENT?

You took it for only a day and your spike really went away?

How did you tolerate a dose of 60 mg?
Was the MRI so loud?
Under what context did you manage to get the prescription for prednisone from the ENT?

You took it for only a day and your spike really went away?

How did you tolerate a dose of 60 mg?
Was the MRI so loud?
I just called my ENT and told him that I had been exposed to an MRI and although I used ear protection, it was extremely loud and I was worried it had caused damage to my hearing and my tinnitus was worse afterwards. They just prescribed 7 days of 60MG prednisone and said that was their standard of care when it comes to treating auditory noise exposure within 10 days after the exposure.

Today is my first day of taking it; and I actually notice a spike in my tinnitus after taking it but I'm not overly concerned yet. I feel fine other than having a ton of energy. ALL MRIs are loud and I have had about 5 in the last two years due to a brain issue but this particular MRI/MRA was louder than any I had previously experienced and definitely caused a spike in my tinnitus even with ear plugs AND muffs.
I just called my ENT and told him that I had been exposed to an MRI and although I used ear protection, it was extremely loud and I was worried it had caused damage to my hearing and my tinnitus was worse afterwards. They just prescribed 7 days of 60MG prednisone and said that was their standard of care when it comes to treating auditory noise exposure within 10 days after the exposure.

Today is my first day of taking it; and I actually notice a spike in my tinnitus after taking it but I'm not overly concerned yet. I feel fine other than having a ton of energy. ALL MRIs are loud and I have had about 5 in the last two years due to a brain issue but this particular MRI/MRA was louder than any I had previously experienced and definitely caused a spike in my tinnitus even with ear plugs AND muffs.

Prednisone can't make any bad to your Tinnitus.
You are worried and stressed making your Tinnitus perception exacerbated.
Fancy being here again...

I'm finding myself considering whether or not to take prednisone after I was exposed to society at large and its massive stupidity once more. I have a painful cochlea, fullness in the ear, acoustic trauma with two notches in my right ear, shown below in green, and a noticeable drop in hearing of course at those frequencies... my hifi system was fun while it lasted but the enviable definition in my right speaker is more or less useless now.
The consideration of risks is that I know I can cure my hearing damage and tinnitus quite significantly in half a decade but I cannot afford to become psychologically challenged or unproductive since my business partners would not like that very much and it would endanger my investments. I also don't want any fat redistribution anywhere or bone atrophy... It's hard to find a good paper on the actual symptom commonality.

Anyone with an opinion; please pitch in. I'll have to make a choice by tomorrow morning.


@Natalie Roberts ,
I have taken prednisalone a lot but for my lungs.

Fluid retention, full of energy, insomnia, vivid dreams, extream hunger and dry mouth will be common above 40mg.
Weight on your face (moon face) is more common if on a daily dose.
Coming down off a high dose will give fateauge as tearful episodes but will pass.

love glynis

Hey Glynis, long time no see. Do you consider one week of 30mg prednisone risky in any way?

I just called my ENT and told him that I had been exposed to an MRI and although I used ear protection, it was extremely loud and I was worried it had caused damage to my hearing and my tinnitus was worse afterwards. They just prescribed 7 days of 60MG prednisone and said that was their standard of care when it comes to treating auditory noise exposure within 10 days after the exposure.

Today is my first day of taking it; and I actually notice a spike in my tinnitus after taking it but I'm not overly concerned yet. I feel fine other than having a ton of energy. ALL MRIs are loud and I have had about 5 in the last two years due to a brain issue but this particular MRI/MRA was louder than any I had previously experienced and definitely caused a spike in my tinnitus even with ear plugs AND muffs.

How is your treatment progressing?

60mg of prednisolone has always muted my spike within 24 hours after starting it. (tried it 3 times, same result each time).

Have you experienced any ill effects, really ANY at all?

A few questions for clarification, before I give you an exhaustive answer.

1) I did not quite understand, did you really experience a new acoustic trauma, what was it connected to?

2) Your provided audiogram was made by yourself or with the help of a professional audiometer. Before this incident, the audiogram looked better?
Have you experienced any ill effects, really ANY at all?
Maybe... I took prednisone 3 times in 6 months. The first was for a week, followed by 2 weeks of tapering off, the next 2 times I only took it for 2 days each with no taper.

It's been a year since then and I am about 15 pounds heavier than I used to be, despite my usual regimen of diet and exercise. Part of me wonders if the prednisone has somehow changed my gut biome or something because there really has been a marked change in how my body appears to cling to fat reserves. Just a theory... but perhaps I'm just 47 years old and have passed over that silent tipping point where I left my youthful metabolism behind and it has nothing to do with the drug.

Your audiogram is hard to understand.
Where is the y-axis scale?
But if I understood right, you have 60 db loss at 2.75khz and 4.75khz. That's quite a lot and it should justify your tinnitus.
What exactly do you mean with:
'The consideration of risks is that I know I can cure my hearing damage and tinnitus quite significantly in half a decade but I cannot afford to become psychologically challenged or unproductive since my business partners would not like that very much and it would endanger my investments.'

How can you cure your Tinnitus?

If I knew I would cure my Tinnitus if I lived 2 years on Uzbekistan doing bull semen-collection I would be packing my bags at this moment ;)
When I was tapering and at 30mg per day my Tinnitus came back to full strength. Only while 60-80mg did it become muted.
I'm really curious.

How long after onset did you start taking prednisone and did it work?

Only 60 mg or more, lower doses had no effect?

By Russian standards, I read that they recommend a 30 mg schedule with a taper.

A dose of 60 mg is a lot. At this dose side effects such as tachycardia and nervousness begin.

PS. How long did your worst spike last?
April 2016 - Initial onset after exposure to loud noise during sleep. Tinnitus mostly in right ear but some in left.

July 2016 - Hearing tests done on Android app are confirmed by audiologist showing a 50 dB (moderate) loss of hearing at 4 kHz.

Sep 2016 - Woke up to SSHL (and much louder tinnitus) in my good (left) ear. Tests run by audiologist and app show a 25 dB loss across lower frequencies compared to my baseline a few months earlier. ENT puts me on 80mg Prednisone and Rogaine blood thinner for a week. SSHL is cured. Baseline tinnitus seems greatly reduced. Tons of side-effects (mostly from the blood thinner)-- tachycardia, headaches, stomach pain, weight gain. Tapered off the Prednesone over 3 weeks. SSHL remained cured but baseline tinnitus returned to normal when dose was under 50mg. (I am a 205lb man).

Dec 2016 - A week after noise exposure at a bar caused a spike. I did 60mg of prednisone for 2 days (short enough time that no taper was needed). While on it, not only did my tinnitus seem much lighter than baseline, my hearing actually improved. I measure my hearing using noise cancelling headphones and an Android app at least once per month. I could actually hear at 10 dB better than ever before (or since) at 4 kHz. When prednisone was over, tinnitus and hearing loss returned to my usual baseline.

Feb 2017 - Repeated my experiment from Dec with the same result. Improved tinnitus baseline and >10 dB of hearing improvement.

Conclusion: There must be an inflammatory element to my hearing loss and tinnitus that can be temporarily softened using prednisone. Since you can't do 60mg+ of prednisone for the long term, I have tried using natural anti-inflammatories such as fish oil--probably to little effect.

Today: I am currently having a bad spike caused from a week ago when I had an 80 dB sound exposure over a 2 hour period (with earplugs in). Hoping it subsides soon. Not doing prednisone again. Have put on 15 pounds since my prednisone experiments and am suspicious that it changed my gut microbiome or something.

Your audiogram is hard to understand.
Where is the y-axis scale?
But if I understood right, you have 60 db loss at 2.75khz and 4.75khz. That's quite a lot and it should justify your tinnitus.
What exactly do you mean with:
'The consideration of risks is that I know I can cure my hearing damage and tinnitus quite significantly in half a decade but I cannot afford to become psychologically challenged or unproductive since my business partners would not like that very much and it would endanger my investments.'

How can you cure your Tinnitus?

If I knew I would cure my Tinnitus if I lived 2 years on Uzbekistan doing bull semen-collection I would be packing my bags at this moment ;)

The damage is only around 10dB which to me is horrible because I really like music and now my right hifi speaker is worthless...

I've been developing treatments for hearing recovery for two years and started to run into the capital wall really quickly. So then I started 5 businesses and I'm still going, currently looking into a big capital raise. I never gave up I just haven't been active here because I'm busy. With a few million I think I can fix myself up pretty well.

What I can't deal with however is a permanent moon face or permanent damage to my hormone balance so given how my face looks and the ridiculous mood swings I was having yesterday I think I'm going to stop immediately. My face is really important to me ;) I'd rather be a bit more deaf than have a permanent fat redistribution.
Conclusion: There must be an inflammatory element to my hearing loss and tinnitus that can be temporarily softened using prednisone. Since you can't do 60mg+ of prednisone for the long term, I have tried using natural anti-inflammatories such as fish oil--probably to little effect.

There are multiple inflammatory elements to hearing loss and tinnitus. Have you ever tried diamine-oxidase supplementation?
Let me just say this:

Holy Damn... this prednison is some drug, reminds of molly. I was going mad yesterday, my mind racing, eye's like search lights. This stuff is heavy, I think I even felt emotions :p Kidding aside this was an emotional roller coaster.
Went to bed with what seemed like a fever and woke up with a puffy face...(Please god let it go away soon) Now that I see that in the mirror I'm pretty sure I'm going to quit Prednisone now to dodge any issues. I'm a body builder and my fat free mass index is really good, don't want to mess that up with hormones.

My new audiogram looks a little better and my hearing has half way recovered, probably the temporary threshold shift part though it's still obvious I will have to change the balance on my audio devices in certain frequencies.
Also quite weird that I feel like I have a high fever and my face is burning but my body temperature is lower than usual. I lost a kg of weight. I don't understand how people can gain weight on this stuff, I have absolutely no appetite. I feel properly sick on this stuff.

One things is for sure; I'm never leaving the house without earplugs ever again. My ears are for hifi music and pretty girls pretty voices. Everyone else can speak the f*$% up.
One things is for sure; I'm never leaving the house without earplugs ever again. My ears are for hifi music and pretty girls pretty voices. Everyone else can speak the f*$% up.
I still do not understand, you started taking prednisone?

10 dB is not hearing loss loss, it is a statistical measurement error.

Do you have a "normal" audiogram?
Let me just say this:

Holy Damn... this prednison is some drug, reminds of molly. I was going mad yesterday, my mind racing, eye's like search lights. This stuff is heavy, I think I even felt emotions :p Kidding aside this was an emotional roller coaster.
Went to bed with what seemed like a fever and woke up with a puffy face....
Got the puffy face but I never felt like it affected my emotions or thinking. Little rough on the stomach too as I recall...
I did dexamethasone several times intravenous and topical. I must say it works in reducing tinnitus, but it has also side effects. I got a deep vain trombosis and a pulmonary embolism as a result. That is why I think systemic administration of steroids is a bad idea. Topical dex through a microwick did wonders for me.
Hey I just thought I should share my experience with prednisone as a cautionary tale,

I took a course of prednisone for an acoustic trauma back in May and it left me crippled for a few months. It wasted all the muscle in my legs, I could barely walk without experiencing violent cramping and have only now just gotten back to being able to run after months of rehab.

While I truly believe this drug can help with some people's tinnitus, I think people need to be incredibly cautious about weighing up the risks, especially since this can cause vascular necrosis even after short-term treatment, which is truly awful.
Hey I just thought I should share my experience with prednisone as a cautionary tale,

I took a course of prednisone for an acoustic trauma back in May and it left me crippled for a few months. It wasted all the muscle in my legs, I could barely walk without experiencing violent cramping and have only now just gotten back to being able to run after months of rehab.

While I truly believe this drug can help with some people's tinnitus, I think people need to be incredibly cautious about weighing up the risks, especially since this can cause vascular necrosis even after short-term treatment, which is truly awful.

Did it help you?, I am currently only 15 mg and it makes me feel awful
Hello everyone,

I had a question regarding prednisone and the appropriate dosing for acoustic trauma. Long story short, I had to figure this all out within the past couple days, and I am still trying to sort all the details. Any sort of help with this would be greatly appreciated. Here is my full story from the past two days.

I have been taking 50 mg of prednisone for about 3 days and have seen some small improvements (hopefully it's not temporary). I was given an extension on my prescription and was given an additional 4 days of the 50 mg.

My ENT said that 7 days is the maximum that you want to take that dosing of prednisone for before tapering off is necessary.

Is taking that volume of prednisone for a whole week a good idea? I was also debating possibly holding onto some prednisone from this prescriptions for possible future acoustic trauma.

I know a lot of this is advice, but I am just trying to figure out myself if I want to finish this prescription early or maybe end it a bit early if there is a risk of possibly aggravating my tinnitus or hyperacusis. This is all just very new to me as I usually don't take any real medication besides the odd Advil.

Thank you very much!
Hello everyone,

I had a question regarding prednisone and the appropriate dosing for acoustic trauma. Long story short, I had to figure this all out within the past couple days, and I am still trying to sort all the details. Any sort of help with this would be greatly appreciated. Here is my full story from the past two days.

I have been taking 50 mg of prednisone for about 3 days and have seen some small improvements (hopefully it's not temporary). I was given an extension on my prescription and was given an additional 4 days of the 50 mg.

My ENT said that 7 days is the maximum that you want to take that dosing of prednisone for before tapering off is necessary.

Is taking that volume of prednisone for a whole week a good idea? I was also debating possibly holding onto some prednisone from this prescriptions for possible future acoustic trauma.

I know a lot of this is advice, but I am just trying to figure out myself if I want to finish this prescription early or maybe end it a bit early if there is a risk of possibly aggravating my tinnitus or hyperacusis. This is all just very new to me as I usually don't take any real medication besides the odd Advil.

Thank you very much!
It should be okay, but please be careful about getting into a cycle of dosing prednisone after every noise exposure, I know myself and many others became trapped in this cycle.

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