Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

Thanks Chris. That's a massive help and very true.

I slept better last night after a tiny dose of lorazepam and already feel less anxious today. And as you say I have to take this each day and not worry about what might happen. Thanks again mate and hope you are well today.
I'm really happy to hear that! Enjoy a better day!

I recently developed a case of tinnitus in my left ear. It came on suddenly on September 12. Although I have not had obvious exposure to loud noises, my hearing test showed some high frequency hearing loss in both ears, although I've so far had tinnitus only in my left ear. My left ear shows a deficiency to about 35 dB at 4000 Hz, but otherwise my hearing is ok. My right ear has a smaller deficiency to about 30 dB also at 4000 Hz, but no tinnitus. I had extreme stress (work, kids, lack of time) in the weeks leading up to the tinnitus, but no other obvious immediate cause (besides the hearing loss, which I did not know about).

My question arises because I seem to have had some benefit from recently starting methylprednisolone. The first ENT I saw said steroids would likely not help someone with my profile. A second ENT I saw last week agreed that steroids were a long-shot, but agreed to prescribe a short-course given little downside. The prescribed course is Day 1 - 24 mg, Day 2 - 20 mg, Day 3 - 16 mg, Day 4 - 12 mg, Day 5 - 8 mg, and Day 6 - 4 mg. I am on Day 3 today.

The steroids definitely seem to be helping the tinnitus, particularly in the morning and afternoon, but seem to wear off by the evening, and then the tinnitus returns.

Does the fact that the methylprednisolone seems to help suggest anything? Should I ask for a higher dose of steroids? I've read some stories of steroids being taken early after onset of tinnitus making a difference, and I am desperate to take any possible precautions to increase the chances that the tinnitus does not become permanent.

If it becomes permanent, I will deal with it, but in these early stages I am eager to take all possible steps I can now that might make a long-term difference. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
I saw an ENT 2+ months into having ear issues as my first doctor gave me Zyrtec and Flonase. He diagnosed me with SSHL & Tinnitus.

It's a last ditch effort so late in the game but I am on Prednisone to try to save some of the hearing.

However, I feel like the past few days my tinnitus is unbearably loud and is not fading into the background ever. Is this from the Prednisone?

I'm considering stopping it as I can live with a hearing aid but the aggravated tinnitus is terrible.
I saw an ENT 2+ months into having ear issues as my first doctor gave me Zyrtec and Flonase. He diagnosed me with SSHL & Tinnitus.

It's a last ditch effort so late in the game but I am on Prednisone to try to save some of the hearing.

However, I feel like the past few days my tinnitus is unbearably loud and is not fading into the background ever. Is this from the Prednisone?

I'm considering stopping it as I can live with a hearing aid but the aggravated tinnitus is terrible.
I'd stop, it should be used right away after a hearing trauma.
2 months in is too late and any change would be placebo, unless your tinnitus is due to inflammation in your neck or jaw, which it sounds like it's not.

I'd stop, I don't know anything about Zyrtec or Flonase, what are they?
Sorry to hear about your troubles, take care.

Edit: I just looked up the meds, they are for nasal congestion. Is that something you suffer from?

I recently developed a case of tinnitus in my left ear. It came on suddenly on September 12. Although I have not had obvious exposure to loud noises, my hearing test showed some high frequency hearing loss in both ears, although I've so far had tinnitus only in my le I've read some stories of steroids being taken early after onset of tinnitus making a difference, and I am desperate to take any possible precautions to increase the chances that the tinnitus does not become permanent.

If it becomes permanent, I will deal with it, but in these early stages I am eager to take all possible steps I can now that might make a long-term difference. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!
Thanks Chris. That's most helpful.

I was at the doc's today that prescribed as per my earlier post. As it has only been 6 or 7 days on a medium dose the doctor said no taper needed which I did before and was fine apart from some tiredness with.

I am currently more depressed than I have ever been due to thinking the tinnitus spike I have at the moment won't go now that I'm off the Prednisolone. I'm also panicking in case I do get bad withdrawals.

Sorry for being so honest above I just don't know what to do.
I am currently feeling the same - depressed due to tinnitus spike and scared to continue taking it. My fear is I now I have it in both ears and that it is indeed worse as I've been taking the Prednisone. I am 3 months in to SSHL so do not believe it is my ears adjusting to the loss of hearing at this point. I wish there was much more research done about this!
I am currently feeling the same - depressed due to tinnitus spike and scared to continue taking it. My fear is I now I have it in both ears and that it is indeed worse as I've been taking the Prednisone. I am 3 months in to SSHL so do not believe it is my ears adjusting to the loss of hearing at this point. I wish there was much more research done about this!
In all honesty and it's my opinion only. I think prednisone can make some of us jittery and in turn, the anxiety makes tinnitus worse. I am actually feeling calmer today. The lasting side effects I had were anxiety which seems to be lessening each day and have had odd periods where my heart seems to be beating a lot harder and this seems to be decreasing as well. Prednisone seems to be a hard drug for many and some have great benefits from it, for me, I will never take it again as made my anxiety and tinnitus so much worse. Today my tinnitus even feels better as I am calmer and slept better.

I am also into three months with tinnitus and feel better at handling the spikes and I know it's still early days and there is still some way to go but remain positive. There are good and bad periods but I have learned already that stress and worry make things so much worse. The forum has provided me with so much hope as we are all in this together.
I have been taking Prednisolone for a week now. I just got back from seeing my ENT. He initually wouldn't prescribe me any more Prednisolone. He said if I didn't feel better in a week, it's probably useless for me. However, I insisted, because I wanted to take risk so he did.

I don't know if prednisolone is the cause, but my T seems to be more intense. A week ago my T sounded like a mosquito buzzing in my ears most of the time. Now it sounds like a police siren. It is almost unbearable. Could Prednisolone cause this? Should I stop taking it? Or is it just a side effect and will go eventually in the future? It seems to be giving me dizziness too.
I am in the EXACT same boat. I was given 5 days of 40mg prednisone. Asked for the full tapered dose and did 2 days 40, 2 days 60, 2 days 40 before stopping due to the horrific Tinnitus. I am now FAR worse off than when I started. I am hoping & praying that it subsides back to what it was before the steroids. Scared this will continue to be this horrific siren
I got back from the doctor today and since the antibiotics didn't help completely cure my sinus and I still get headaches around the ear and shooting pain in the ear a few times a day he decided to prescribe me Prednisone/Prednisolon. The order is 40mg for 3 days, after that 20mg for 4 more days. He told me I might have difficulty sleeping and hopes it will be worth it. I'm kind of worried about the sleep though as after sleeping my T is a bit easier to cope with. Did any of you who had Prednisone have difficulty sleeping because of it? The T does fluctuate daily however and maybe seen some improvement lately so my hopes are up it will help quiet it a bit more. I will keep you posted what my experience is with Prednisone.
The steroids definitely seem to be helping the tinnitus, particularly in the morning and afternoon, but seem to wear off by the evening, and then the tinnitus returns.

May I ask did you notice the improvement immediately after the first dose?
Hello I just saw this. It's about some injection in the neck. tinnitus.html

My tinnitus probably has something to do with the neck so I am checking.

I had some good and quiet months. But now my neck is locked, my head has crazy pain and the tinnitus is louder.

I am trying to understand if a cortisone injection will make my pains go away and tinnitus not so loud.

In the past every time I took cortisone pills for some allergies for 4-5 days, after a week most of the tinnitus goes away for a small period.

I do not know what to ask from a doctor. I will pay out of pocket because every time I went to public hospital they told me not to take cortisone.
They only want to see you if you are dying.

They do not understand how loud the tinnitus is and how big the pain in the neck and the head is.

What injection can I ask and which part of the body is the best to do it if I find a doctor to understand me?

I ask which part of the body to do the injection in because I read that one type of injection is in the cervical at intervertebral disc having a problem (I have medium problem in 4 intervertebral discs like the doctor said) or can the injection be done in the muscles?

The former is difficult because I read it has to be done inside the hospital.

I just want to try an injection because the pains and the tinnitus are big problems and the injection will send the cortisone more close to the problem area than the pills.

Probably not as targeted as being inside the intervertebral disc but at least closer to the problem.

What do you think?
My experience with Prendisolon was 1st day : not much difference. 2nd day : when going to bed it was pretty quiet! 3rd day : was louder during the day. 4th day no high pitched chirp when going to bed. From there on every day it started to come back.
Just to share my experience, I was on oral Prednisone for 15 days as the first line treatment, with no discernible effects on my T. I think corticoids' being effective or not will probably depend on your T's underlying cause.
I have been on prednisone for about the past 3 weeks. It is starting to make me feel weird. My muscle are aching and so are my bones. As well when I take my left ear will have a pulsating buzz. That might not be related though.

What are thoughts? What should I do?

I have been on prednisone for about the past 3 weeks. It is starting to make me feel weird. My muscle are aching and so are my bones. As well when I take my left ear will have a pulsating buzz. That might not be related though.

What are thoughts? What should I do?

Prednisone is a steroid. It can affect people in different ways and have possible side effects.
What are thoughts? What should I do?
Stop. If it hasn't helped you tinnitus yet then it won't. These steroids are only good in the short interval that your hair cells are dying but not dead yet. They prevent something called apoptosis, cell death. There is only a short window for them to be effective.
Stop. If it hasn't helped you tinnitus yet then it won't. These steroids are only good in the short interval that your hair cells are dying but not dead yet. They prevent something called apoptosis, cell death. There is only a short window for them to be effective.
Can I just stop them cold turkey, I've been on them for some time.
How many mg of prednisone are you taking daily?

Cold turkey is not advised... I took 60mg for a week and then stepped down daily to 50 mg, 40 mg, 30 mg, 20 mg, 10 mg, 10 mg, 10 mg.
Can I just stop them cold turkey, I've been on them for some time.
Do a search, again... not recommended... what's the harm in a gradual step down?

"Prednisone withdrawal occurs when a person stops taking prednisone abruptly or reduces their dose too quickly. Symptoms of prednisone withdrawal can include body aches, mood swings, and extreme fatigue."


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Do a search, again... not recommended... what's the harm in a gradual step down?
I will consider, they are starting to make me feel weird.
I will consider, they are starting to make me feel weird.
I was on prednisone 60mg taper but decided to taper fast off of it. 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, etc. as I was feeling quite weird and my noise was worse.

I was curious if I had inflammation in my neck and jaw. Normally I take a 4mg tapered dose pack but a longer term higher dose was prescribed instead.
as I was feeling quite weird and my noise was worse.
Yea, I feel the same way. It is making me feel weird and making my ringing change (not in a good way)
Hello! Please help me with a question. Do you guys think taking 15 mg of pred for 5 days will do any benifits from acustic trauma two week after the exposion that caused it? I took one dose and stopped after feeling wierd and thought "this low dose won't do any good either way". Is it stupid not to take the low dose?
Hello! Please help me with a question. Do you guys think taking 15 mg of pred for 5 days will do any benifits from acustic trauma two week after the exposion that caused it? I took one dose and stopped after feeling wierd and thought "this low dose won't do any good either way". Is it stupid not to take the low dose?
The dose of 15 mg after two weeks is far to low... Recommended by my top notch German ENT ( Wallesch 3 days of 60 mg and then taper down with 10 mg. S0: 60, 60, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20, 10, 10, 10, 10.
So is there any point for me to try to hunt down a GP that will give me a "real" dose of prednisone next week? Then it would be about 2-3+ weeks after the acoustic trauma that caused my tinnitus. I am so confused with the success rate of prednisone for tinnitus from acoustic trauma... My doctor basically said "I'll give you this cortisone pills for 5 days (15 mg each day) but there is no real evidence that it will work, but we can try". Then I asked "but that is a really small dose from what I've read online for treating acoustic trauma" and he said "well the side effects will not be worth it". Why try something that is very unlikely to work? It makes me mad the Swedish health system is a f*#! joke!

Reading this whole thread still makes me confused if prednisone has any good benefits for treating acoustic trauma after 48 hours+. Shouldn't there be any studies done to see correlation from the prednisone in this case? Acoustic traumas causing tinnitus must happen every day...
I can only speak from my experience that a prednisone course 2 weeks after my acoustic trauma did absolutely nothing for me.

Most of the literature I have read suggests that the window for steroids is about 24-48 hours.
Yes I know. He was incompetente in this area (as many doctors seems to be in Sweden unfortunately).
But is there any point trying to get another appointment with another doctor to get a "real" dose of prednisone? From what I understand it is not likely to help acoustic trauma after like 48 hours anyway? And I read hours on this and other websites and hasn't heard anyone who said it cured their noise induced tinnitus anyway.
I can only speak from my experience that a prednisone course 2 weeks after my acoustic trauma did absolutely nothing for me.

Most of the literature I have read suggests that the window for steroids is about 24-48 hours.

Thanks for the reply. That's what I've read too. I wish I'd knew to get it as soon as the noise trauma happened. But I didn't know and also hoped it would disappear in the first 48 hours. I can't go back in time so it's stupid to think about I guess.

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