Steroids: Prednisone / Dexamethasone / Others (Oral and Intratympanic Injections)

It's having a good effect on mine.

Day 1, got total silence for 5 hours by the end of the day.
Day, 2, rebounded in the morning, came back full blast, but got it down to about a 3 by night.
Day 3, today I started with a 3, and it's been down to about a 1 all day long.

I'm supplementing it with some B12 and Magnesium, Calcium and Zinc as well as some Ginko. Not sure what tomorrow will bring, but even for these 2 days of near silence, it's totally worth it! If for no other reason, to experience silence again after that raging sound in my head for 6 days straight, is not only peaceful, but it gives you huge psychological relief!

I have some mild side effects, dry mouth, increase in appetite and some dizziness, but I sleep like a baby even with raging T, so no insomnia issues.
In what dosages and according to what scheme did you take prednisolone?
30 mg at your sufficient dose?
As for the Prednisolone I was prescribed 25mg 1 x a day for 4 days, then 12.5mg for 4, then 6.25mg for 4 days. However, I am up to my fourth day of 25mg (30th May) and noticed improvements in my T levels. I contemplating going against doctors orders and extending my 25mg dose for a longer period after reading some peoples posts in this thread.
n what country did they appoint you?
You were prescribed prednisolone, not methyl prednisolone, not metipred, not dexamethasone, but prednisolone?
Did it help you?
I drink 30 mg, and I think it's not a small dosage, it often mentions a dose of 60 mg.
Has anyone had an increase in tinnitus from taking prednisolone?

It removes potassium from the cells, is it dangerous?

Why is it mentioned in some sources, as a preparation from which tinnitus is possible?
In the official instruction nothing is said about tinnitus as a side effect.
I found that taking 60mg+ per day of prednisolone cut my T way down after 1 day. When I stopped after 2 days, it reverted to baseline. I did this twice, during spikes. As for side effects, it might be coincidence but my weight set point seems to be 5-10 pounds higher than it used to before I tried this. Although it helps my T, it not a long term solution and it isn't even worth it for a day or two of relief.
Although it helps my T, it not a long term solution and it isn't even worth it for a day or two of relief.
Interesting. That is, the effect of the device immediately passes after the drug is discontinued?

How do you generally cope with spikes, if not hormones? What's the longest time You've had?

Are you trying to calm down or something?
Interesting. That is, the effect of the device immediately passes after the drug is discontinued?

How do you generally cope with spikes, if not hormones? What's the longest time You've had?

Are you trying to calm down or something?

I got my Tinnitus about 2 years ago. I have hearing damage at 4000hz (it is reduced by 45db - considered moderate), and that is where my tone is. If I expose my ears to loud noise, I generally get a spike the next day that lasts 1-2 weeks. I am currently having a spike right now as I went to a restaurant for a business meeting on Tues night that was 70-80db. In general, I cannot tell if a spike is because my T is actually louder or because my brain is paying more attention to it. I can say that previous to this spike, I was actually further down the habituation trail than I have ever been before. I had several days last week where I only noticed my T once or twice per day! Normally I notice it several hundred times per day, all day long.

Prednisone reduces inflammation. My guess is that there is an element of inflammation in my T process. To try and get my inflammation reduced naturally I eat a lot of fish oil capsules. Maybe they are what is helping me habituate on my good days like last week? Maybe not. Maybe they just give me the illusion of doing something proactive which allows my mind to stop fixating on it. I will say that just to be safe, I double my consumption of fish oil during a spike.
How old are you, if not secret?
It took you a while to come to this state of habituation and adaptation?
I am 47. I have had my T for 2 years. It's really only in the last 2 months that I have come to a point where I can go most of the day without thinking about it. And that is a fragile state. If I expose myself to too much noise... say over 70db for an hour or two it gets worse for a few days or weeks.

I suspect that a lot of habituation has to do with just not worrying about it. My spikes come when I do something that makes me worry I could have hurt my ears more. For example there is no physiological reason why 70-80db for an hour would cause further hearing damage. Normally it takes 80db for something like 8 hours to cause hair cells to die. And yet it affects me, because it makes me worry about it and focuses my attention on it.

I will say this though.. the predenisone affect is real, not imagined. I know this because when on high doses of prednisone my hearing test at 4000hz was consistently 10db better than normal. This measurement was done through dozens of self administered tests. Although self-administered tests have a margin of error, there was a clear difference. I could hear softer sound levels consistently then that I have never ever been able to hear when not on it.
I could hear softer sound levels consistently then that I have never ever been able to hear when not on it.
It's amazing.
In what doses did you take Prednisolone in tablets?

After the course was completed, did everything return to normal?

What was your longest spike?

Have you ever used benzos (xanax, clonazepam)?
It's amazing.
In what doses did you take Prednisolone in tablets?

After the course was completed, did everything return to normal?

What was your longest spike?

Have you ever used benzos (xanax, clonazepam)?

I took 60mg per day for 2 days. The first time it was prescribed by an ENT, the next time I just used my left over pills. I can't remember anymore what the exact breakdown was (?20mg 3x per day is my guess). I wanted to be on them for short enough a time that I didn't need to taper the dose and could just stop.

Hard to say what the longest spike is... they have no real defined end point. In fact... the more you try to measure them, the longer they will last. My T never goes away, if I listen for it, it is there, so if I try to actively monitor my spike, it will seem to never end. It is more of a "hey... its 8pm and I guess I haven't noticed it too much today, the spike must be over".

No benzos. I am not depressed.
I had a serious increase of my Tinnitus 2 months ago. Because I panicked and had severe anxiety I did not take Prednisone because of the mental issues. Now I am on my second day of a five day course with 50mg Prednisone. My doc says 5 days 50mg don't need to be tapered so I can stop without taper. It's that right? Or should I taper down?
your doctor is right. well, i think he is, i did not study medicine but as far as i understand it it is ok-
also from my experience: i took 100mg for 5 days (each day early in the morning 100mg), no tapering and everything was fine.
I am on my 4th do of Prednisolone 50 mg and my Tinnitus spiked. Spikes are normal during Prednisone intake, is that right? Tomorrow would be my last day and then stop according to my doc. My T can be mild but also severe. It's a loud static white noise ATM.
It's a loud static white noise ATM.
Why did you have a spike of tinnitus?
On what day did you start taking prednisolone?
What effects do you feel? Do you say prednisolone has increased your tinnitus?
What about anxiety or insomnia, you have not experienced these side effects?
What is the current rate of this course of steroids after the beginning of tinnitus in you?
I just finished prednisone treatment and there's no difference for me. Tomorrow I'm getting an eardrum injection . This will be the first of three injections.
I took a 6 day course of methylprednisolone for acoustic trauma and it elevated the already present T-tone to the point I could hear it constantly over everything along with mild hyperacusis which subsided the day after I finished my cycle. I should add I was extremely depressed whiler taking it and had suicidal ideation and panic attacks at night over my T. The ringing has lowered and I am less hyper-fixated on it so I'm unsure if the steroids did improve anything since I had no real baseline to go off of except for the day I noticed it but if you receive an increase in your T tone don't fear. I recommend anyone that it is better to be safe then sorry if they have SSHL and immediately go to an urgent care as time is critical and get help, if you have any depressing thoughts realize they are a result of the drug and find comfort through friends and family until you finish your course.
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I took a 6 day course of methylprednisolone for acoustic trauma and it elevated the already present T-tone to the point I could hear it constantly over everything along with mild hyperacusis which subsided the day after I finished my cycle.

Correlation vs causation?
Why would the methylprednisolone be responsible for the spike, rather than the acoustic trauma?
Correlation vs causation?
Why would the methylprednisolone be responsible for the spike, rather than the acoustic trauma?

I don't know anecdotally I perceived the ringing as louder while I was on methylprednisolone, could just have been me being hyper-aware of it as it's subsided quite a bit to the point where I can tune it out. I hope others fare as well I did in the future.
Had first eardrum injection today. Ringing is still the same but glad I finally got the procedure done. There was pain when the needle punctured the eardrum. Glad my husband was there to hold my hand. Two more to go.
@Nice I had sudden hearing loss and recovered nearly 100% with IV systemic methylprednisolone - high doses > 250mg day for 3 days and after that lower doses and tapering for about 10-15 days.

Why do you get intratympanic and not IV?

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