Issues began Nov 1 2015. Initial problem was disziness and sound sensitivity. 4 months later and I have a "working" diagnosis of idiopathic endothymphatic hydrops and a "some people take it for 20 years" Rx of Diamox.
High freq tinnitus is random and decreasing. Low frequency rumble tinnitus is getting stronger and more constant. Diamox seems to help at first but then rumble always returns. FEELS more like a vibration in my head than auditory sound but reading this site I realized low bass frequency tinnitus is a thing.
High freq tinnitus is random and decreasing. Low frequency rumble tinnitus is getting stronger and more constant. Diamox seems to help at first but then rumble always returns. FEELS more like a vibration in my head than auditory sound but reading this site I realized low bass frequency tinnitus is a thing.