I just want to give my 2cents on this study:
Yes it can improve over time
No sometimes it stays the same
I really think it depends on the person honestly and how they react to T and H. For me, it all started when I was 13 from a firework accident. I had no clue what this was and eventually like the study says it gets better over time. I didn't hear it full on until I was about 27 (34 now). When it did come full on, I didn't know what to do, I tried looking for help from doctors and people and by that time my father and mother have already had it (10+ years). I didn't see an ENT almost 3 months later until he gave me steroids on my first on set. Did they help? I don't know. Maybe they did, maybe they didn't. But it was during this time I stayed busy with my life. Graduated as an Electrical Engineer with a second degree in Computer Science. Then I started my first job out of college (still working here 7 years later).
Because of my job, I was exposed to loud noises, 2+ hour helicopter flights, over seas travels, diesel Engine rooms, offshore work, etc. But the one thing I always wore were my musician ear plugs ALL the time during my work. And guess what. I did not have any effect on my T, at all no increase at all it stayed the same.
As a matter of fact, my T was very unique in a way that I pretty much drank what I wanted and ate what I wanted to the point of which I barely noticed any changed based on food or diet (of course I tried to eat healthy as much as I could but offshore food is soo damn good lol) but I drank moderately and I enjoyed my life. (had plenty of drunken nights).
Until 6 weeks ago, I sensed an increase in pitch and loudness. How can I tell, well certain areas in my house I couldn't hear it and others I could. And well now, I hear it pretty much 80% of the time. Since my increase I've had 2 days where it seemed to go back to baseline(normally what it was) but my PT in my left ear (since 2007) is a roller coaster (that is a whole new world LOL).
But in my case it did get better, and I pray that it does. In the mean time I will work on my circuit designs, build my drones, go fishing on my bass boat and enjoy life in general. But one thing I will never give up is my boooooze.
Sorry T, but booze comes first, then supplements.