Suicidal Tinnitus — Fact or Fiction?

I felt suicidal when i first got it but such feelings went away and I have not felt like that again although i still suffer from tinnitus.

Is it just the mindset?

or can it really make you suffer that much?
I think you answered your own question, @tinnitussufferer.

I think it is fairly common among acute tinnitus sufferers to have suicidal ideations. Thankfully it seems for most people that those feelings subside as they start to feel better.
I have read couple of stories about T and suicidals... I suspect (i'm not really sure), that people with T that commit suicide, is mostly related with the effect of drugs like benzos. In some people, these drugs is just like a flame that makes them explode. Adding that, some people in desperation try alot of different drugs, in wrong dosages.
I don't think suicide rates are higher in tinnitus people vs general population.

I'm not sure sure about the hyperacusis/reactive T numbers though.
I felt suicidal when i first got it but such feelings went away and I have not felt like that again although i still suffer from tinnitus.

Is it just the mindset?

or can it really make you suffer that much?
Reality check here. It may be both - true and a mindset. There's a gentleman, who I believe is still here, who applied for suicide and was rejected from Dignitas. Others have mentioned understandably irrational ways to commit suicide.

When we first figured out I had tinnitus, my partner became extremely worried. Tinnitus does create nasty situations. It can drive people nuts. I watch my moods and try to be careful that I don't brush it off on anyone but a person or two in this forum. It may be in passing or it may go on for a while. On the really bad days or evenings I know peace, however achievable, is what I want. It doesn't mean I have plans (I have plans not to). It does mean that whatever is going on is so outrageous that I'd do just about anything in my realm of reality to shut down my brain.
I have read couple of stories about T and suicidals... I suspect (i'm not really sure), that people with T that commit suicide, is mostly related with the effect of drugs like benzos. In some people, these drugs is just like a flame that makes them explode. Adding that, some people in desperation try alot of different drugs, in wrong dosages.
When I reached a couple of breaking points, it had absolutely nothing (NADA) to do with benzos. It had to do with not being able to turn down the volume in my brain after days of non-stop noise.

How can we find out what the suicide rate is for T vs the general population when we know information is not accurately reported. When my mother died from lung cancer, I did an obit that included why she died and that was conveniently edited out (from something I was willing to pay for) from the newspaper by the paper.
Same here.. add PTSD on top of it.
I overcame all of it but every night I think wtf.. maybe the only way to rest in peace is................

but no I'm not suicidal.. just some random thoughts. I think many people with severe tinnitus commit suicide because it affects their day to day life. For me T is bothersome when I go to sleep but I sleep well now.
I suspect (i'm not really sure), that people with T that commit suicide, is mostly related with the effect of drugs like benzos.

Actually, the moments when I was contemplating if life was going to be worth it if I had tinnitus were BEFORE I started getting help with therapy and medications --including benzos. So actually, benzos possibly saved me from suicide.

Early thoughts of suicide (suicide ideation) among people with tinnitus isn't rare -- but actual suicides are.
Human beings are such that suicidal ideation is not uncommon. Committing one is. The brain must be messed up for a person to commit suicide, meaning a person has to have major depression... Nobody commits suicide only because of tinnitus.
Human beings are such that suicidal ideation is not uncommon. Committing one is. The brain must be messed up for a person to commit suicide, meaning a person has to have major depression... Nobody commits suicide only because of tinnitus.
Watch a sort of hypothetical situation:
1. I've had tinnitus for four years. (True and likely longer)
2. 80% of the time it roars (not true for me).
3. At night it's worse and leads to extreme restlessness. (True - most of the time.)
4. I'm now anxious (lack of sleep will do that). I get that way.
5. I'm worried (lack of sleep will do that). True.
6. The noise is unbearable. True some of the time.

I end it. Unless you can prove to me without a doubt that people do not commit suicide because of tinnitus, my view is that I can see it happening. I'm not going to call it depression.

The unknown on this forum is we see snippets into people's lives. One guy asked for the Dignitas "pill" (whatever it is) and was denied. We do not know if tinnitus was the only problem he had but we do know he asked for it for tinnitus and was denied. That's all I know. The fellow wanted to end his life due to tinnitus.
I have read couple of stories about T and suicidals... I suspect (i'm not really sure), that people with T that commit suicide, is mostly related with the effect of drugs like benzos. In some people, these drugs is just like a flame that makes them explode. Adding that, some people in desperation try alot of different drugs, in wrong dosages.
Wow!what a bad message to send to people that could be helped by benzo's. You admit you are not really sure and suspect? These type of posts scare people who are in dire situations and need help, yes sometimes that means meds. I don't blame you if you have had a bad experience or are against meds, but why make a scary statement like that???
what a bad message to send to people that could be helped by benzo's

Hi Kevin b, how are you.

No, I'm not saying benzos are bad for handling tinnitus. I think they are really good for almost everyone. If you read carefully in my post, you will find key words like "some" and "abuse". I've also said that i'm an illiterate about the topic.

What just wanted to say, and i think its valid, that people have to take very carefully the benzos thing, under medical survaillance and counselling.

For the record, i have never used benzos, and i can hear my ringing over the environment sound, i'm more worried and bothered about my Hyperacusis.

Hi Kevin b, how are you.

No, I'm not saying benzos are bad for handling tinnitus. I think they are really good for almost everyone. If you read carefully in my post, you will find key words like "some" and "abuse". I've also said that i'm an illiterate about the topic.

What just wanted to say, and i think its valid, that people have to take very carefully the benzos thing, under medical survaillance and counselling.

For the record, i have never used benzos, and i can hear my ringing over the environment sound, i'm more worried and bothered about my Hyperacusis.

Benzos, sleeping pills, and other drug all come with the warnings on them that we've become too comfortable with. It's done on purpose (being comfortable with side effects for everything - known as desensitizing), so folks stop caring about this (because every drug has a side effect). You do have to be careful with them because they may cause suicidal thoughts. Negating this reality is not what I do or would do. I take klonopin now and then. I take ambien more - it knocks me out.

JohnnyMx: Your statement was fine to me. If people take benzos or any drug, you just need to be careful and that's what docs can help with.
Wow!what a bad message to send to people that could be helped by benzo's. You admit you are not really sure and suspect? These type of posts scare people who are in dire situations and need help, yes sometimes that means meds. I don't blame you if you have had a bad experience or are against meds, but why make a scary statement like that???
People in dire situations and their physicians can think and it's just another one of those situations where you need to use your best guess as to what to do. Take benzos if it helps. Understand it may increase tinnitus and may cause more anxiety. Just stay on top of it. I'm weigh these situations frequently enough and make the best decision I can.
I felt suicidal when i first got it but such feelings went away and I have not felt like that again although i still suffer from tinnitus.

Is it just the mindset?

or can it really make you suffer that much?

Fact. I can safely say that I had tinnitus which was so bad, that I wanted to die on a daily basis. Thankfully I found the holy trobalt and was mostly cured...And keppra healed my hyperacusis and reactive tinnitus.
Fact. I can safely say that I had tinnitus which was so bad, that I wanted to die on a daily basis. Thankfully I found the holy trobalt and was mostly cured...And keppra healed my hyperacusis and reactive tinnitus.
Sorry, DB, and thanks. I hope you're hanging in there wayyyyy over there.

I'm crossing a border here and not to Canada or Mexico. Why does your avatar say "Worried"? You obviously don't have to answer.
I felt suicidal when i first got it but such feelings went away and I have not felt like that again although i still suffer from tinnitus.

Is it just the mindset?

or can it really make you suffer that much?
I believe everyone when onset cant believe so its hard.. And everyone feels bad.. I also had suicidal thoughts at first then i got used to my T and went on with life.. Kick in a few permanent volume increases in 2 years...i stil had a grip on it with no suicide thoughts but then i developed H for the second time but way stronger than the first stint and very reactive T.. And 5 months later im in hell this is some extreme symptoms.. My T keeps getting louder from exposure to my H and reactive t the temporary spikes have become more temporary volume increases.. And my ears are always in a delicate state they always hurt for everything , headaches every day with earaches.. And being in a big family isnt helping my rest and being in a loud neighborhood with hooligans isnt helping me either.. I have suicidal thoughts at least everyother day especially when i get exposed to noise and my ears go haywire and everything sets in pain and louder increases doesnt mean ima kill myslef but its a thought that always crosses my situation isnt common to most. They will never experience what i do.. And i dont have depression but some anxiety to noises as they hurt my ears when exposed and i mean little sounds not loud sounds...
I believe everyone when onset cant believe so its hard.. And everyone feels bad.. I also had suicidal thoughts at first then i got used to my T and went on with life.. Kick in a few permanent volume increases in 2 years...i stil had a grip on it with no suicide thoughts but then i developed H for the second time but way stronger than the first stint and very reactive T.. And 5 months later im in hell this is some extreme symptoms.. My T keeps getting louder from exposure to my H and reactive t the temporary spikes have become more temporary volume increases.. And my ears are always in a delicate state they always hurt for everything , headaches every day with earaches.. And being in a big family isnt helping my rest and being in a loud neighborhood with hooligans isnt helping me either.. I have suicidal thoughts at least everyother day especially when i get exposed to noise and my ears go haywire and everything sets in pain and louder increases doesnt mean ima kill myslef but its a thought that always crosses my situation isnt common to most. They will never experience what i do.. And i dont have depression but some anxiety to noises as they hurt my ears when exposed and i mean little sounds not loud sounds...

You'll be fine, just up the dose of keppra and it should help.
I have read couple of stories about T and suicidals... I suspect (i'm not really sure), that people with T that commit suicide, is mostly related with the effect of drugs like benzos. In some people, these drugs is just like a flame that makes them explode. Adding that, some people in desperation try alot of different drugs, in wrong dosages.
is mostly related with the effect of T, but no benzo. Benzos , alcohol and drugs just can help with
implementing of long-standing decision
if a person was a perfectly happy (perhaps as rich and can afford to let a lot ) to T , he will live , if all else T will finish him completely, has fatality kick. thts all
Catastrophic tinnitus causes suicide, period.
I'm confused as to why this seems so hard to comprehend (dan, I'm not questioning you at all).
Call it catastrophic (and define it) or call it hellishly loud. I'd want a final exit from it pending life's
circumstances. I think that's it for me here. Yes, tinnitus can lead to suicide or certainly suicidal thoughts.

... is mostly related with the effect of T, but no benzo. Benzos , alcohol and drugs just can help with
implementing of long-standing decision . 'Splain, please? Meaning this person has been suicidal
for a long period of time from whatever? (Also, to anyone who's reading this,
the combo molotov cocktail may just make you very sick. Odds of it all killing anyone are close to nil -
don't even try it.)
I think tinnitus most certainly can make someone commit suicide. From own experience and what I've seen others tell it seems most of us go through this phase where we either accept our T and find ways to cope with it, or break down. Sometimes both. If one already has mental issues, tinnitus can be the last thing one needs to be pushed over the edge. So, I think tinnitus can lead to suicide, but it also has a lot to do with a persons mentality and how to deal with the T itself.
I think tinnitus most certainly can make someone commit suicide. From own experience and what I've seen others tell it seems most of us go through this phase where we either accept our T and find ways to cope with it, or break down. Sometimes both. If one already has mental issues, tinnitus can be the last thing one needs to be pushed over the edge. So, I think tinnitus can lead to suicide, but it also has a lot to do with a persons mentality and how to deal with the T itself.
I agree with this. T becomes such a heavy burden if you have other health issues aswell. Especially mental ones
Sounds like you may need meds. I pushed and pushed to get through without meds. Went two months I gave in. Its the lack of sleep mixed with anxiety.
This is where I pushed back on drugs. I attempted to not take them but the result was worse than taking them. It's hard to find the right balance.

Jesse: It's the mental (we likely all go through it) and the myriad of physical garbage I have to work through. Seems like your comment is tilted a bit on the psychological side and (ouch ...) it is both :) .
It depends on volume and frequency.
I have two milder days behind me. Only one tone, not that loud, but clearly audible. But I was functioning. Could work, could socialize, could play with my kids.
T today with 2-4 tones. All high-pitched above 15 kHz and loud, louder than the shower. I need listening to crickets that it mixes up with T. Functioning with this? Somehow, but very difficult.
The T I have today was my T for many months. Anxiety and depression 24/7.
Yes, it is suicidal T. Believe me.
But I have wife and kids. I need going through it, however bad it is.
I pray to good that there will be relief for us.
It depends on volume and frequency.
I have two milder days behind me. Only one tone, not that loud, but clearly audible. But I was functioning. Could work, could socialize, could play with my kids.
T today with 2-4 tones. All high-pitched above 15 kHz and loud, louder than the shower. I need listening to crickets that it mixes up with T. Functioning with this? Somehow, but very difficult.
The T I have today was my T for many months. Anxiety and depression 24/7.
Yes, it is suicidal T. Believe me.
But I have wife and kids. I need going through it, however bad it is.
I pray to good that there will be relief for us.
I hear you bro, the show must go on....
I don't have a wife or kids so I contemplate suicide every day nowadays. Especially since my T increased 3 months ago and I now have this random Morse code T spasms that are impossible to habituate to. All my previous tones were more or less constant so even if they were loud I could somehow live through it. But now T is on my mind 90% of the day every day. Nothing that I do brings me any joy anymore. So do I really gain anything by continuing to suffer?
I don't have a wife or kids so I contemplate suicide every day nowadays. Especially since my T increased 3 months ago and I now have this random Morse code T spasms that are impossible to habituate to. All my previous tones were more or less constant so even if they were loud I could somehow live through it. But now T is on my mind 90% of the day every day. Nothing that I do brings me any joy anymore. So do I really gain anything by continuing to suffer?
I also developed this morse code sound in my right ear only 2 months ago , it comes and goes throughout the day..

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